Development of renewable energy sources Essay

Category: Expansion,
Published: 13.02.2020 | Words: 734 | Views: 738
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Contrary to solar energy, wind power produced faster the past couple years and is today the eco warriors preferred option energy source (Bradley 1). Paul Brown publishes articles, Sebastian Seidel 3 “Electricity production [in the U. E. ] from wind leapt by 31% last year, making it the fastest growing industry in neuro-scientific power generation” (1). Yearly, the amount of electricity produced by breeze power is definitely increasing, especially in the USA, Philippines, Denmark and Spain (Brown 1).

The improvements made in wind electrical power generators in the past years, has led to more efficient wind flow mills. Wayne Flanigan explains, “[a] single windmill electrical generator today has the ability to of doing the job of 15 windmills from the 1970s, when ever wind power experiments began” (2). This individual adds, “Wind generation can deliverer electric power at several cents to six cents a kilowatt-hour” (2). This is not nearly as expensive the average electric power price paid out in the U. S. today.

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But although wind power seems to be the right energy source, environmental activist who had been promoting substitute energy in the past now have concerns about wind flow power. Robert L. Bradley reasons in the article, that “[w]ind blades have wiped out thousand of birds inside the U. S. and abroad in the last ten years, including decreasing in numbers species” (2). Like any human made building, wind cutting blades are a menace to parrots, but thus is any electricity collection. The Altamont Pass wind-power plant in California is a superb example of a misplaced wind power center.

Hardly any research about the dog environment was done when the windmills were set up. Nevertheless even if one project includes a bad influence on the environment and wildlife, blowing wind power features still many good aspects (Bradley 2). Therefore Hal Harvey, chief executive of the Energy Foundation, declares, “[w]e’ve discovered the ultimate goal: wind is currently cheaper than any fossil fuel-based. Sebastian Seidel 4 power source” (qtd. in Linden 1).

Hydro-Power means making electric power from normal water power. In his article, Stuart Baird reports, “Hydro-Power is currently the world’s largest alternative source of electricity, accounting for 6% of globally energy supply or regarding 15% with the world’s electricity”(1). It has been known to be one of the cleanest ways to produce energy, because it does not produce any exhaust fumes or waste of any kind. While Baird provides, “hydro-power surpasses burning fossil fuel, oil or natural gas to make electricity, as it does not contribute to global warming or chemical p rain” (2). Another profit is that it will help to control drinking water, for example with dams.

Yet hydropower dams also have negative environmental influences, such as preventing fish movements and decreasing water top quality. Another drawback to this technique is definitely “the flooding and devastation of entire ecosystems” (Baird 2) and the “increase of bacteria in the water as a result of decaying vegetation, which can be damaging to the fish and to those who eat them” (Baird 4). Like solar- and wind-power, Hydro-Power has its own good and a few poor aspects. The issues mentioned above result from unplanned, bad managed and oversized hydro-power systems.

But , if a atteinte is very well sited, very well operated and kept affordable in size, these environmental affects can be lowered though certainly not eliminated. Alternative energy has many good as well as various bad aspects. Today the majority of the electricity comes from coal-, gas- and nuclear-plants. Still, the proportion of electrical power made with alternative energy is growing each year. Canada such as adds “60%” of Sebastian Seidel 5 energy made by hydro-plants towards the national main grid (Baird 1) and Denmark satisfies 18% of power demand with electricity developed wind-power (Brown 1).

In the few up coming years, as a result of technical improvements and less costly production methods, the percentage of renewable energy included in western countries demand will rapidly expand. But lots of research has to get done till then to limit the negative effects on the environment. Sebastian Seidel 6 Baird, Stuart “Hydro-Electric Power. ” Energy Educators of Ontario 1993. 12-15 Jan. 2002.

Bradley, Robert L. “Dirty Secrets of Power. ” USA Today Mag May 98. 14 Jan. 2002Brown, Paul “Wind electricity use grows by 30%. ” The Guardian 10 Jan.

2002. 17 January. 2002.Flanigan, David “Getting seriously interested in Earth-Friendly Energy. ”