Courage that my mother had term paper

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Published: 09.01.2020 | Words: 555 | Views: 587
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Memorial Home, Mother, Meter Viewers, Metaphor

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This is a unique device as it indicates mcdougal was taking a look at every aspect of the poem and thought long and hard about how precisely to use words and phrases to convey which means, emotion, and loss.

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As opposed, Parks would not worry about rhyme; he just uses meter and the rhythm of the terms to convey which means and feeling. Millay speaks about her mother through the entire poem, but Parks simply uses 3 lines to show his daddy has passed apart. Millay openly admires her mother, although it seems there is tension beneath the surface between Parks and his father. He seems to be observing events externally looking in, giving the illusion of emotional distance, while Millay is evidently distraught and overcome by loss of her mother. By making use of personification indirectly, Parks likens his daddy to a large, while Millay prefers to rather concentrate on her mother’s mental qualities and strengths. By looking at the various poetic gadgets in these two poems, it might be clear that each poet can use the same gadget very in different ways to create remarkable and vastly differing poems.

Parks as well exaggerates the “weight” of his large of a dad, noting it was a little while until one hundred guys to carry his casket. Of course this is figurative, he cannot have possibly weighed very much, but Recreational areas uses this kind of analogy to get the message across, that he can never live up to the giant that was his father. These two poets present their appreciate for their father and mother, but also show simply how much they respected them and may have been scared of them. Millay admires her mother’s valor, while Recreational areas admired the “hugeness” that was his father, suggesting that almost everything about him was large, outstanding, and even intimidating. Parks does not use as much emotion as Millay, yet, it is clear that he is grieving and this nothing will ever be precisely the same now that his father is gone. He suggests the hills will keep on shrinking and childhood thoughts will continue to be conquer with adult realties.

In summary, these poems show the hard reality of death. By utilizing poetic literary devices such as simile, metaphor, and radical language, they illustrate the pain, the love, and the recollections that dominate losing a family member. They also demonstrate that writing about the fatality of a beloved can provide relieve and regarding the relationship as well as the loss. Those rich fictional devices, the words would be empty and so will the thoughts. In addition , they show that using the same literary equipment about the same subject matter can result in vastly different poems. Millay’s gives her open admiration to her mother, while Parks’ seems to have many more deeply, buried feelings that do certainly not fully area in the composition. Just as fatality affects everybody differently, poems and its creation is a very personal process, mainly because these two poems clearly indicate.


Millay, Edna St . Vincent. “The Courage That my Mom Had. “

Parks, Gordon.