If you are a college or university student, but most often you have to write an essay which is about 650 words long. It is important to consider that the minimum length of such a short task as an essay is about 250 words limit. Very often, you may encounter a situation when you will be asked to write an essay with as short as possible word count.
The fact is that the admissions officers are very busy with a big number of essays that students write on admission, and therefore, it is required that the length of your paper is minimal. Therefore, if you create an essay less than 600 words, then most likely, they will only be grateful.
! However, it is vital to understand that this requirement about the word count is not universally recognized.
The main purpose of writing an essay on admission to the university is to demonstrate your writing skills and also to manifest an individual writing style. Besides, when you create this type of task, you are expected to show what kind of person you really are and list your most energetic qualities and also indicate what interests and ideas you have in your life.
When writing a great essay for entering a college or university, you must also indicate why you deserve a chance to continue education in this educational institution. That is why writing a short essay for 250 words, in this case, will not be enough. Remember that competition when entering a higher educational institution is quite high, and you need to try to tell as clearly as possible about yourself and meet all the requirements that the selection committee makes.
That is why you’re most likely to be asked to create a research paper in the volume of 500 to 600 words. This length is usually enough to meet the requirements for admission and to tell about yourself as a future student of this educational institution.
The essay initially suggests that the task should be composed in sufficient volume. If we are talking about a school essay, then the length of your research paper will be even shorter than, for example, an essay that is composed in сollege or university. However, often, the length of an essay is determined by the topic on which this work is written and also by the complexity of the material that is used when writing.
Besides, if you need to write an essay that consolidates the free knowledge gained throughout the course, then, as a rule, this research paper can be from 5 to 10 pages. However, works of this length are very rare and can most likely be considered exceptions to the rules.
At the same point, it is essential to understand that often, the length of the essay will be initially indicated in the requirements for writing the research paper. However, there are times when the reading audience set the task and doesn’t note in the requirements how long your work should be. Thus, you write an essay until you describe your subject.
If, for example, you were asked to create an essay for a certain number of pages and you want to find out how many words it will contain, it is not so difficult to calculate this range. On average, about 500 words fit on one page of an essay. In other words, if you use the Times New Roman font with 12 sizes and single spacing, then approximately 500 words will fit on one page. Thus, you can very easily search how many words will contain a long essay that consists of 5, 10 or 15 pages.
! Be careful, if your professor indicates in the requirements the use of double line spacing, then on one page you will fit about 250 words.
Don’t forget about this simple rule, as very often, students initially write significantly more words than the paper requires and, accordingly, spend extra time. Besides, if you do not follow the precise requirements that are put forward for your paper, then it is unlikely that you have been praised because of these questions.
As you probably already know, the word essay consists of such parts as the introduction, body of work and the final section. Thus, most often, you will have to write the so-called essay in five paragraphs. In this case, most likely, the range of your essay will be about five pages. This option is one of the most common for scholars in the university.
If you get the task of writing an essay on ten pages, then the work that you will need to write will contain about 5000 words, which corresponds to almost 22 paragraphs. If scholars need about one day to write a standard word essay of 5 paragraphs, then for writing an essay of 5,000 words count, you will likely spend about three days without taking into account the day to check the content.
Why do I need these indicators? The fact is that the sooner you write a task, the more time you will have to check the entire text and eliminate the presence of grammar and spelling errors.
! Besides, sometimes an essay needs to be submitted in advance, and therefore, you should not postpone the writing process of an essay at the last moment.
Do not write sentences too long to increase the word count of essays. It will be much more efficient to divide long sentences into smaller parts. Besides, try to avoid sentences that carry no meaning. Many scholars try to write a large number of meaningless sentences in order to lengthen their task. However, please believe the teacher will immediately notice such a tricky move and, accordingly, the task will not be highly appreciated.
Also, make sure that all the text is written equally well in all parts. To do this, you can ask one of your friends to read your text aloud, and you, in turn, will try to put yourself in the shoes of the teacher and evaluate what you did.
Do not merely list random facts just to increase the words amount of your task. This is one of the grossest mistakes when you add a large number of exciting events to paragraphs in which we are not talking about this at all. At the same point, understand that readers expect to hear unique content, not the material that contains a wealth of useful facts that are indirectly related to your topic. To avoid this error after writing a draft, try to analyze the work and exclude arguments that do not matter.
Well, now perhaps the time has come to assess the volume of various types of essays and see how their structure looks. Let’s dwell in more detail on the essays with a volume of 1, 5, 10 or 15 pages:
The range of the essay paragraphs for which you must complete one page. In this case, the word count of an essay will look like this:
The range of the essay paragraphs for which you must complete five pages. In this case, the essay will look like this:
The range of the essay paragraphs for which you must complete ten pages. In this case, the essay will look like this:
The range of the essay for which you must complete fifteen pages. In this case, the essay will look like this:
The theme can be predetermined by the university (for example, ‘Is the ‘brainstorming’ a reasonably sufficient method for solving problems today?’). A specific subject area to which the topic of the essay should be directly related can also be indicated (‘Which school of management has the strongest potential in your opinion?’). The third option is that you choose the main theme for a given subject at your discretion. When choosing a free theme by yourself, bear in mind that it’s important to choose the one by which you can most logically explain your position.
Using a common truth. What would you think if you saw six pages of the argument for the thesis ‘man came from a monkey’? Of course, if you find revolutionary evidence for the theory of evolution, this is fine, but it’s no longer an essay.
Too contentious issue. Don’t start on topics that are not accepted for discussion:
The point is not to show your indifference, but that your opinion may go against the opinion of a member of the commission. Even if you’re genuinely interested in such questions, set it aside for future home research, an essay is not the best place for them.