Support systems and business intelligence essay

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1 . Decision support systems and business intelligence

The repaid changing and progressively complex business environment travel companies to work innovatedly. Nevertheless , these scenarios require the business to make crucial decisions that need a substantial amount of data, information and knowledge. Norfolk southern provides set a great expample if you take advantage of info warehousing technologies to support making decisions and gain success. This type of computerized support used by Norfolk southern could be demostrated by business pressure-reponses-support model. The business enterprise pressure-responses-support model can be broken into three pieces: business pressure that result from today’s organization environment, activities taken by business to response the pressures and computeried support that facilitates the monitoering of the environment and enhance the response actions used by organizations.

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Business environment elements, including market segments, consumer requirements, technology and societal elements, has created chances and threads for agencies which then will take different activities to be competitive.

These activities, facilitated by computeried DSS, include employing strategic organizing, using new company model, et al.

Making great decisions indicate managers can better preform their roles with assessible information and computer support. There is three major managerial roles within the organizations: sociable, informational and decisional. Social roles permit the manager to interact with workers for organizational goals. Figurehead, leader and lasion are three roles that shown under sociable roles. The informational roles are the jobs that a director can create and share know-how to organization. These functions include monitor, disseminator and spokesperson. The decisional functions involve the process of decision making by utilizing information and can include the businessman, disturbance-handler, resources-allocators. To make better decision, managers take several steps which include define the problem, consturct a model that explain the real world problem, indentify feasible soultions to the modeled difficulty and evalute the solutions and assess, choose, advise a potnetial soultions to the problem. The high penetration of computeried system in complex and wide managerial areas has made manager awared of the need for computeried help in decision making.

Today’s computer application focuses on difficulty analysis and solution program. Computer decision support program benefits decisionsupport through fast computations, improved communcation and collabration, et al. As a result, it enables the decision manufacturer to make better, quicker and accurate decisions. Gorry and Scott Morton have created the classical construction of digital decision support system with two dismensions-the degree of structuredness and the type pf control. The different amounts in an business have different making decisions. Decisions may be structured, semistructured and unstructured. Structured decisions are the decision at the detailed level of the business and schedule tasks, including manufacturing. Unstructured decisions have reached the tactical level and possess no plan.

Semistructured decisions have some aspect of the problem will be structured yet others are unstructured. Strategic planing, management control and operational control are available elements of the framework. Tactical planning entail defining permanent goals and policies pertaining to resource share. Management control is the effective use of methods to accomplish organizaional goals, while operational control is the effective and effecient inplemmentation of specific tasks. To support decision making, automated decision system (ADS) is a new choice to supply solution to repeating management complications. Take case 1 for example, Gaint food stores apply ADS for price decision, allowing Gaint food stores to handle a large amount of data and automate costs schemes.

Form of decision

Computer support

Structured decisions

Regular computeried quantitative methods

Unstructured decisions

Standard computeried quantitative methods

Semistructured decisions

Administration science (MS) approach

1 . Define the condition

2 . Classify the problem into a srandard caregory.

3. Construct a model that describes the real-world problem

some. Identify possible soiutions to the rnodeled issue ancl measure the solutions. 5. Compare, select, and recomrnend a potential answer to the problem. Decision support product is a computeried system to aid decision making in an organization. As an example, Glaxo Cruz Kline, a globalpharmaceutical business, employs decision support system to improve inventory decision through analyzing optimum satfy share level. The architecture of DSS features four pieces, which are info, model that manipulate info related to specific situation, understanding and interface. Model-oriented DSS and data orientied DSS are types of DSS. Model-oriented DSS are used to create proper soultion to a trouble, while info oriented DSS are used to support ad hoc credit reporting and queries.

Business intelligence can be developed to allow interactive usage of data, to enable manipulation of information, and to give business, managers and analysts the ability to perform appropriate research. By using different tools and technology to gather data, business intelligence is data anaysis process for delivering information to assist manager to create better organization decisions. Like the architecture of DSS, BI architecture can be make up of the datawarehouse, business analytics, organization performance mangement and an individual can interface.

Datawarehouse store historic or current data that end users may access to with analitical instrument. Furthermore, organization performance management monitor key performance symptoms, which then will be presented in dashboards or portals that could be accessed by users. Apart from this, BI provides tangible and intangible advantage, such as on time providing exact information that important for making decisions. The similarities and differences between DRONE and DSS are summeried as comply with. Similarities and differences among BI and DSS



Firm size

Appropriate for large organzations

Applopriate to the type ol organzations


Datawarehouse, organization analytics, organization performance mangement and user interface

Data, model that manipulate info related to certain situation, know-how and interface

Decision support

Indirectly support decision making

Directly support specific decision making

System orentation

Eecutive and strategy orentation

Oriented toward experts

Program comstruction

Commerically obtainable tools and components that are fitted to the needs of organizations

Solutions to extremely unstructured problems

The introduction of methodologies and tools

Software businesses

Schools world


Similar to DSS

Comparable to BI

2 . Decision making, devices, modeling, and support

Making decisions has several charaterisitics. Changing environmental elements may have an effect on decision making top quality by appearing pressure to managers. Including appropriate strategies and tools to assist making decisions is curial. In term of the comparison between decision making and problem solving, four key phrase decision method is used to distingurish all of them. The several phrase are intellignece, design, choice, and implementation. In addition , decision design, the manner in which manager help to make decision, is critical to consider in decision making procedure.

Different decision styles require different laptop supports. A choice made by group is more difficult and is ideal to medium size to large organizaions in which collaboration among individuals is more challenging. Hence, laptop support ought to be provided by a board levels. Low managerial levels and small organizations often make person decisions that is automated finally. Web-based MSS can support group and person decision. A model is three dimensonal and has 3 types that summerized as follow.



Iconic types

A physical replica of your system

Three dimensional

Analog types

A symbolic manifestation of fact

Two-dimensional charts or diagrams

Mental types

Detailed representations of decision-making situations that people consider

Numerical models

Perform numerically with numerical or additional quantitative designs

More abstract types

Following decision making process is definitely improtant in addition to four key phrases of the decision making process, including intelligence, design and style, choice, and implementation. In the intellignence term, decision creators begain by simply identifing difficulty through data collecion and analysis based upon current scenario. Problem then simply will be labeled according to degree of structureness. Complex trouble even will be divided into subproblems which are much easier to solve. The authority to resolve the problem wil be assigned to an individual or some group who have ability to solve. Following defining the correct problem, understanding the problem and testing soultion assist in building model to represent reality. An auto dvd unit representing the program is constrcuted based on the identified varying and their associations. The version includes ordre model and descriptive unit.

Normative version describe models in which the picked alternative is a good of all possible alernatives. To find the best alternative, marketing process can be involved to check all alternatives and consider the impact of each and every alternative within the entire organization. However , the procedure may be frustrating, expensive and complicated. Different to optimization process, suboptimation procedure aggregrate additional department in to simple unit components in order that the decision is manufactured without considering additional part of the business. In respect of the descriptive style, this model is a mathematical model that demostrate the things because they are or as they are believed to be.

The choice phrase will certainly evaluate and introduce a proposed solution which will be used on a model whether it is reasonable. Many search techniques, such as analytical techniques, to be used to search for an appropriate solution. The implementation key phrase will perform the solution to fix the real difficulty. Sacrificing is a type of suboptimation. It is difficult to acquire a best solution with normative unit or descriptive model. Due to bouned rationality, human’s realistic thinking may not produce a option that are ratonal for actual problems.

Key phrase

Computried decision support


Data exploration, OLAP, FUE, ERP, ou al


EES, SERA, SCM, CRM, et ‘s


Supervision science, ESS, ES, ain al


ESS, KM’S, ERP, ou al

a few. Decision support systems idea, methodologies, and technologies: A review Decision support system was originally developed to support the semistructed and unstructed decision making. Its applications has their personal databases and solve a particular problem. It is different to business intelligence (bi) application in which analytical strategies are put on identify and report issue. Hence, model is critical to become included in DSS. According to AIS SIGDSS classification, DSS is calssified into the five categories. Different kinds of DSS offer support for all those phrases of decision making method.



Communications-driven and group DSS

Use computer collaboration, and communication systems

Organizations in tasks that may or may not include decision making


Finalizing data in information and presenting the data to a decision maker

Document-driven DSS

Rely on knowledge code, analysis, search, and collection for decision support

Knowledge-driven DSS, data mining, and administration

FUE applications Require the application of knowiedge technologies to address specific decision support demands

Model-driven DSS

Mostly developed around one or more marketing or ruse models

Compound DSS

Contains two or more from the major cate- gories

Holsapple and Whinston classified DSS in six types, including text orientied DSS, database orientied, spreadsheet focused DSS, solver oriented DSS, rule-oriented DSS, and compound DSS.

Other DSS catagories will be as folowing.



Nature with the decision-making problem

Instutional DSS

deal with decisions of a continual nature

Ad hoc DSS

deal with certain problems that are often neither predicted nor continual what level within the corporation they support

Personal support

An indiviclual end user performing a task in a under the radar task or decision

Group support

a group of people, every one of whom happen to be engaged in individual but extremely interrelated tasks

Organizational support

Company tasks or perhaps activities including a sequence of operations, different functional areas, l probably different places, and mas- sive solutions. whether they support indiviclual function or group work

Individual support program

Group support system

operate using participants in the same room, at the same time implemented over the world wide web and are made to operate in anytime/anyplace function how they will be developed

Custom made program

Custom made for indiviual users and organization.

Ready made system

Build general DSS that can be used in several corporation

The components of decision support program are a data management subsystem, a model supervision subsystem, a user interface subsystem and a knowledge based management subsystem. The communication among components based on the internent technology. Internet browser founction because user interface. Components


Data managing subsystem

A repository that contains relevant data for the situation which is managed by software

Model managing subsystem

A software package deal that includes financial, statistical or perhaps other quantitative modeis offering the system’s analytical capacities and ideal software management User interface subsystem

A process that the user communicates with and directions the DSS knowledge based management subsystem

Support one of the other subsystems or act as an independent element Data administration subsystem consist of DSS database, DBMS, info directory and query service. DSS repository extract data from interior data, external data and private data. Database software management system create,access and update database. It provides functions, such as upgrade data documents and documents; trace info use with the DSS, ainsi que al. The query center access, manipulates, and issue data even though the directory can be described as catalog of all data within a database. The model managing subsystem is composed of model base, DBMS, building language, unit directory, model execution, the usage, and command word processor. The model foundation encompass quantitative models that offer the anaylsis capabilities in a DSS. The four repository are since followings.

Version base


Tactical models

Support top managers’ ideal planning obligations

Tactical models

Assist middle section managers in allocating ancl controlling the company

methods Operational methods

Support the everyday working activities of the business

Deductive models

Perform examination on info

Models will be customized by making use of programming tools and dialects as DDS is build to the manage semistructd and unstructed problems. Those languages may include java, C++, ain al. The modern development of data mining, OLAP, et ing contiribute to the development of DSS. In respect of the model base management system, they have four function, which include unit creation, generation of new routines and studies, model changing and changing as well as style data treatment.

The user software subsystem is actually a way for man machine relationships and a versatile, user friendly and powerful program is vital for user. As an example, web browsers invariably is an effective DSS graphical user interface for its flexibility and user friendly. To manage the user interface subsystem, Interface management system is used. The last element of DSS will be the knowledge based management system. This method provide experience to solve complications and understanding to enhance DSS operation.