The story is set in 1886, throughout the reign of Queen Victoria. Crime was rife and prostitution, drug abuse and homicide were popular. Public hangings were just part of everyday activities. There was very much poverty and ill overall health, poor people occupied cramped, grubby and squalid conditions. Smog caused by the factories acessed heavily […]
Sherlock Holmes Inside the novel Research in Scarlet, we take notice of the relationship between Dr . John Watson, a retired Anglo-Afghan war veteran, and Mr holmes and dr watson, whom all of us first discover as a man that works at a substance laboratory inside the hospital. In the first phase of this novel, […]
The Hound with the Baskervilles is a detective history written by Conan Doyle, and it stars the most famous fictional detective persona, Sherlock Holmes. Detective novels have a conflict and contest among law and order, which is symbolised by detective, and unlawful and disorder, symbolised by the lawbreaker. Justice generally prevails by the end of […]
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