Problems in the correctional systems states essay

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I have decided to research the correctional approach to the United States for many reasons. The first purpose is that I believe this component of the legal system provides the most complications facing this. Another reason is that this topic hobbies me and I would like to find out more on it.

There are plenty of important problems, challenges and problems inside the United States correctional system that really must be addressed. I discovered it difficult to pay attention to just three issues. The first issue I will go over in my conventional paper will be the issue of the developing population in the prisons.

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Prisons are overcrowded and murderers who have dished up barely 50 % of their phrase are being released because the condition facility requirements their bed frames for additional inmates. The 2nd issue that I will go over is criminals and drugs; which include, drug hooked prisoners and drug treatment criminals. The third issue that I will talk about as well pertains to drugs and works with the problem of drug trafficking in prisons.

The initially component of the United States correctional program that I have chose to go over is the issue caused by overloaded prisons. This can be an important theme because overloaded facilities really are a huge injury in America and they are very bad for society. Prisoners who have been found guilty of tough, but have shown good patterns while in prison, will be being released with not even providing half of all their sentence. The parole table is releasing these criminals because space is needed for other criminals coming in. Suppose, that hostage that was launched early due to overcrowded prisons had slain a member of your family and may well now move kill another person? Wouldn’t which will make you a little upset with the system?

There are many reasons why prisons in the United States are extremely overcrowded. To understand overcrowdedness a single must initially understand how pricey it is to build and maintain these correctional establishments. In 93 the average cost to keep just one single inmate incarcerated for a 12 months was over $14, 1000 (Gaines, 1999).

State tennis courts convicted 872, 217 felons during 95 and one-third of the vérité were to get drug crimes. 26% coming from all convicted felons were sentenced to community jails, generally for less than 12 months, and 45% were sentenced to state prisons. The remaining 29% were sentenced to examen with no imprisonment or jail time to serve (Currie, 1998).

Felons sentenced to state prison in year 1994 were sentenced to an normal of about half a dozen years yet were more than likely to provide just two of those six years, within the current release policies (Bender, 1998).

There are many reasons why prisons became therefore overcrowded among 1985 and 1998. These types of factors will include a 12. 3 average twelve-monthly increase in the number of Hispanic inmates, a 91% rise in admissions, a decrease in the annual release costs, and a pointy rise in violent offenders between white inmates therefore keeping them in prisons longer (Jacobs, 1995). A lot of the increases were due to drug croyance. From 85 to 1992 there was a 33% increase in the number of blacks sent to express prisons for violent offenses compared to a 27% increase in the number of white wines. A similar increase in both incarcerated blacks and whites occurred for home crimes. Nevertheless , for medication crimes, 94% more blacks were delivered to prison coming from 1988 to 1992, while only 35% more whites were incarcerated (Cose, 2000).

The countries courts happen to be sentencing and admitting more offenders into America’s prisons than the services can hold. At the beginning of 1995, 39 states were under court docket order to alleviate overcrowding (Currie, 1998).

The best way to address overcrowding is to build more prisons and maybe try to rehabilitate these kinds of felons a little more. The 95 census discovered that federal and state officials built 213 new prisons ” 168 federal and state facilities using more than 280, 000 beds among 1990-1995 to perfectly keep up with the growing prison population (Jacobs, 1997). In 1995 18 correction companies opened 70 new establishments, adding 69, 921 mattresses at an typical cost of $46, 758 (Jacobs, 1997). A lot of states have trouble building prisons quickly enough to meet court orders to correct circumstances.

Because building prisons and adding new beds can be costly, claims are looking for different ways to manage overcrowding, such asearly release courses, electronic monitoring, keeping criminals in regional jails, and having offenders pay reparation; indemnity; settlement; compensation; indemnification to their subjects. Early discharge gives representatives a way to allow prisoners to leave prior to their sentence is completed. In New York, “presumptive release permits the parole board to discharge offenders about parole once they have served their bare minimum sentences in the event that they have not caused any problems. Very good time or perhaps merit time allows the reduction of the sentence moment for everyday of good behavior or perhaps for participating in particular courses.

Felons had been sentenced to an average sentence of 71 months in state prisons in 1994 but actually served about 38 % of that sentence in your essay (Bender, 1998). The danger in releasing inmates to make more room achievable admissions is that some criminals are violent offenders and really should not end up being let out however.

Another way to manage overcrowded circumstances is for the government to save money by simply allowing exclusive businesses to execute some authorities functions (privatization). This plan has mainly affected the corrections system, especially as state and federal federal government face progressively more prisoners and, as a result, an increasing need to build more prisons.

People that happen to be for the privatization of prisons believe that private organizations would equally improve the quality of providers and reduce the expense. A Countrywide Institute of Corrections survey in the the middle of 1980’s identified that more than 30 types of solutions were given by the private sector (Gaines, 1999). The skills most frequently supplied by private enterprise are well being services, community treatment centers, service constructions, educational programs, drug treatment, staff schooling and guidance.

Much of the growth in the penitentiary population could be attributed to the rise in the number of individuals sent to prison for prescription drugs. In an effort to control overcrowding petty drug offenders should be presented treatment or perhaps lighter sentences. When I say petty drug offenders I mean medicine users and not drug sellers that are a better threat to society. Could be if that they get treatment they may become replicate offenders. Packing our prisons with not violent medication offenders implies that today we could committing more non violent offenders to hard time than we are chaotic criminals, and less space left forviolent offenders who also should be store to make world safer.

There is a major query whether jail actually assists these medication users. They can usually find drugs in prison and if not they obtain medicines when they get out. It will be better in the event that drug users were put in mandatory treatment programs on top of doing community services. This would help the condition of penitentiary overcrowding and help individuals who are involved in these kinds of treatment applications. There is a significant problem when drug addicted folks are put into prison and simply cannot get help they support. Prisoners sentenced for drug offenses made up the single greatest group of national inmates, 60% (Currie, 1998). This is a problem and inmates who will be convicted of drug crimes should be designed to participate in these types of programs. Most of these drug treatment courses at federal government institutions have already been ineffective and poorly work.

In 1995, according to the Felony Institute, regarding 13. 2% of inmates participated in drug courses (Jacobs, 1995). The New You are able to Times reported that, although 1 in 6 inmates receive some type of treatment, no more than 2 % have the kind of service rehabilitation that alterations the inmates behaviors for life (Jacobs, 1995). Most of the participants end up recidivists. The most effective programs take many months but reduce the re-arrest rate considerably. Drug treatment advocates say that drug treatment programs could be provided for a lot less than the quantity spent to develop more prisons.

A lot of average Us citizens think people in prisons are all hard criminals. In reality, the prisons are filled wall to wall membrane with drug abusers and mentally ill that need treatment instead of incarceration. They can change with the right support. In stead of building fresh prisons, the federal government should spend half that money on treatment courses. These programs would profit society much more than new prisons would.

The next major issue i would like to speak about deals with the challenge of drug trafficking in prisons. This can be a major problem when ever inmates can certainly obtain medications in prison. Many inmates who will be constantly in and out of penitentiary, see jail as a getaway from the difficult streets. (Cose, 2000). It is because prisoners acquire three foods a day, free room and board, and areable to purchase drugs. Prisons should be natural and inmates should not be capable of get large.

It is hard to manage drugs in prisons mainly because in order to do so that you would have to search everyone moving in, keep all packages out, and secure inmates inside their cells all day and night a day. With an increase of and more inmates in prison for having and working drugs there may be already a market and it is hard to keep medicines out. You can also get too many corrections officers that go to operate everyday and do all the medicine pushing, so that it is hard to find the dealers.

To deal with this problem of medication availability in prisons even more states are staging surprise lock downs and raids to come the amount of drugs. This has demonstrated to work but it is difficult to do on a regular basis because it involves a lot of man electrical power. Another way through which in regulators try to keep drugs away of prisons is to use undercover officers. By making use of undercover representatives in prisons you have an opportunity to get to the primary source of the drugs coming in. The only issue with working on the lining to uncover drug trafficking is the fact it is very risky. Both the private officers, and surprise raids and fasten downs are good way to manage the amount of prescription drugs in prisons.

These issues which i have mentioned are the major problems in the correctional system of the United States. Problems have to be addressed rapidly to better our society as a whole. These types of problems are never going to go away overnight and we, since voters in a democratic contemporary society must decide people that will take action and deal with these types of problems.


Bender, David. Does Capital Punishment Prevent Crime

Greenhaven press, CA 1998.

Cose, Ellis. Newsweek-“America’s Prison Generations.

November 13, 2000

Currie, Elliot. Crime and Abuse in America.

Holly Holt and Company, NY 1998

Enveloppes, Ann. Prisons.

Chelsea Property, Philadelphia 1999.

Jacobs, Nancy. Prisons and Jails: A Deterrent to Crime?

Information Plus, Tx 1995.