Secret of evaporating oil article

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1 . Assume the position of Fuad, the curator. What alterations, if any, would you suggest, in the administration of the gas station, to Mat Jon? Why? Become as direct as possible.

The recommendation concerning to the managing of the gasoline station can easily divide in to three significant part, which can be recording supervision, inventory administration, and internal control. Mainly because these complications can be directly or indirectly affect the functionality of the business. In order to very well managing a organization, a skillful person with managerial ordonnance and honest behavior are essential.

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However , the individual who having the daily operation with the business, Jamel, does not possessed it.


Erroneous amount in sales collection

Depending on the circumstances, the Pad Jon discovered that the revenue collection was greatly distinct for quick July and ending with the July. The sales numbers for initially two days were reasonable very good, it was around RM32, 000,but it was lowered significantly ultimately of the month, which is drop to RM14, 000 in 31st Come july 1st.

In 1st of July, the daily pump sales of unleaded gas are RM34, 458. sixty-eight, however , it already go beyond the total sales of the day which usually amounting to RM 32, 220. forty. Since the Mat Jon would not able to search for the explanation coming from his nephew, i believe there is likelihood sales was take place, although may be purposely or unintentionally omitted recording. Recommendation:

I would suggest Mat Jon make an appropriate reconciliation between your sales documented, physical equilibrium of unleaded petrol and bank affirmation in order to learned the lacking amount.

Going above of the overdraft amount

The gasoline station facing the deficit of cash and this is showed on the surpass limit from the bank overdraft. Compare the daily money sales obtain with the volume in the financial institution statement, that showed that the cash sales that first deposit into the financial institution are below the actual sales. The overdraft limitis just RM20, 000, but they already overdraft to get RM twenty-one, 019. 42. From the product sales collection survey, most of the sales is considered from funds, so it is not as likely the petrol station will certainly facing the shortage of money. It may be both have robbery of cash or perhaps intentionally treatment by Jamel since the Jamel was sensed nervous the moment Mat Jon questioning him. Recommendation:

Cushion Jon should reconcile each of the cash received against the sales, and this could possibly be done in daily. In addition , Pad Jon should think about installing a CCTV throughout the petrol stop in order to prevent theft of money by dishonest staff.


Inaccurate amount in stock stability report

In addition , from your stock stability report, all of us found which the balance of the stock in the report is lower than the actual balance the fact that company really should have. There are some shortfalls in the physical balance in the unleaded gasoline. Jamel, who have in charge in the petrol station,should have liable on the share balances, so I assume that Jamel might be manipulate the figure in the stock balance statement in order to gain self-interest. For example , having been paying out the cheque with out obtaining virtually any stock. Advice:

Matching the purchase order (PO), delivery buy (DO), and invoices when ever payment is done. Mat Jon should observe back each of the supporting papers in order to ensure the payment is made for the petrol bought. In addition , this is related to the proper segregation of duties. Cushion Jon must not give every one of the right and authority to Jamel.

Elevated in cost of sales while the sales are dropping more than years Based on the trend analysis report, the price of sales was increasing more than years nevertheless the sales were decline substantially. One of the choices is that the inflation causes the price tag on petrol enhance and so leads to the lessening in income. But this assumption is less possible in this instance. This is because the performance of recent year could not fairly explain the increased expense. This might because of Jamel reported the cost of gas athigher price and gain the differences for himself or perhaps, he transported the cost to the consumer by increasing the price of gasoline, and thus loss of customers. Recommendation:

Negotiated while using supplier and propose a hedging agreement to hedge the gasoline price in order to avoid the pumpiing.


The function of Jamel

Cushion Jon remaining the administration of the business almost wholly to his nephew, Jamel and this individual did not pay much attention to the business. Although recently, Mat Jon thought that Jamel was doing something underhanded to his business, and in addition found that Jamel was not capable to deal with the business. This raise the issue on the tasks and capacity for Jamel. Jamel does not include any immediate interest in the business, so he might concern by himself interest rather than the revenue with the business. Advice

Mat Jon should not totally rely on Jamel as he will not have any kind of direct interest in this organization thus there exists possibilities that Jamel will not likely put much effort for the petro place business. Sparring floor Jon can remain the Jamel’s situation just for the sake of avoiding the conflict together, but this individual should screen the gasoline station organization by himself in order to avoid any potential loss. Besides, this can as well enable him to on a regular basis reviewing the business, provided direction to Jamel, and can detect the problems while earlier when he can.

Rude staff

When they getting the complaint using their regular client, Supramaniam, the attendant disregard him and alleged that his fuel indicator may be faulty. So when Supramaniam demand to talk while using person in control, but having been informed that the manager has not been around. With the meantime, the supervisor in the petrol stop, Sudin, yet , could not provide the immediate assistance to the customer. So there is end up getting increasing the consumer dissatisfaction. Recommendation

Provide right training to the staff. This kind of including provides guidance on how to overcome the customer issue and solve the question in the customer courtesy. In addition , the individual in charge of the petrol station, Jamel, could be assumed not really come to work frequently. Therefore , Mat Jon can consider to put in a punch out card system to track the presence record of the employees.

Segregation of tasks

The majority of the problems can be arise is because of there is not correct segregation of duties. Once there is a single person handling an excessive amount of responsibilities, the fraud may well occur. Additionally , it will also reduce the performance from the person who controlling too much of tasks because of the job overload. In this instance, Jamel, as the sole one who managing the petrol station, was deal with too much of duties so that this individual tend to adjust the amount in order to obtain the personal gain. Recommendation

Mat Jon should have right segregation of duties between the manager, Jamel and its boss, Sudin to boost the overall performance of the gasoline station.

Jamel as a station managers, this individual should accountable in term of the products on hand, pricing, saving, and also client services. Consequently, Jamel will need to responsible: Daily operations by gas stations and fuel-selling convenience stores. To ensure that adequate amounts of gasoline are available

Making sure stores are well-stocked

The fuelling equipment is efficient

To make sure staff exists to meet client needs

The payments for energy and merchandise are highly processed and noted properly. Make sure company plans are upheld, examine timesheets for accuracy and reliability, train new employees, distribute paychecks, help to make financial financial institution deposits and report monetary transactions.

Sudin as a place supervisor, this individual should deal with the following obligations: Supervise and co-ordinate sales staff and cashiers toavoid the fraud of cash Assign sales workers to duties

Allow payments by cheque

Resolve buyer complaints and supply shortages

Maintain specific inventory and report to the station supervisor Prepare studies on revenue collection