The use of vlog as a media in teaching speaking

Category: Organization,
Published: 17.04.2020 | Words: 808 | Views: 796
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Press, Student, Educating

One of skills which are important in The english language language can be speaking. The students should be progressive in talking with communicate with various other. It is also to prevent misunderstanding once communicate with different. Speaking is productive, common skill and comprise of producing systematic mental utterances to communicate meaning. The students should be good in speaking to complete certain requirements of their examine. To receive that ability the students really should have practice to fluent in speaking.

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Moreover, there are a few problems in student’s speaking skill. Fitriani, SwastiWardah (2014) stated in their research that some of students’ problems in speaking happen to be about grammar, anxious and lack of vocabulary. Some students said though they have various ideas within their minds but they cannot deliver it in any way when they speak.

Anil stated in her journal (2016), currently in educational system the tutor just centered on syllabus and exam instead of increasing chinese ability of the students. This passivity of learning can give impact to students. For example, the lack of exact pronunciation, inappropriate oral fluency, at last all their level of confidence would be at risk. There are several ways which can be utilized to improve students’ speaking skill such as picture, newspaper, and so forth

The weaknesses of traditional approach in dialect teaching and learning is there is not sufficient awareness of teach the essential skills (speaking, reading, being attentive, and writing), the lack of speaking and pronunciation practice. The very best main concern in traditional technique is to teach the written dialect in learning language.

The use of technology in language educating and learning is familiar idea at the moment and it is often implemented for many years now. It implies that technology have been used by many teacher all over the world in newest past.

Nowadays, one among media maintained technology is definitely vlog. Videos is one particular off software for students which is used with Touch screen phone. A vlog is blend of video and blog (blog itself is known as a mix of net and log). The differences of blog and vlog are blog intended for written connection moreover vlog used for common communication. Second language learner utilized vlog for making documentation and also to know their particular speaking improved by evaluating their capability to speak fluently.

The value of applying vlog in language learning is always to help pupils enhance their speaking skill, do better on articulating idea, storytelling and others. The teacher may evaluate the students’ assignment individually at home or everywhere with the own gadget. Using videos can support self-monitored speaking. College student can watch, pay attention and assess their video before they collect it to the instructor.

Rakhmanina Kusumaningrum (2017) proves in her research learning through the use of vlog works more effectively than expository strategy. The result of mean score students learned by using vlog (25. almost 8 %) was higher than college students learnt by utilizing expository (22. 4%).

The topic of vlog can be used in teaching speaking skill had been discussed by researchers inside their project eventually decades. Anil (2016) shows in her research vloging is a good oral communicative software because the learners would study from their problems with the help by facilitator. The students display good frame of mind when they employ vlog within their classroom. In addition, for a second some of college students believed that they can could not study language better via personal computers or smartphone. Anil, (2016) stated in his journal that (0, 72%) and 43 of the college students said that videos is effective and reinforcement. However , (0. 50%) and 30 of the pupils have lack of interaction.

Previous research has analyzed the rendering of a vlog project in an English particular purposes (ESP) course. Hung, (2011) set by his log that additionally 71% reported that videos was a good tool for students to learn and 88% pupils pointed out that videos provided multidimensional perspective about learning.

In Philippines, teaching speaking by using videos is still new. There are a few experts which examined the use of videos as a mass media in educating speaking skill in grammar school up to university or college language class room.

As a result, in this paper the research could contribute the ability about the utilization of vlog as being a media in teaching speaking skill in senior high school level at Indonesia. The investigator wants to learn how the educator implements vlog and students’ response regarding vlog. If the previous researcher focused in students point of view off using vlog in speaking skill and the improvement of the students’ speaking skill through vlog, but this kind of study concentrated to identify how a teacher put into action vlog in teaching speaking and pupils response of vlog.