Globalization the culture of western term paper

Category: Politics,
Published: 17.01.2020 | Words: 621 | Views: 805
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Subculture, American Culture, Western Civilization, Democracy

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Behrman holds it turned out weak political institutionalization rather than weak detrimental society that shackled Weimar Germany.

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Unfortunately, many college students of democracy theory and proponents of democratic lifestyle have acknowledged the Weimar Republic currently holding the assumption which a democratic culture is necessary for a functioning democracy. With this kind of assumption in position, they then issue whether Weimar Germany actually possessed a “democratic traditions. ” A democratic culture is often taken to entail Toqueville’s “associationism, ” a vibrant general public sphere, formal outlets to get political refuse, and educated political issue. Such queries have offered little insight into the nature of healthier democracies because they are based on a faulty supposition, that culture is a condition or even a determinant in the formation of a society’s political framework.

As Berman observed, excited civic involvement among a nation’s citizens, without an adequate institutional foundation to channel such passion, can actually always be averse to functional democracy. Berman suggests, then, that the “democratic culture” may be a necessary but not a sufficient condition to get a functioning democracy. In fact , Berhman suggests that structural factors including political institutionalization are far even more crucial to a normal democracy than cultural factors.

Although Berman’s examination of the Weimar Republic’s political traditions and its impact on the Republic’s eventual political fate is usually refreshing pertaining to the discipline of democracy theory, he still falls into the pitfall that different scholars of democracy theory have. Berman’s conclusion a democratic lifestyle is necessary, although not sufficient and occasionally averse in certain circumstances, is off-the-mark because it assumes that culture should be a condition or perhaps factor of consequence inside the formation of the functional democracy. Like other theorists, Berman insists upon treating traditions as a steady determinant in the formation of political structures.


Another valuable example of a high-functioning democracy is that of India. India, in the present00 age, has never been perceived as a bastion of reason, specific rights, or perhaps progressive cultural values. It has never been perceived as having a democratic culture, and certainly not a single strong enough to sustain a democracy 1 ) 2 billion strong. Alternatively, it has been viewed, at best. Being a pallid layer of a formerly great and ancient world. At worst, it can be viewed as the pinnacle of third-world poverty, backwardness, and apathy.

Even individuals who recognize the considerable value and achievements of Of india civilization qualify their reward by observing that India’s greatest accomplishments have been in the spiritual sphere, not the political sphere. Indeed, the moment contrasted together with the other significant non-Western civilization, that of Chinese suppliers, India features struggled with political corporation. The sub-continent of India had by no means been united by local Indians and the closest estimated were the ancient Maurya and middle ages Gupta dynasties, which never fully handled Southern India.

Despite their very own traditional politics weakness, India has been capable to construct a vibrant, healthy democracy.

Counterargument: Several scholars argue that the profession of the British instilled a democratic tradition in India because of the installation of a British legal system founded on due process and admiration for individual liberty.


The effect of culture on a society’s political structure is dependent on the nature of these society. That may be, culture and structure usually do not interact in a similar manner in every society, as many politics science theorists would like to imagine.