Revelation by simply flannery o connor essay

Category: Religious beliefs,
Published: 16.03.2020 | Words: 442 | Views: 771
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Katherine Anne Tenir, Flannery O Connor, Philippine Revolution, Government Corruption

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The reason is , the revolutionary commanders are no much better than the current authorities, where they can be engaging different activities of corruption that may be delegitimizing the revolution. To illustrate this, Porter uses the character of Braggioni; he’s a revolutionary head that is designed to represent the promise in the new market leaders (strong, young and idealistic). Yet, Braggioni can be: fat, out shape and unkempt.

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Obviously he is incapable of redemption, evidence of this can be seen by looking no further than responses that Braggioni makes about people who backed him during the revolution. An illustration of this this can be seen in the passageway where that says “Now, years after, he is revolutionary and innovator of guys who whisper secrets in the ear. He encourages all of them, gives them money, promises them careers, and tells them they must join unions, take part in demonstrations, and attend meetings. However , he tells Laura, “They are foolish, they are sluggish, they are treacherous, they would lower my can range f for nothing. inch But Braggioni lives the favorable life, meals his fill up, sleeping in a soft foundation with his better half, and vocal to Laura. “

What this passageway shows; is that Braggioni is becoming no better than the tainted government representatives that they changed. The sheer contempt that he offers for those he motivates to continue to compliment the innovation is: evidence of such thinking. This is an evident sign that he changed from: the young innovative to a tainted bureaucrat. He can incapable of redemption because he cell phone calls the people who are proponents stupid in back of their backside. This is the total image that Porter is trying to instill upon someone about the revolution.


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