Air Asia Strategic Management Recommendations Essay

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AirAsia belongs to the airline industry. Competition in the air travel industry is extremely intense and is growing quickly together with the embrace demand for price range fares around Asia. The various airlines are responsible for use of several strategies to take on one another in the airline industry and it is essential for air travel companies to recognize their competitive advantages to be able to be able to attain profits and brand equity globally.

1 ) 2 External Environment Examination A prime case in point in Malaysia would be Malaysian Airlines Program (MAS). Such companies are often well-subsidized by way of a governments , nor face very much competition. Rather than being profit-oriented, they are more focused on gratifying national goals.

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As such, privatization and de-regulation have paved the way for new routes and air-port deals via the use of available skies negotiating between countries and authorization of admittance of private air carriers (Dellit 2002) As such, they might give new airlines which can be low-cost service providers such as AirAsia, Jetstar and Tiger Airways chances to gain access to domestic routes and supply market share of the airline industry. However , in light of the positive effect, the flight industry is hit by threats such as terrorism, accidents, attacks and disasters.

A drop in customer assurance in a particular airline company would be bad for a company’s profits too, hence a low cost carrier will be subjected to elements such as flying restrictions, consumer preferences and geographical infrastructure of Asia (Steverman 2009). To overcome such uncertainties, a budget flight company would have to be careful in picking favourable ways in it’s day to day functions so as to avoid any kind of possible negative impacts. (Dellit 2002) However , the possible impact of fluctuating olive oil prices in the economy would have a toll upon operation costs when fuel prices appreciate (Milmo 2011). Revenue and profitability of the company in general would land if fuel prices become too high.

As a result economic factors are not inside airline companies’ control and are unavoidable, the opportunities will outweigh the disadvantages, presenting further possibilities for them to continue in its expansion across Asia. During monetary downturns, there is an predicted demand for affordable low airfares amongst budget-conscious buyers, particularly for travellers who are traveling on enjoyment (Ernst & Young 2012). People are right now keener about exploring areas far away from home and are willing to fork out money for this sort of experiences.

To do so , the thought of low cost airfares that would allow them save more to spend by holiday spots is appealing to them (Ernst & Fresh 2012). The attractiveness of budget air carriers lie mostly with their low-ticket prices thus would present itself being a major opportunity to budget airlines. For a great airline to differentiate on its own from its competitors, it has to be able to have value-added services besides low deals to distinguish itself and outstand the rest.

This works out to become competitive edge, which may present itself as an important factor to get airline businesses to have in order to succeed as a low cost company (DestinAsia 2012). Labour assemblage specifically the pilots’ and mechanics’ assemblage have high bargaining electrical power as their skills are hard to replace. Additionally , there has been a great observed trend whereby powerful union strikes in the air travel industry have led to adverse abnormal comes back (Finance Division Faculty Journals University of Nebraska Lincoln 1991). Furthermore, wage rates accounts for a more substantial proportion of costs in the airline sectors as compared to additional industries (Lehn 2000).

1 ) 5 Chances and Hazards Opportunities Liberalization of Geographic Markets: Complete liberalization from the Asian marketplace would open doors to AirAsia helping these people expand their routes. Malaysia’s underdeveloped aviation market: Even though Malaysia’s location may inspire air travel, a survey saved in 2001 revealed only 6% of the human population was accomplishing this. Therefore , it shows great opportunity for those to promote flights in their home country. Further Growth into Freight Tansportation: A contract with a freight company was performed in 2007 and as stated by AirAsia, it to section of their particular ancillary salary, considerably causing the company’s bottom line.

Maybe AirAsia can reach different deals with various other cargo corporations. Oakland airport: The air-port is located around the west seacoast of the United States and may serve as an entry course into the American market. Travellers would be able to get a connecting flight to many various other destinations inside the US following that. 2 . 0 INTERNAL EXAMINATION 2 . you The Firm’s Resources: Concrete and Intangible With AirAsia’s established occurrence through support of athletics teams just like Manchester Combined and market leadership in the Malaysian home market, they may have an advantage more than competitors with their brand reputation.

The company’s strong romance with freight management organization, Leisure Valuables, is another intangible resource. Last but not least, the airline’s low start up operating advantage and net booking and ticketless travel allow for the most reasonable costs structure and low distribution costs respectively. installment payments on your 2 Capabilities Identification 2 . 3 Primary Competency Examination From the core competency evaluation, it can be deduced that a few of the firm’s features outstand other folks. Brand Equity stands for possessing a strong brand image and this is considered to be one of the sustainable competitive advantage over time.

Factors just like use of information technology, organizational framework and application and innovation would likewise make AirAsia outstand like-minded firms inside the airline market. Whereas vehicles switch might be a functionality that AirAsia has however it would only sustain the firm may be temporary and may always be similar to related capabilities that other companies include. Identifying a lot more outstanding factors would help the company in recognizing their sustainable capabilities as the returns might also be bigger compared to other factors.

Business tactics; shareholder management; partnership managing; relationship building Inbound strategies Monitoring opponents; In-flight providing; flight scheduling Human resource management Pilot and sales force training; in-flight training; job planning; functional training Functions Check-in, suitcases handling; bookings; cargo management; coordination of stations and hubs; on-board service; Technical development Computer reservation systems; Flight organizing system; market research; baggage doing a trace for system Telephone logistics Trip connections; reliability procedures; baggage systems; percentage payments Procurement Monitoring suppliers; branding (online); delivery instruction specification Marketing and sales Marketing and promotion; loyalty greeting card; group sales; online sales; travel agent programs Assistance Baggage claim service; car and motel reservation; customer profiling support; customer relationship management installment payments on your 5 Weaknesses At the moment AirAsia is deprived in that they have a majority of large body aircrafts that are not because economical pertaining to short haul flights. United states and Western european low-cost companies have around 77% narrow-body planes when compared with AirAsia’s 29%.

In addition , the organization is limited in their ability to grow services and volumes due to limited availability of suitable ports. There needs to be a greater flow of low-cost air carriers terminals at national and international airports. These kinds of terminals allow low-cost airlines to keep costs down through quick turn-around and cab times and for that reason charging consumers cheaper costs.

2 . six SWOT Evaluation STRENGTHS Too many wide body aircrafts instead of filter body for shorter flights Lack of low-cost service providers terminals at national and international airports OPTIONS Competing budget air carriers entering industry Deficiency of bilateral arrangement within countries enabling a free of charge flow of passengers Important players from other markets willing to become a member of the market Increase in gas cost several. 0 Strategies and Tips 3. a couple of Future Approaches In addition , AirAsia has tailored Revenue Managing Systems, Inc. (RMS) because their revenue supervision partner and selected airRM as its revenue management system (Revenue Management Systems, Inc. 2012).

This has led to the organization’s ability to assess historical info and outlook demand to be able to create effectiveness and hence cost benefits (AirAsia 2007). In addition to this currently set up system, there could be a collaboration in the IT qualified team with all the financial and marketing crew to determine the best approach to supervision inventory and revenue besides just going out of it to the IT professional team. Unquestionably, there will be dangers and boundaries that will be experienced when applying these suggested strategies. Among the potential risks of E-Commerce is the fact that this increases the possibility of making incorrect decisions plus the impact is usually huge and swift (International Symposium upon Government in E-Commerce Creation 2001).

An additional barrier may be the culture barrier between the several functional clubs (i. e. marketing, economical, IT team) that could perhaps cause the collaboration with the teams being unsuccessful. Because of this, this could lead to wastage of resources. This is done within the aircraft in which customers may not be able to keep the building (Leslie d. d).

These kinds of marketing projects can be integrated into mini leaflets or perhaps flyers so that customers can easily explore their future getaway options on side the flight to their current holiday destination. Furthermore, flyers onboard include a open mindset which can be due to the fact that they are really excited about the brand new destination that they would be going to therefore advertising to this kind of a potential audience would bring forth even more responsive outcomes (Leslie d. d). Employing this effort would require documents to be printed in precise and bold along with eye-catching method that would seize the attention from the flyers on board.

It has to be appealing so that buyers would enquire about it and not take a quick glance just before chucking that aside. Additional reiteration can be achieved by in-flight staff, that could bring personal marketing into this initiative by offering all their knowledge after request. It is an inexpensive process of certain in-flight advertising products and it would need more avertissement from interested customers.

This approach is ideal compared to the more expensive suggestions that would need mass media to promote purposes. In-flight advertising can take the form of magazines, radio, video or perhaps catalogs. Drawback of running this strategy a great in-flight marketing initiative could be the reduced potential audience, which stems from having a great outreach that is certainly only aircraft wide. Limited availability of flyers on flights that are emptier compared to other flights tends to make the promoting initiatives redundant.

Furthermore, it might incur the irritation of customers who may want to rest and not have to deal with everything else on the airline flight. In-flight endeavours such as the airwaves and video clips would incur higher costs as compared to paper advertising on catalogs and magazines. Furthermore, if the promoting placement is actually intrusive, customers may inturn develop bad attitudes towards AirAsia’s advertising regimes. Since many airlines have got started or perhaps plan on moving over to this kind of fuel, most likely supply might not be enough and prices go up with high demand (Wassener 2011).

Another risk could be the fact that if you work with edible plants to produce biofuel, food prices may go up. Moreover, in an attempt to increase development getting more area, natural habitats might be destroyed by deforestation (Gao, Skutsch, Masera & Pacheco 2011). Finally, a proportion in the market might be skeptical of flying on aircrafts utilizing aviation biofuels. Risks for the implementation of social media marketing campaigns is the fact that that opponent low cost-carriers may decide to copy this strategy allowing them to gain industry exposure as well and consequently rob market share if their efforts demonstrate to be more successful.

Additionally , customers and also require had awful experiences with all the company could have the story quickly spread in social media networks, which makes it more harder for firms to contain negative publicity. Sources AirAsia 2008, AirAsia benefits Airline Technique Award: Fund Category True 5 Superstar carrier gets Real five Star honour! Available from:. [10 October 2012] AirAsia 2009, Media’s Brand of the Year Goes to AirAsia Awarded pertaining to constant enhancements and bold ideas in branding promotions. Available via:.[10 March 2012] Airasia 2011, Investor contact.

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