Self-Awareness in Teen Pregnancy Essay

Category: Conflict,
Published: 08.01.2020 | Words: 1216 | Views: 716
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Self-Awareness in Teenage Pregnancy and Vulnerable Foule. Vulnerable masse are groups that are not very well integrated into the health care program because of cultural, cultural, economic, geographic, or health features (“Vulnerable populations, ” 2010, para. 1). Teen motherhood falls in this category because health-related conditions that will adversely influence the teen and child’s lives.

A number of the issues the teenager can face are parenting problems, marriage problems to add domestic violence, sexually transmitted diseases, child abuse, poor birth outcomes, and suicide attempts. The countless problems that occur are coming from a lack of cultural and environmental resources leading to poor decision-making. Teenage pregnancy has been on the drop since 1990 dropping 40%. In the United States about 975, 500 teens 12-15 – nineteen become pregnant annually.

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Pregnancies to get black and Mexican teens are two to three instances higher than light teenagers (“U. S. young pregnancy, ” 2012, pra. 3). Beginning rates of 20. one particular per one thousand teenagers via 15 -17, and 0. 5 per 1000 to get the most youthful age group 10 – 14 have lowered the past 2 yrs after a short increase the prior year. It is difficult to determine the regarding the father of teen moms because the information on men are missing upon women under 25 that gave delivery or the era was not reported.

Going to high school graduation in the early 1980s I had see a lot of girls keep the school and discovered later on they were pregnant. Sex was something to experiment with, and there are always gossip on what guys had been doing what girls. I actually never thought of or learned about the number of ladies who received pregnant. We didn’t take into account the consequences that had been to follow or perhaps how they affect the girls or guys included.

I was within my own small world, and it by no means affected me. The girls who have got pregnant were the simple girls, or the “sluts” from the school. My spouse and i never learned about the young man who got the girl or girls pregnant. It appeared that it was the ladies fault.

As I grew older I actually learned there are many reasons women got pregnant. Some were raped, or taken advantage of while consumed, some wished to get pregnant, several want try to experience sex, and ended up being pregnant on their first time. During research with this topic and looking back, my personal world developed around my own small community. Two or three women would get pregnant at my school that I would know about, but in truth it would be a lot more like eight or perhaps nine.

The proportion of pregnant teens during that time showed it to be the same at every secondary school in the land, and it could be brushed within the proverbial carpet. Until doing this research I did not realize the indegent outcomes and dangers that lurked just for this population. Condemning of pregnant teens can cause negative effects and implications.

Teens can suffer major depression and low self-esteem simply by internalizing all their problems. Young mothers are less likely to search for prenatal treatment, and along being pregnant although they are even now growing has shown an increase likelihood of babies getting born with lower delivery weights (Kramer & Lancaster, 2009). A few families have disowned their particular pregnant teenage leaving the teenager to fend for themselves.

This leads a number of the pregnant teens who get into an violent relationship or perhaps neglect and abuse toward their children. With the little expertise I had like a nurse; I would ask personally, “Why do she not really use safety? ” I actually forgot that protection does not work 100% of times. After undertaking the research I have learned never to judge an individual on their initial appearance.

With this group of prone patients, I possess learned that teenagers make mistakes, teens are also taken advantage of, and last some use security and the young adults still get pregnant. The pregnant teen or perhaps teen mom needs a caring nurse showing empathy also to trust. When ever taking care of this kind of population, I use learned that I will need to be detailed in my exam and wondering. I want to guarantee the teen, and the baby are safe. By requesting the appropriate inquiries, I can learn about the teen’s mental health, living situation, and exactly how the child handles the mom.

With the details I collect I can aid in many helpful both the pregnant teen plus the teenage mother and her child. Inside the neighborhood Jessica Riley can be an eighteen-year-old mother of two young kids. She had her first child prior to she flipped 17. The girl was living on her own when your woman met her boyfriend, and he relocated in with her almost instantly. Jessica rapidly found very little pregnant to get the second some in an damaging relationship.

Jessica’s boyfriend, Casey was physically and verbally abuse. Jessica continually blamed herself for the misuse and thought if the lady tried harder the mistreatment would get better. Jessica’s children were very well care for and healthy. Jessica received Medical planning for medical needs and WIC coupons to help with food. Jessica worked regular, but cannot support the family with out government assistance.

By working in the Er I i am required to inquire each sufferer if that they feel secure at home. The medical providers are directly looking for individuals who happen to be being abused. After requesting the same inquiries hundreds of times, I i am able to pick up hints in behavior and body language. I might sit down with Jessica and try to build a relying relationship with her. By asking one particular additional topical cream related issue has allowed women to unveiled abusive relationships (James & Shaefer, 2012).

T elling her this is simply not her wrong doing, but a problem with her boyfriend. Operating nights I would alert the social member of staff on call, and also to have the social worker make an effort to come in to talk to the patient. Research have shown in the event the health care provider steps in than the physical violence has a high chance of closing, and a large number of teens or women can leave the abusive marriage (James & Shaefer, 2012). Depending on the state or federal laws the place that the nurse functions a contact to the law enforcement officials may be required. I would possess a list of helpful the patient to include shelters the lady could go to be safe.

I would as well encourage her to seek therapies and speaking with her father and mother. My awareness have in order to a point coming from why made it happen happen to how can I help this kind of patient to my best of my capacity. Being a front line caregiver I have a opportunity to change the patient’s life with a few questions. I can work at building a relying relationship, and make that my qualified moment.

By getting involved, and setting up solutions I can cure the number of negative outcomes the pregnant teenage and baby may have got.