Kraft Food Essay

Category: Foodstuff,
Published: 17.12.2019 | Words: 341 | Views: 460
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Kraft food is in more than 168 countries all over the world, were Hansen’s is located in Reino California. Kraft foods and Hansen’s have face book and tweeter page.

The Kraft web page has more users friendly you can go on there and click the different products and on some of the products they offer discount codes and fairly detail explanation of the product. There is a lot on the Kraft website that it can be more than whelming since there are so many options on the page. Hansen’s internet site is nice and pleasant to the eye seems more comfortable. It allows you to feel like anyone with looking at a massive company website. Kraft has so many items that there are a lot of generic products away their planning to replicate Kraft’s product.

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In addition to Kraft’s known overseas they have to deal with your competitors their also because there are so many food corporations out there. Kraft is able to match their competition by doing even more research that may appeal for their customers. For example the latest factor is recycling so Kraft has developed innovative ways to package deal their products and using recycled products and ensuring when they makes packaging they just do not have virtually any waste.

These appeals to many people because of the believe green motto. Kraft also keeps picking out new products therefore can stay ahead of their competitors. Hansen’s products are definitely more originally with the organic sugary sodas and strength drinks so there are not many generic goods that compare to their item.

They also performing something that is so popular, their products are free of additives and no manufactured flavors which will what a great deal people are looking at because of all the other chemicals in food folks are looking for items that are organic. I think that both of these companies are on good paths through survival through globalization mainly because they now their places on the market.