Existentialist traits in works of henrik ibsen

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Existentialism is actually a major twentieth century ls European philosophical movement. The packaging was inspired by the inclination of some of the writers just like Kierkegaard, Heidegger, Sartre and Nietzsche to work with the term “existence for a sort of being or perhaps life one of a kind, in their watch, to individuals. Only in the case of human beings is the conduct with their life an “issue to them; only they will “stand out ” exstare, the Latina word from which “exist comes ” from other lives and reflect upon them; in support of they have the capacity freely to shape their lives.

Though Existentialism can easily appear in several different forms, the focal point since Jean Paul Sartre puts it is “existence precedes essence.

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The existentialists are in the view that as there is not pre-determined span of human your life, they are only what they make themselves. This provides you with human beings a freedom to decide on. Human beings need to make options or are rather “condemned  to make choices and keep their implications.

Every single act is usually conscious therefore all the responsibility falls issues shoulders without one to count on and thus promote feelings of despair and anxiety. All of these had been sensitively explored before in the 100 years by this kind of literary characters as Luigi Pirandello (1867-1936) and Franz Kafka (1883-1924) and can seen to be currently an remaining concern in the works of Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906).

The Norwegian playwright, Henrik Ibsen a was an advocator of individuality and was against the cultural norms which will shape the lives of human beings. His characters live themselves out in the soul of dangerous and vehement self-assertion ” superman and superwomen. Ibsen was a believer in flexibility to will certainly. Many of his characters can be seen in this mild who decline to be designed by a few force exterior their own is going to.

In his well-known and debatable play “A Doll’s House the character of Nora outdoor sheds the hide of “being-for-others and set in a search pertaining to being-for-self. States in the end “we both must be perfectly free. As Nietzsche’s ideal of human personality combined the virtues in the warrior plus the independent thinker and that preferred the difficult existence to that of the easy one, in related way Nora has to ditch her shelter to go out inthe ready to accept find her self and think of what she is. Helmer on the other hand could be see being a victim of “bad faith who procedes follow him self identifying as well completely and mechanically having a fixed part that absolves him by having to face up to decisions and surrenders towards the role which usually society features coined intended for him enabling the rules dictate him.

Ibsen displays the have difficulties and “nothingness of existence in his passage play “Peer Gynt. The play echo’s many of the attributes of existentialism. Peer Gynt, the leading part of the perform, starts out as a highly creative, irresponsible youth to find himself only to find out in the end that he is without self. He often misquotes proverbs or perhaps scripture to justify his actions. The play poses many concerns, religious and social, as to how far a person is liberal to make choices and the type of alternatives he has? The enjoy also requires the crucial question that what is a guy expected to do with is life?

There are plenty of instances in the play wherever Peer must make a choice. In the beginning he needs to decide whether to become a accurate man or perhaps become a Kobold and the end shows the results he bears for this choice. Peer goes in a universe which is full of questions and he is burdened with all the responsibility of shaping his life with no anything to hold on to, a lamentation so frequently cried away by the existentialist playwrights and philosophers.

Peer, all through the play is puzzled with the selections that he has to generate. After he has goes out from the Troll’s Kingdom he says:

“Go in after this? So befouled and disgraced?

Go ahead with that troll-rabble after myself still?

Speak, yet always be silent; concede, yet conceal ” “

The stage instructions shows several times his reluctance in moving forward, and small actions mark quite decisions in his life. Inside the first action when he needs to go to the marriage of Ingrid, the girl he previously formerly detested, their several step considered forward and backward

[PEER GYNT comes along a footpath, should go quickly to the fence

stops, an looks out in the stretch of country below]


[Puts one lower leg over the fence; then hesitates. ]


[Draws back again his leg. ]

By making the options which he has to produce, Peer not merely takes the responsibility of his own lifestyle but designs others destinies too. Solveig, the girl who also loves him truly, comes to him departing all that belonged to her and therefore she makes her choice, not aware of its outcomes.


The path I have trodden leads back again nevermore

After he leaves the Troll princes and comes back to Solveig, his true love, and thinks that his life is free from concerns, the Kobold princes involves see him. He is once again caught within a fix and has to chose between two, he is now a father and has to bear the outcomes of the actions which this individual performed earlier in his existence. And this individual has to endure it by itself.

George Luckas in “Myth of Nothingness says:

“The emptiness and hollowness of human your life which Sartre calls “nothingness is also portrayed in a impressive scene in Peer Gynt by Ibsen. The aging Peer Gynt can be peeling off the layers of the onion, and playfully even comes close the single layers with the times of his life, expecting at the end to come to the key of the red onion and the core of his own persona. But layer follows level, period following period of existence; and no key is found. (1)

Jean Paul Sartre’s “nothingness also echo’s in the nothingness of Peer Gynt’s your life. While discussing with the sphinx, he is told that call him by his name means “The Unknown. The term “nothing happens twenty-eight times during the course of the play. Expert Gynt is asked several times during the course of the perform about the actual of his “Gyntish-Self  and at one of the points he replies:

 the Gyntish Self”it may be the host

of wishes, appetites, desires, “

the Gyntish Self, is it doesn’t sea

of fancies, exigencies, claims

all that, in short, makes my breast heave

and whereby We, as I, can be found. 

In fourth take action of the perform, when he visit Gezih, a village close to Cairo, he can asked about his identity and he response

PEER [modestly]

 We’ve always endeavoured to be


All his pride wraps up when he is definitely confronted with the final moment of his your life. His ending up in the Button-moulder revleas about him that he has not identity what soever and thus he needs to be melted straight down and made into something useful. the simple fact that this individual has essentially no identification of his own and is also as useless as a press button without a trap.


Yourself you never have been at all; “

then exactly what does it matter, your perishing right away?


Have got I certainly not been”? I possibly could almost laugh!

Peer Gynt, then, has become something else, I suppose!

No, Button-moulder, you evaluate in the dark.

If you could although look into my very reins

you’d find only Expert there, and Peer through, “

nothing else in the world, not any, nor anything more. 

Brian Johnston declares:

Peer discovers himself dealing with what Jean Paul Sartre stated was your essence from the

existential state:

Not only is man what he conceives himself to be, but

he can only what he legal documents himself being after this initially

thrust to existence. Person in nothing else but what

he makes of himself. Such is the initially

principle of existentialism [5]

This is the dilemma that Expert confronts in the encounter with all the Button Molder, when he is brought up resistant to the realization that he may don’t have any authentic identity at all. (2)

Peer must face the disappointment of his long term struggle if he is confronted by the nothingness of his life and he utters his lose hope in following words inside the play

“So unspeakably poor, then, a soul can go

back to nothingness, into the gray of the mist. 

Henrik Ibsens plays depict heroes like Hedvig, Hedda, Nora, Peer and Brand demonstrate problems of human beings who also do not wish to be defined and want to “stand out.


1 . Lukács, Georg; translated from the German by simply Henry N. Mins. “Existentialism, in: Philosophy for the Future: The Quest of Modern Materialism, modified by Roy Wood Sellars, V. J. McGill, Marvin Farber (New York: The Macmillan Organization, 1949)

2 . Brain Johnston, “Love’s Comedy and Peer Gynt

Recovered: 23th Feburaruy 2004
