Exodus 13 and 14 exegetical examination essay

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Sanctification, Literary Evaluation, Poetry Examination, 1984

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Exegetical Analysis: Exodus 13: 1-14: 31

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In the first 20 chapters in the book of Exodus, “Yahweh is seen as beginning to fulfill the patriarchal promise by means of redeeming Abraham’s seed away of Egypt” (Beale, 1984, p. 130). The divine name YHWH, emphasizing God as one whom effects and controls reality is highly significant in the circumstance of these chapters. Through the revelation of His YHWH name, God illustrates His expert, power, and essence towards the Egyptians, to Pharaoh, and to the greater Pagan world. Chapters 13 and 14 make up the basis of this kind of analysis. Section 13 targets God’s recommendations to the children of Israel regarding the celebration of the Passover feast, whereas chapter 13 dwells on the deliverance on the Red Sea (Levinsohn, 2012).

Structure with the text (Exodus 13: 1-14: 31)

13: 1-16 will be analyzed since Part 1, and 13: 17-14: thirty-one as portion two.

Component One (13: 1-16)

Topic: the Law of the Firstborn and a Funeral of the Exodus

This is just a continuation of God’s guidance to the Israelites from section 12. The instructions were aimed at preparing the Israelites for their starting from Egypt, and included “laws in relation to the Passover, laws of the first-born, and also other precepts that had been ordained for all time as a memorial service to” that departure (Levinsohn, 2012, l. 53). Fig 1 below shows how these guidelines are inlayed from phase 12 through 13.

Fig 1: The way the Instructions will be embedded from Chapter doze through 13

12: 50: The children of Israel do as Goodness had advised

12: 43-49: The Lord talks to Moses and Aaron regarding

the Passover

12: 51: Recapitulation of doze: 1, advantages of the up coming set of guidance

13: 3-16: Moses echoes to the children of Israel

13: 1-2:

The Lord speaks to Moses regarding the devotion of first-borns

(Source: Levinsohn, 2012, s. 53)

The instructions can easily, to this end, be subdivided into two categories;

i) The Lord offers instructions to Moses (and Aaron) (12: 43-13: 2);

a) Around the Passover party (12: 43-51)

b) Around the dedication of first-borns (13: 1-2)

ii) Moses offers instructions for the children of Israel (13: 3-16);

a) On unleavened bread (13: 3-10)

b) On the redemption of the first-born (13: 11-16)

13: 1-2: Instructions around the redemption of first-borns are given to Moses in a general format; the main points of the same had been mentioned down the line in Moses’ speech for the children of Israel (Levinsohn, 2012).

13: 3-10 (Moses’ Addresses those concerning the Passover feast): The kids of His home country of israel are directed to remember the fifteenth time of the initial month because the day our creator brought these people out of bondage in Egypt (Levinsohn, 2012; Sheriffs, 1990). We were holding not to eat leavened loaf of bread on this working day, and on the seven days instantly preceding this (13: 6). Each year, they were to commit this day as being a festival for the Lord, and explain to youngsters that they did so in remembrance that with a mighty side, the Lord experienced freed them from slavery in Egypt (Patterson, 2004).

13: 11-16 Moses Address the people about the sanctification of the first-born: the youngsters of His home country of israel were advised to set aside, and commit unto god every firstling of their offspring (Hendrix, 1990). They were to sacrifice towards the Lord every firstborn offspring of their livestock, with the exception of the donkey, yet redeem the firstborns among all of their children (Hendrix, 1990). These people were to explain for their children that they can did this kind of in memories that with His mighty palm, the Lord slew all the firstborns in the area of Egypt (both of man and livestock) in order to free the Israelites coming from slavery (Hendrix, 1990).

Component Two

13: 17-14: 31

Theme: Deliverance at the Reddish colored Sea

Levinsohn (2012) splits this section into two; “the quest to the ocean (13: 17-14: 4); final encounter with Pharaoh (14: 5-31)” (p. 60).

13: 17-22 (Journey to the Sea): the death of Egyptian firstborns, which includes Pharaoh’s child, cause him to make softer his cardiovascular system and discharge the children of Israel (Overstreet, 2003). God leads these people into the backwoods towards the Reddish colored Sea, blatantly avoiding the route that passed through the terrain of the Philistines, though this will have been simpler (Overstreet, 2003). The Lord feared that the Israelites would change and resume Egypt in the event that they came face-to-face with war in the land in the Philistines (13: 17). Our creator “led all of them through a quitar of cloud by working day, and a pillar of fire by night” (13: 22).

14: 1-31 (Final Encounter with Pharaoh)

Levinsohn (2012) divides this kind of segment to a number of attacks;

14: 1-4: Turn Back Recommendations – The Lord instructs Moses to have the Israelites change training course and encamp by the sea, opposite Dionysus Zephon, to create Pharaoh think that they were wandering around the land in dilemma (14: 3). The Lord will harden Pharaoh’s heart and make him go after the Israelites however the Lord would use this come across to show His might to the children of His home country of israel (14: 4).

14: 5-9: Pharaoh Offers Chase – Pharaoh misgivings having allow the Israelites proceed; he takes his military services and begins to pursue these people (14: 8). The Silk troops surpass the Israelites who had stayed on a camp site by the sea (14: 9).

14: 10-14: Fear grabs the Israelites: on viewing Pharaoh’s troops, the Israelites are afraid and hang something on Moses of bringing them out of Egypt to die in the wilderness (14: 11). Moses urges those to remain peaceful and watch while the Lord fights, and offers them from the Egyptians (14: 14).

14: 15-20: Goodness Responds: The almighty instructs Moses to raise his staff in the sea and divide the waters and so the Israelites would venture through (14: 15). He promises to harden the Egyptians’ hearts so they can go after the Israelites; yet adds that in the end, He would only gain glory (14: 18). The angel of the Lord, plus the pillar of cloud equally withdrew and stood behind the Israelites, separating both the camps, and bringing lumination to the Israelites and darkness upon the Egyptians (14: 20).

18: 21-29: The ocean Parts

16: 21-22: The Israelites move through – Moses raises his staff, and the Lord delivers “a solid wind to separate your lives the seas, creating dry out ground pertaining to the Israelites” to go through (14: 21).

14: 23-25: The Egyptians’ sweat – The Egyptian army goes into the sea after the Israelites. The Lord includes the key elements of fire and cloud in to confusion, and jams the wheels from the Egyptians’ chariots; the Egyptians acknowledge that God has to be fighting to get the Israelites (14: 25).

14: 26-29: The pursuers are penalized – the Lord instructs Moses to raise his staff so the waters would venture back to all their place and cover the Egyptian armed service (14: 26). Moses does as advised; the seas sweep the Egyptian horsemen and cover their chariot, and not a single one survives (14: 29).

13: 30-31: The Israelites Admit God’s May possibly – upon seeing the Egyptians’ systems lying dull ashore, the Israelites put their trust in the Lord in addition to His servant Moses (14: 31).

Positioning and Circumstance

The central theme of Exodus 13 and 14 seems to center about God’s actualization of His promises. The lord’s expectation that Christians could keep the covenants they make with Him comes out as another element of importance. In 13: 1, Yahweh speaks to Moses and commands him to instruct the Israelites to consecrate the firstborn coming from every tummy to Him in memories that The almighty had redeemed them from slavery within the night of the tenth plague and had held His assure by sparing their firstborns as He slew those of Egypt households. For the same reason, we were holding to celebrate the feast of the Unleavened Bread every year (13: 6-7). These people were to keep these types of rites possibly after the God had brought them to the land with the Jebusites, the Hivites, the Amorites, plus the Hittites; ‘ the land that flowed with dairy and honey (verse 5). This promise of own the property of Canaan is a replicate of guarantees made to Abraham (Gen 15: 18-21), Moses (Ex several: 18), Jacob (Gen 28: 13; thirty five: 12), and Isaac (Gen 24: 7). However , just those who kept God’s instructions, as specified in Exodus 20 will inherit this Promised Area.

God’s instructions were not to become reinterpreted; common sense would arrive upon anybody who did not keep the covenant (Leder, 1999). Such common sense would be directed at bringing the errant individual to covenant with all the community, and with God (Leder, 1999). In accordance with the first-born rules, Mary’s first-born son was dedicated on to the Lord with the temple in Jerusalem (Luke 2: 22-39).

Yahweh demonstrates His powerful and energetic presence throughout the pillars of cloud and fire. The symbols confident the children of Israel of God’s protection throughout the Exodus. God’s visible presence, called the Beauty Cloud in English, as well as the Shekinah in Hebrew, is not limited to the Exodus; in the New Testament, that enveloped Jesus at His ascension (Acts 1: 9), and métamorphose (Matthew 18: 5; Tag 9: several; Luke on the lookout for: 34), plus the Virgin Mary, when the O Spirit Overshadowed her (Luke 1: 35).

In 18: 1, Yahweh instructs Moses and the Israelites to change program so that they would appear to be roaming in distress in the wilds. Despite the evidence of God’s existence, the