How can drug abuse impact personal development of

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Liberal Research: Independent Enquiry Studies Interrogation theme: How does drug abuse influence personal development of Hong Kong teenagers?

1 . Introduction

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I am interested in the main topic of drug abuse as I initially study unhealthy effects of drug abuse. However , the reason why I chose substance abuse as my enquiry matter because a fresh that I recently read. This showed a very dangerous tendency appears in Hong Kong which is more and more teenagers try to abuse drugs. In addition, it found that drug abuse might cause superb damage on the personal development of teenagers.

As I am very worry about this matter so I produced interest within the issue of teenage substance abuse.

I also available that the age of teenager who have abuse medications become younger and young. 1From the statistic required for 2009 demonstrates there were almost eight, 916 medication users reported in the 1st six months of the year, which is 1 . seven percent more than the same period in 2008. The quantity of drug users under twenty one years old went up from 2, 106 to 2, 175.

This information shows the urgency to pay attention to the problem. Whenever we do not pay attention to the issue of teenage substance abuse, many teens will suffer greatly from substance abuse. Furthermore, I had developed also performed an interview with a social worker, Miss Fung. I have a more clear understanding towards the reasons that trigger teenagers to abuse medicines.

I think it is vital to consider the reasons of teenage substance abuse. We can make an effort to prevent teenager drug abuse only when we know for what reason they make an effort to abuse medicines. Furthermore, we all also need to consider the bad effects of teenage drug abuse towards their particular personal development to ensure that teenagers could understand the significance of drug abuse. This is also an efficient ways in preventing adolescent from abusing drugs.


Teen Drug Use Raising in Hk Posted on Sept. 2010 8, 2009 3

2 . Targets

1 ) 2 . To learn reasons that teenagers try to abuse medicines To find out whether the problem of teenage drug abuse is significant among Hong Kong teenagers? a few. 4. To find the effect of harming drugs toward teenagers’ self improvement. To give several suggestion on how to prevent teenagers drug abuse.

Focus Questions

1 . What is meant by simply drug abuse? installment payments on your Are Hk teenagers abuse drugs is a frequent phenomenon inside the society? a few. What are the reasons that travel the Hk teenagers to abuse medications? 4. Exactly what the bad effects causes simply by drugs mistreating towards the teenagers’ personal development? your five. How can the society assistance to prevent teen drug abuse?


three or more. Research Methodology

a few. 1 Questionnaire

The point interviewees happen to be teenagers older between 12 to 21 years old years old. You will discover 43 participants for the questionnaire. This kind of questionnaire was set in English. The questionnaire is an online interview which usually designed in the proper execution of multiple choice or some ranking inquiries to find out the issues that travel teenagers to abuse medications and the negative impacts through drug abuse, and the effectiveness of some preventive steps towards adolescent drug abuse. The questionnaire can be divided into some parts. Part 1 asked for the personal advice about the interviewees, part 2 asks for the cause of young drug abuse, part 3 requests the bad affects brought by substance abuse and component 4 asks for the effectiveness of several preventive strategies in stopping teenage drug abuse.

3. a couple of Interview

The data collection process also contains an interview having a teenage sociable worker who worked like a teenage sociable worker for 6 years. Through the interview, a number of questions regarding teenage drug abuse were being askedin order to gather data to get the research. For example , in your point of view, what are the key causes that drive young adults to abuse drugs?

a few. 3 Limitations

There are several questions inside the questionnaire are used to decide the effectiveness of some preventive measures towards young drug abuse. Consequently , it is a little bit difficult pertaining to the respondents may found that it is hard to answer these questions the questions. Nevertheless , it is necessary to decide the effectiveness of these preventive measures so as to conclude a lot of effective preventive measures in preventing teenage substance abuse. Also, there was only 43 respondents to answer the questionnaire so the data collected might not able to presents the general current condition of teenage drug abuse in Hong Kong. Moreover, the main cause of teen drug abuse and the bad effects of teenage medicines could be your five

finding out in the questionnaire.

4. Literary works Review

The problem of drug abuse of Hong Kong young adults became an extremely hot topic among the society. There are also some figures demonstrates that there are increasing trend of Hong Kong young adults abuse drugs and there are many surveys demonstrate that young drug abuse might caused a large number of bad results towards their very own growth and development. I would give a simple analysis depending on the following content articles. The article “Teen drug utilization in Hong Kong shows that there may be an increasing number of teen drug abuser in Hong Kong. At the same time, age drug abusers become much younger than the previous years. The figure shows that there are 8, 916 drug users reported inside the first half a year of 2009, 1 . 7% more than the same period last year.

The number of drug users underneath 21 years old rose coming from 2, 106 to 2, 175. Most significantly, the medicine users older 12 to fifteen, the number of which has grown 25% from 204 to 256. This demonstrates there is a great urgent need to take action to avoid and prevent teenagers in Hong Kong to maltreatment drugs. Alternatively, the article “Problems arising from medication abuse simply by Valerie Belew studied the down sides caused by substance abuse. It analyzed is not just concentrate on the problem s i9000 caused by substance abuse towards young adults but it analyzed the problems since awhole. The difficulties caused by drug abuse would also happen in adult. This pointed out the seriousness of drug abuse to once personal development. The articles divided the issues arise from drug abuse in 5 factors, addiction because Brain problems, developmental challenges, physical disease, family concerns and economic problems. The content is useful My spouse and i providing a comprehensive information about the bad effects due to drug abuse. Although the problems due to drug abuse talked about in the document are not tackled to teens, the information may also be applied to the negative effects of teen drug abuse toward their self improvement. 6

5. Studies and Evaluation

a few. 1 Basic information of the questionnaire I posted the questionnaire in the website ( on 12/4/2010. There are fully 43 respondents answered the questions.

5. 2 Definition of drug abuse

Description provided by participants

Misuse of pharmaceutical drug or otc drugs

Not any of participants 3 a few

A maladaptive pattern useful of a material that is not considered dependent The consumption of illegal drugs Over the consumption of certain medicines which lead to addiction

twelve 25

Table 1

According to table you, different respondents have different view onto the definition of drug abuse. These explanations given by participants are accurate. This shows that most of the Hk teenagers include a brief understanding towards the which means of substance abuse. However , all their concept of substance abuse is not clear enough. The most comprehensive meaning of drug abuse is known as a 2compulsive, abnormal, and self-damaging use of habit-forming drugs or perhaps substances, ultimately causing addiction or dependence, seriousphysiological injury (such as problems for kidneys, liver, heart) as well as psychological injury (such because dysfunctional habit patterns, hallucinations, memory loss), or fatality. It also named substance abuse. Consequently , the definitions given by the respondents are extremely similar one of the most comprehensive meanings. This shows that teenagers be familiar with meaning of drug

a couple of

Drug abuse


abuse. 5. 3 The universality in the problem of teenage substance abuse in Hong Kong

Do you think the condition of teen drug abuse is usual in Hong Kong? 16%

Yes No


Chart one particular

From the above info, 16 % (7/43))of respondents think that the problem of teen drug abuse is usual in Hong Kong while there happen to be 84% (36/43) of participants believe that the challenge of teenage drug abuse frequently occurs in Hong Kong. It implies that most of the participants think the condition of adolescent drug abuse is usual in Hong Kong.


5. four Reasons that cause teen drug abuse

What cause young adults to take medicines? (Can choose more than one blanks) 40 thirty-five 30 25 20 15 10 a few 0


28 20 12 6 five

Peer influence

Seeking for enjoyment

Escaping from the sadness

Imitating the manner of parents

Underestimate the bad effects of medications


Chart 2

5. 4. you Peer effect According to Chart 2, the main factors that trigger the respondents to maltreatment drugs is usually “Peer effect , in which 36 respondents had selected this item. Peer is an extremely influential group among teens. 3As young adults usually spend a large amount of times with their peers so peers will play an extremely influential function in teenagers’ live. The credibility, power, power, and influence of peers happen to be greater during adolescence than at any different time in existence. Therefore , teens will search for acceptance and belonging to their very own peer groupings. In this way, teens are more likely to abuse drugs if their peers got abuse prescription drugs so as to gain peer reputation.

Also, young adults would experience it is difficult to refuse the requests by way of a peers. As they worried they will be isolated by their colleagues if they refused their very own requests so they would generally take the asks for


Expert Influence ” Development Of Expert Influence, Negative Peer Impact, Positive Peer Influence, Family Relationships And Peer Effect ” JRankArticles on the lookout for

f their colleagues. Even though they already know abusing medicines is harmful to their well being, they would still follow their peers to abuse prescription drugs. Teenagers would feel even more save if they follow the manners of their peers. Consequently , they would follow the manners with their peers like abusing prescription drugs if their peers ask them to do it.

5. four. 2 Seeking for excitement Looking for excitement is additionally a very important cause that cause teenagers maltreatment drugs. You will discover 27 respondents think that “seeking for excitement is the main causes that cause teenage substance abuse. In fact , seeking for excitement is an extremely common feature among teens. As teenagers usually focus on studies in their age plus they may think bored of studying. Hence they would like to seek for some pleasure in order to make their particular live more “interesting. Some sort of drugs could potentially cause some unwanted effects like a perception of excitement following in acquiring them. Therefore , some teenagers would like to consider these medications in order to gain a feeling of excitement.

5. 4. several Escaping from unhappiness According to chart2, there are 20 participants think that “escaping from sadness is an important purpose that trigger teenagers mistreatment drugs. Young adults are not adult enough within their age so they quickly develop a thought of escaping from the reality when they faced difficulties. People may have hallucination or they could lose their senses as soon as they took prescription drugs. Therefore , a few teenagers would like to take medicines so as to ignore their despair and enjoy the hyper feeling brought by choosing drugs. Thus, these teenagers abuse drugs in order to get away from their sadness in reality.

your five. 4. 5 Others All the respondents selected others believe the main reason that produces drug abuse is definitely curiosity. Teenagers usually feel too curious about various things that they have certainly not tried prior to. At the same time, a large number of adults emphasis that substance abuse would cause great damage towards all their personal 12

development. Therefore, teenagers would be more interested in drug abuse therefore they would make an effort to abuse prescription drugs due to attention.

5. a few Bad results brought by harming drugs

Do you think drug abuse will bring any bad impacts on the society? 0%

Yes Not any


Data 3

Would be the following the adverse impacts of drug abuse?

45 45 35 40 25 twenty 15 15 5 0 17 12 17 10 25 twenty 14 17 39


Graph and or chart 4

In respect to Data 3, all the 43 respondents believe that substance abuse will bring several negative effects towards the society. Substance abuse would cause great harm towards well being of the addicts. Thus, these kinds of drug addicts might not exactly able to continue with their work or impact their efficiency in functioning after they mistreatment drugs. This will defiantly reduce the productivity of Hong Kong.

Furthermore, drug abuse may cause great harm towards the well being of drug addicts. Then, they must visit the doctors frequently to receive medical treatment. This may place a weighty burden of medical services in Hong Kong. It will also increase the medical expenditure which might reduce the expenses spend um other advancement. Therefore , it will slow down monetary development.

Alternatively, drug addicts can no longer control themselves due to the side effects of drugs. Hence, they may execute some risky behavior when they take medications like crossing the road without taking into account the condition of pavement. This will boost the risk of mishaps. It is also extremely dangerous if perhaps these drug addicts to drive automobiles after mistreating drugs. This might also increase the chance of car accidents which usually place a critical threat for the security system of Hong Kong. Consequently , drug abuse would ring a lot of negative effects towards the contemporary society.

On the other hand, in respect to data 4, 39 respondents think that drug abuse might lead to craving. Drug dependency is a reliance on illegal prescription drugs or medicines. Once people got tried acquiring drugs, they will could hardly stay away of taking drugs all the time. 4Actually, medication addiction is a chronic, typically relapsing head disease that causes compulsive drug seeking and use, in spite of harmful


Understanding of drug abuse and drug addiction 12

consequences towards the addicted person and to individuals around him / her. Although the primary decision to adopt drugs is definitely voluntary for most people, the brain alterations that arise over time concern a person’s do it yourself control and ability to resist intense impulses urging them to take prescription drugs. Once they stop in taking medications, the side effects of taking these drugs just like irritability and disorientation would appear more frequently which usually would trigger great soreness onto the drug addicts. In the event that teenage drug addicts become abuser onto prescription drugs, this would not just cause damage to all their health. Because these teenage drug addicts also has to frequently in take drugs if they will addicted upon drugs.

Additionally, the cost of medications is really expansive so it is going to place a very heavy monetary burden to these adolescent drug addicts. As well, if they are hooked into drugs, they will place their complete attention onto drugs. Then they would not in a position to concentrate on to their research when they addictedonto drugs. Consequently , addiction onto drugs would badly impact the personal growth and development.

Furthermore, you will discover 25 of respondents feel that drug abuse might cause waning of recollection. People will hardly keep in mind things. They will be very forgetful. Addicts who suffered from this unwanted side effects caused by mistreating drugs could never be recovered. For the reason that the reason that folks become ignorant after harming drugs is because of the damage of some cells and cell in the brain. The prescription drugs that in took simply by drug addicts might damage all their brain cellular material or damaged tissues which cause losing memory. Therefore , people could not remember points in this condition. This would tremendously affect the daily activities of the addicts.

They could hardly finish all their work whenever they suffered from this kind of side effect. If perhaps teenagers in take these drugs and develop this kind of side effects, this may badly affect their studies. The worst case is the fact these young drug addicts wasn’t able to continue with their studies. Therefore , waning of memory is actually a long term results onto the drug addicts that are not able to restore forever. Hence, this would as well cause serious bad results onto their very own future career. Therefore , waning of memory is really a critical negative a result of drug abuse which will would terribly affect the personal growth and development of teenagers. 13

In addition , there is twenty respondents chose “depression as one of the bad effects of drug abuse. Actually, certain medicines may contribute to the etiology of depressive symptoms and depressive disorder. Drug addicts might easily feel depressed after they had taken these medicines. Also, when the hyper feeling brought by the drugs passed, drug addicts would feel much depressed. It is because they need to be back to the fact which may have many difficulties.

The drug addicts could cause depression in when they had been back to the cruel reality. If young drug addicts regularly feel depressed, they might easily choose other ways to enable them to solve this matter which is committing suicide. As teens is not really mature enough in handling depression, thus they would quickly come up the idea of suicide to be able to help them to flee from misery. Therefore , major depression would cause serious poor effects on to the personal development and growth of teenagers.

5. six Methods of avoidance of adolescent drug abuse

Are you aware what the School-Based mandatory drug testing structure about? 2%

Yes No 98%

Data 5


Do you consider the plan can cure the number of young adults take prescription drugs?



No 67%

Data 6

5. 6. you Universality from the mandatory drug testing structure According to chart your five, 98% (42/43) respondents find out about the mandatory medication testing scheme. The mandatory medicine testing plan is a trial scheme structured by the government which aim at 5

improving the deal with of pupils who have not really taken any kind of drugs to keep to stay faraway from

drugs. As well, for students harming drugs, the scheme may trigger their motivation to seek support and provide appropriate professional support to help them kick the habit early. After introducing this scheme to public, that aroused great public matter about the privacy of students. Even though all the benefits of the scheme would not be publican, many people continue to believed that the scheme might interfere the privacy of students. The variety of opinions given by different interest groups allow the plan became a verycontroversial a significant Hong Kong. Therefore, more and more Hk citizens would pay attention to the system and learn more about this required drug tests scheme. Therefore , there will have got such a large percentage of00 respondents’ demonstrate that they find out about this plan.


Details of Trial Scheme on School Drug Tests in Tai Po District announced 15

5. 6. 2 Efficiency of the required drug testing scheme However, according to chart six, there are about 67% (28/43) of respondents believe that this mandatory medication testing system can successfully decrease the volume of teenage addicts in Hk. As this kind of scheme is principally carried out in schools therefore it can effectively find out adolescent drug addicts in school and provide ideal medical treatment in order to help them to quit abusing medicines. Therefore , this scheme can successfully assist in decreasing the number of teenage drug addicts in Hong Kong.

However , there are 33% (14/42) of respondents believe this scheme is definitely not successful in lessening the number of adolescent drug addicts in Hong Kong. It is because this structure is a non-reflex drug testing scheme. As a result, teenage drug addicts can do not join this kind of scheme and this scheme is fairly difficult to find away these young drug addicts at school. Therefore , these respondents assume that this mandatory drug assessment scheme is definitely not successful in lowering he volume of teenage addicts in Hk. Moreover, according to the data gathered, people nonetheless carry a positive attitude to this mandatory drug testing scheme.

5. 6. three or more Promotion by government

Do you know about virtually any promotion upon preventive measure of drug abuse made by the government? 16% Yes No 84%


Data 7

In accordance to graph 7, 84% (36/43) of respondents acquired some marketing promotions on stopping drug abusing done by the us government. In recent years, there are more and more online surveys show there is an increasing pattern of young drug abuse. This arouses general public attention. Therefore , the government put more initiatives in promoting the preventive measures of teenage drug abuse. For example , federal government inserts various television industrial and different types of advertisement intended for promoting the preventive measures. Therefore , people may easily acquire these promotions in preventing medicine abusing.

This can help to gain general public awareness upon the prevention of substance abuse which is a quite effective ways in preventing adolescent drug abuse. Nevertheless , there are 16% (7/43) of respondents did not acquire any kind of promotions upon preventive measures of drug abuse created by the government. This kind of shows that the promotion made by the government in preventing drug abuse is too little. Therefore , the government has to pay much more efforts in promoting the preventive steps of substance abuse so as to prevent teenagers by abusing medications.

5. 6. 4 Effectiveness of some preventive measures in preventing adolescent drug abuse

Federal government do even more promotion for the bad associated with drug harming 2% 12% 21% Very Effective Effective Not really Effective Poor 65%

Data 8 17

In respect to graph and or chart 8, there are 86% (37/43) of respondents think that govt do more promotion for the bad associated with drug abuse is an effective ways in preventing teen drug abuse. Some of the teenagers might underestimate unhealthy effects brought by drug abuse. If they did understand the seriousness consequences of drug abuse, this could help to stop them by trying medications. Therefore , it is a very effective way in stopping teenagers via abusing prescription drugs.

Parents cooperate with schools to keep a great eye within the manner of teens 0% 14% 14% Quite effective Effective Not Effective



Chart being unfaithful

According to chart on the lookout for, there are 86% (37/43) of respondents feels that the most effective way in preventing teen drug abuse is definitely the cooperation among parents and schools to keep an attention on the method of teenagers. As the symptoms’ caused by substance abuse are very obvious. Therefore , if perhaps parents as well as the schools are able to keep an eye on their manner, it can easily find out the teen drug abusers. Hence, parents could try to find some treatment in order to help their children remove drugs. Therefore , it is also an ideal way in avoiding teenage substance abuse.


Parents speak more with their children

0% 21% 12% Extremely effective Effective Not really Effective Poor 67%

Chart 10

Relating to data 10, there are 79 %( 34/43) of respondents considers that more communications between parents and kids is an effective method in preventing teenage substance abuse. Parents are an extremely influential group in the lifestyle of teens. Although children may occasionally show rebellion to their parents, they usually often listen to the advice given by their parents.

Parents could find out whether their children experienced taken drugs through quick communications among parents and children. It is easier to get the adolescent drug addicts to eliminate drugs after they receive medical treatment as early as possible. They can also quit their children by abusing prescription drugs once they learned that they got tried medicines before. Consequently , it is also a good way in avoiding teenage drug abuse.

5. 6. 1 Summary Among twelve preventive techniques given in the questionnaire, the majority of

the respondents think that “Parents communicate more using their children, “Parents cooperate with schools to keep an eye on the method of teenagers and “Government do more promotion on the awful effects of medication abusing are the most effective ways in preventing young drug abuse.


5. 7 Types of information about drugs

Where is usually your major source of information about drugs are derived from? 5% 19% Promotion by government (e. g.: advertisements, leaflets) Ebooks Newspaper 35% 9% Talks Internet Other folks

23% 9%

Chart eleven

According to chart11, you will find 35% (15/43) of participants obtain information regarding drugs through internet while there are 23% (10/43) of respondents get hold of information about drugs through newspaper. Also, there are 19% (8/43) of respondents obtain information regarding drugs through promotions simply by government. This shows that the Hong Kong provides pay wonderful attention on the problem of teenage drug abuse which can give a good environment in preventing teenage drug abuse.

5. 8 Interview I had developed done a job interview with Miss. Fung, a teenage interpersonal worker who may have handled several of situations about teen drug abuse. Your woman gave a detailed distribution about the cause and bad effects of teenage substance abuse which is nearly the same as the data gathered through customer survey. However , the girl gave a fantastic suggestion in preventing teenage drug abuse. She suggested the government will need to turn the voluntary medicine testing scheme into a required drug testing scheme. Your woman believed this would be a very effective approach in preventing teenage drug abuse.


6th. Conclusion

From the analysis, we found that most from the people feel that the problem of teenage substance abuse is very prevalent in Hong Kong. Therefore , the condition of teenage drug abuse is very serious in Hong Kong we should take notice on it trying to take activities to stop this problem from progressively more serious down the road.

The main causes that drive teenage mistreating drugs happen to be peer impact, seeking for excitement and escaping from sadness. Among all these reasons, peer impact is a major cause of young drug abuse as they do not want to reject the requests of their good friends in order to gain reputation. Therefore , we need to consider a few preventive measures of teenage drug abuse that could address to this main cause.

There are numerous bad results that are due to teenage drug abuse. The most common negative effects happen to be addition, waning of memory and major depression. All these negative effects could have great influence towards the young drug addicts that might badly have an effect on their personal growth and development.

All of us also found more communications among parents and children, cooperation between parents and college in order to keep an eye on the manner of young adults, more govt promotions regarding the bad associated with drug abuse can help in preventing teenage substance abuse. Also, imposing a mandatory drug screening scheme in order to find out adolescent drug addicts in Hong Kong is usually an effective way in preventing young drug abuse.


six. Reflective

After finishing the whole assignments, I found that we have learned many things through this process project. I have a more clear understanding toward teenage substance abuse in this minute. Although it is incredibly great that I could study so many things through this project, this kind of project is a very difficult task to me as I have to finish this by myself. The level of difficulty can be three

time that of finishing a group work job.

In the beginning, I chose teenage substance abuse as my enquiry topic because I do believe this subject is really easy. I can easily find many options about teenage drugs maltreatment. Hence, I will finish my own project as soon as possible. However , My spouse and i am entirely wrong. There are plenty of difficulties I actually faced during the project. I found it difficult to recognize the valuable information about adolescent drug abuse via a long verse of document. It took quite a long time to read throughout the sources and extract valuable information from their website. The techniques taught simply by teacher in choosing articles helped me to save up the coming back reading worthless articles.

Besides, most of the information regarding teenage substance abuse is extra source. Therefore , I have to locate some primary sources so as to enable my own project to become a more extensive project. After that, I chose to do interviews with social personnel in order to attain primary resources. This is one more difficult task that I have to deal with with during the project. I found it difficult to find social workers that are ready to do interview with me. After making repeatedly of announcements, I efficiently find a social worker to aid me in doing the interview. Although I could only do the interview through phones, this interview assists me significantly in doing this job.

As a whole, I do think it is a incredibly valuable encounter in finishing such a big project by myself. Besides the know-how I from the task, I also learn several ways in tackling problems which are extremely important that I can never study them through books. In my opinion these issue 22

tacking expertise would be very beneficial even My spouse and i am inside the university.

(Word Count: 4558)


8. Bibliography

Type of components Newspaper Books/ Articles/ Reviews 2 . 青少年濫藥 可急性中毒死 東方日報 1 . Dennis Erng and Advian (Author) (October 18, 2010) To the south China morning hours Post (A1)

香 港 大 å­¸ 李 嘉 èª é†« å­¸ 院 å…’ ç«¥ 及 青 å°‘ å¹´ 科 å­¸ ç³» 臨 床 副 æ•™ 授 (auth or) (September a few, 2010)

3. æ ¡ 園 é©— 毒 計 ç•« 攬 æ”´ 至 å…¨ 港 ä»» 秀 群, å¼µ 一 華 (author) 2010 å¹´ 9 月 30 æ—¥ 星 島 æ—¥ å ± 4. 新興迷幻毒唁無管制 東方日報 your five. 濫藥青少年八成記憶受損 2011-01-18 星 島 æ—¥ å ± 6. 青年濫藥個案急增三成 (星島)2010 å¹´ 12 月 26 æ—¥ 星期日 記者:張一華 Teen Drug Use Increasing in Hk September eight, 2009 相遇=å‚·ç™’€€æˆ’毒歷程生命故事集 陳國溪、麥家輝編著 Challenges arising from substance abuse 戒毒如何一世斷尾 Websites: 李小珊 天達書樔出版 星島日報 探 å°„ 燈 小 組 (auth or) (October 7, 2010)

by Valerie Belew, eHow Contributor

ICE Case Studies


Cheng-China Huang (July 1997) ve&page=1&item=100


being unfaithful. Appendix

Questionnaire We am a F. a few student of St . Francis’ Canossian College. I i am doing a review about teenage drug abuse in Hong Kong. Please fill in the questionnaire below. The information will be used for academics purposes just. Please put a tick in the chosen boxes. 1 ) Age: ¡ 12-18 ¡ 19-22 ¡ 23or above

2 . Have you ever mistreatment drugs just before? Yes ¡ No several. What is meant by substance abuse?

4. Do you think the problem of teenage drug abuse is common in Hong Kong? ¡ Yes ¡ No

your five. What cause teenagers to adopt drugs? (Can choose multiple blanks) ¡ Peer effect ¡ Searching for excitement ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ Getting out the misery Imitating the manner of parents Take too lightly the bad associated with drugs Other folks: (please specify)

6. Do you think drug abuse brings any unfavorable impacts for the society? ¡ Yes ¡ No

several. Are the following a negative influences of substance abuse? ( can make more than one blanks) ¡ Addiction (成癮) ¡ Respiratory depression(壔抑呼吸) ¡ Nausea (噁心) ¡ Loss of urge for food (食慾不振) ¡ Waning of memory (記憶力衰退) ¡ Lacks (è„«æ°´) ¡ Depression (抑鬱) 25

¡ Insomnia (失眠) ¡ Dizziness (暈眩) 8. Did you know what the School-Based mandatory medicine testing plan about? ¡ Yes (please answer question 7) ¡ No (please move on answering question 8)

9. Do you consider the structure can cure the number of teenagers take prescription drugs? ¡ Certainly ¡ Simply no

10. Have you any idea about any kind of promotion upon preventive measures of drug abuse created by the government? ¡ Yes ¡ No

10. How effective are the next methods support preventing adolescent drugs mistreatment? Circle the number. Very Effective Parents communicate even more with their kids Parents find out about the regarding drug mistreating Parents cooperate with universities to keep a great eye on the manner of teens Government carry out more campaign on the bad effects of medicine abusing Government proposed a mandatory drug tests scheme Authorities send more social personnel to talk with drug berner Government build more drug rehabilitation centers (戒毒中心) University provide sources to instructors so as to make sure they know more about the symptoms of drug harming Hold even more talks to inform the teens at school


Effective several 3 three or more 3 a few 3 a few 3

Certainly not Effective two 2 two 2 two 2 a couple of 2

Poor 1 you 1 you 1 you 1 one particular

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 four


a few



Instructor communicate more with college students


three or more



12. Where did you get the information about drugs? (Can choose multiple blanks) ¡ Promotion by government (e. g.: advertising campaign, leaflets) ¡ Books ¡ Newspaper ¡ Talks ¡ Internet ¡ Others: (please specify) This is the end with the questionnaire. Thanks to finishing the questionnaire. Graphs: 1 . Age group:


0% 7%

doze to 18 19-22 23 or above


A-12-18 (40) B-18-22 (3) C-23or above (0)


a couple of Have you at any time abuse prescription drugs before?

Have you ever maltreatment drugs before?

26% Yes

No 74%

A- Certainly (11) N. No (32) 3. What is meant simply by drug abuse? Classification provided by respondents Misuse of prescription or perhaps over-the-counter prescription drugs

No of respondents three or more 5 10 25

A maladaptive design of use of any substance that is not considered reliant Intake of illegal drugs Above intake of particular drugs which usually lead to addiction

4. Do you think the problem of teenage drug abuse is common in Hong Kong?

Do you think the problem of teenage drug abuse is common in Hong Kong? 16% Yes Not any 84%

A-Yes (36) B-No (7) twenty eight

4. What cause teenagers to adopt drugs? (Can choose multiple blanks)

What cause teenagers to take medicines? (Can select more than one blanks) 40 thirty-five 30 25 20 15 10 a few 0 34 27 20 12



Peer influence

Looking for excitement

Escaping from the sadness

Imitating the way of parents

Take too lightly the bad effects of drugs


A- Peer influence (34) B- Searching for excitement (27) C- Escaping from the sadness (20) D- Imitating the way of parents (6) E- Underestimate the bad effects of drugs (12) F- Others (5)

No Selection (0) Select you item (10) Select several items (15) Select a few items (1) Select a couple of items (12) Select some items (5) Select 6 items (0)

5. Do you think drug abuse will bring any negative impacts on the society?

Do you think drug abuse will bring any unfavorable impacts for the society? 0%

Yes Simply no 100%

A-Yes (43) B-No (0)


6. Are the following the negative influences of drug abuse?

Are the following the negative effects of substance abuse?

45 40 thirty-five 30 twenty-five 20 12-15 10 5 0 39 25 17 10 18 10 twenty 14 17

No Assortment (0) Choose 1 item (3) Select 5 things (4) Select 9 things (3) several. Do you know the particular School-Based mandatory drug tests scheme regarding? Select 2 items (13) Select 6 items (5) Select several items (6) Select 7 items (3) Select some items (6) Select 8 items (0)

Do you know the actual School-Based mandatory drug screening scheme about? 2%

Certainly No


A- Yes (please solution question 7) (42) B- No (please move on giving an answer to question 8) (1)


almost 8. Do you think the scheme can decrease the quantity of teenagers take drugs?

Do you consider the system can decrease the number of young adults take medicines?

33% Certainly No 67%

A- Certainly (28) B- No (14)


Are you aware about virtually any promotion upon preventing medicine abusing done by the


Are you aware about any promotion in preventive measures of drug abuse made by the government? 16% Yes Not any 84%

IKKE- Yes (36) No (7)

10. Just how effective are definitely the following methods help stopping teenage prescription drugs abuse?


Parents communicate more with their children

0% 12%


Extremely effective Effective Not really Effective Poor 67%

A-Very Effective (5) B-Effective (29) C-Not Successful (9) D-Poor (0)

Parents learn more about the symptom of medicine abusing

0% 9% 30% Extremely effective Effective Not really Effective Poor 61%

A-Very Effective (4) B-Effective (26) C-Not Effective (13) D-Poor (0)


Father and mother cooperate with schools to hold an eye on the manner of teenagers 0% 14% 14% Very Effective Effective Not Successful Poor


A- Very Effective (6) B- Effective (31) C- Certainly not Effective (6) D- Poor (0)

Authorities proposed an important drug screening scheme

2% 7% 28% Very Effective Effective Not Powerful Poor 63%

A- Very Effective (3) B- Effective (27) C- Certainly not Effective (12) D- Poor (1)


Government do even more promotion on the bad effects of drug abusing 2% 12%


Very Effective Powerful Not Powerful Poor


A- Quite effective (9) B- Effective (28) C- Not Effective (5) D- Poor (1)

Government send even more social personnel to talk with drug abuser 5% seven percent 21% Very Effective


Not Successful Poor 67%

A- Extremely effective (3) B- Effective (29) C- Not Effective (9) D- Poor (2)


Government build more drug rehab centers (戒毒中心) 5% 23% 16% Extremely effective Effective Not really Effective Poor 56%

A- Very Effective (7) B- Powerful (24) C- Not Powerful (10) D- Poor (2)

School offer sources to teachers in order to let them know even more about the symptoms of medicine abusing 2% 5% Extremely effective 30% Powerful Not Successful 63% Poor

A- Extremely effective (2) B- Effective (27) C- Not Effective (13) D- Poor (1)


Hold more talks to educate the teenagers for school

2% 9% Very Effective 28% 61% Successful Not Successful Poor

Very Effective A(1) B-

Effective (26) C-

Certainly not Effective (12) DPoor (4)

Teacher connect more with students

0% 9% Very Effective 42%


Not Successful 49% Poor

A-Very Successful (4) B-Effective (21) C-Not Effective (18) D-Poor (0)

11. Exactly where did you get the information about drugs?

thirty six

Wherever is the major way to obtain information about medications come from? five per cent 19% Promotion by the government (e. g.: advertisement, leaflets) Books Newspapers 35% 9% Talks Net Others

23% 9%

Promo by the govt (e. g.: advertisement, leaflets) Books (4) Newspaper (10) Talks (4) Internet (15) Others (2) Identities of respondents Fill in Time Apr-12-2011 1: 33 am Apr-12-2011 01: 35 am Apr-12-2011 01: forty-nine am Apr-12-2011 03: 57 am Apr-12-2011 12: 45 pm Apr-12-2011 12: 49 pm Apr-12-2011 04: thirty four pm Apr-12-2011 05: 02 pm Apr-12-2011 06: 37 pm Apr-12-2011 06: forty five pm

Apr-12-2011 07: 10 evening Apr-12-2011 ’07: 37 evening Apr-12-2011 08: 11 pm hours 37


IP Address 218. 253. 118. 159 116. 48. 84. 219 sixty one. 10. 137. 36 99. 238. 61. 74 173. 58. twenty one. 249 113. 255. 170. 79 223. 19. 184. 136 218. 102. seventy nine. 213 116. 48. 75. 180 59. 149. 153. 34 203. 185. 54.99. 179 113. 254. 253. 200 112. 119. 248. 186

Number Name cm218-253-118-159. hkcable. com. hk n1164884219. netvigator. com cm61-10-137-36. hkcable. com. hk CPE002401e5519f-CM00252eac3ca8. cpe. ne capital t. cable. rogers. com pool-173-58-21-249. lsanca. fios. verizon. net 113. 255. 170. seventy nine 223. nineteen. 184. 136 pcd547213. netvigator. com n1164875180. netvigator. com 059149153034. ctinets. com 203185058179. res. dyn. ctinets. com 113. 254. 253. 2 hundred n112119248186. netvigator. com

Apr-12-2011 ’08: 25 evening Apr-12-2011 08: 44 evening Apr-12-2011 08: 47 pm hours Apr-12-2011 09: 06 pm Apr-13-2011 10: 46 evening Apr-14-2011 01: 38 pm Apr-14-2011 ’07: 24 evening Apr-14-2011 07: 35 evening Apr-14-2011 ’07: 54 evening Apr-14-2011 09: 57 pm hours Apr-16-2011 05: 51 pm hours Apr-16-2011 08: 01 evening Apr-16-2011 11: 59 pm Apr-17-2011 06: 00 pm hours Apr-18-2011 08: 49 pm Apr-18-2011 09: 07 pm Apr-19-2011 01: 13 are Apr-19-2011 03: 22 pm hours Apr-22-2011 2009: 29 pm Apr-24-2011 02: 29 pm Apr-26-2011 04: 50 evening Apr-27-2011 summer: 48 evening Apr-28-2011 doze: 46 evening Apr-29-2011 goal: 27 pm Apr-29-2011 06: 40 evening Apr-29-2011 10: 00 pm Apr-30-2011 12: 35 was Apr-30-2011 2009: 03 pm Apr-30-2011 2009: 20 evening

1 . 64. 165. 238 183. 178. 233. 145 218. 102. 78. 191 183. 178. 233. 135 219. 77. 191. 43 210. 0. 215. 8 219. 78. 208. 104 119. 236. 24. 10 61. 12-15. 71. a few 119. 236. 6. 158 113. 252. 34. hundranittiotv? 182. 152. 192. 106 61. 244. 123. 197 58. 152. 150. 46 219. 77. 185. 169 218. ciento tres. 150. seventy two 112. 118. 163. ciento tres 61. 18. 212. 47 203. 218. 91. ninety six 218. 102. 80. 176 203. 218. 217. 113 1 . 64. 55. 82 112. 118. 142. 138 58. 152. 235. 175 112. 118. 161. 164 183. a hundred and seventy-eight. 233. 135 203. 223. 234. 196 116. forty-nine. 135. 19 116. forty-nine. 87. 171

1-64-165-238. stationary. netvigator. com 183178233130. ctinets. com pcd546191. netvigator. com 183178233130. ctinets. com n219077191043. netvigator. com 210. 0. 215. 8 n219078208104. netvigator. com

n11923624010. netvigator. com cm61-15-71-5. hkcable. com. hk n1192366158. netvigator. com 113. 252. 34. hundranittiotv? m182-152-192-106. smartone-vodafone. com 061244123197. ctinets. com n058152150046. netvigator. com n219077185170. netvigator. com n218103150072. netvigator. com n112118163103. netvigator. com cm61-18-212-47. hkcable. com. hästkrafter pcd301096. netvigator. com pcd548176. netvigator. com pcd427113. netvigator. com 1-64-55-082. static. netvigator. com n112118142138. netvigator. com n058152235175. netvigator. com n112118161164. netvigator. com 183178233130. ctinets. com 203. 223. 234. 196 n11649135019. netvigator. com n1164987171. netvigator. com n11649154003. netvigator. com

May-01-2011 summer: 51 pm 116. 49. 154. 3


Interview transcripts Date: 10th April, 2011 Time: your five: 00p. m. -5: 30p. m. Method of interview: personal interview 訪問稿 We: 訪問者 T: 馮海兒社工 I actually: 馮先生, 你好。十分感謝你願意抽空接受我的訪問。 K: 不用謝,我亦十分感謝你的邀請。 I: 好了。事不且辭,我們立即開始進行訪問。我相信你已清楚今日訪問的主題是有關你的專業, 青少年吸毒問題。首先, 你認為香港的吸毒問題是否嚴重呢? K: 香港的吸毒問題可謂嚴重了, 就我認識的吸毒青年已過百了, 更不要論其他社工所認識的 了。 We: 這也算頗嚴重的了。那你認為導致青少年吸毒的原因是什麼? K: 原因有很多。而其中最典型的原因是朋輩影響。青少年總要面子, 更怕因拒絕吸毒而失去朋 友, 所以在朋友鼔勵下會嘗試吸毒。 亦有些是因為家庭問題, 學業壔力, 因愛冒險、愛出風頭, ç„¡ 知、好奇、想逃避現實等等原因而吸毒。 I: 你認為吸你認為吸毒對青少年的成長有什麼不良的影響? T: 吸毒對青少年的成長造成的影響可謂十分深é, 輕則引致記憶力衰退, 抽搐, 抑鬱失çœ, 食慾不 振等等;重則造成心臟衰竭, 肝臟和賢臟受損及中毒性神綔系統損害, 這絕對對青少年的成長 造成極度不良的影響。 I: 你認為校園驗毒計劃可否有效減少吸毒青年的人數? K: 我不能說完全沒有成效, 但成效不會很好。主因是校園驗毒計劃是自願參åŠ, 根本不能通過 這個計劃找出一些真正的吸毒青年。若這個計副劃轉為強制性的成效會更高。 I: 你認為政府可以怎樣向青少年宣揚反吸毒的信息? K: 方法有很多如製作更多關於禁毒的影片, 推行強制性校園驗毒計劃等等都可以向青少年宣 揚反吸毒。不過要向青少年宣揚反吸毒的信息, 家長對青少年的影響比政府以任何方式去宣揚 更好, å› æ­¤, 家長應負責向青少年宣揚反吸毒的信息,減低青少年吸毒的機會。 I: 我今日的訪問就此完畢, 再次感謝你願意抽空接受我的訪問。 K: 不用了, 再見。