Traditional media and new media essay

Published: 21.04.2020 | Words: 2080 | Views: 568
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Today Mass media plays an essential role in connecting the world full of people through equipment whether it is Mobile phone, TV, A radio station or Net and personal computers. Mass Media provides the capability plus the ability to reach wide people with good and influential messages which in turn impact on the society. Now the advertising can be divided into two key categories that is certainly traditional media (Folk, TELEVISION, Radio, newpaper etc . ) and Fresh Media (Internet). In Classic Media Tv and Car radio have an excellent influence on people’s daily lives and routines, affecting the content and times that audiences view and pay attention? Mass media features at least three significant roles to play: to inform, to educate and to effect opinion.

These distinctive features of traditional press have been challenged by fresh media, which can be changing the participation patterns of the viewers. Radio broadcasting services were introduced in India inside the twenties when television companies started in late 1950s.

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In the early days, people obtained around the radio set in evening time to listen to well-known network courses.

When ever television finally became money room actuality, people sitting around TELEVISION sets watching their favorite shows. The revolution in TV is available in 1982 the moment color TV sets had been introduced to the normal people with the case Asian Game titles organized in Delhi. The cable wave came in 90’s with the gulf of mexico war between Iraq and Iran. The pace of development quickened, and at that moment round the clock a radio station services in numerous languages started. In Car radio start of FM channels (FM Gold) on Every India Car radio started the revolution. It provides a boost to radio stations programs. With the start of personal FM programs radio once again leaves different mass means behind. A guy or a lady can be seen listening to the private or government FM funnel any time any day means ALL THROUGH. Mass media allows people to engage in events and interact with residential areas over very long distance.

One needs only to imagine elections, Community Cup soccer and royal weddings to appreciate the intensity with which persons can talk about in these occasions. TV, car radio and newspapers bring the outdoors world in to our homes. The broadcast times of applications set the routine of lifestyle within homes. Their articles provides audiences and listeners with a thing to talk about for the. The reality displays on the The airwaves and TV channels allowed the common man to be involved in the programs broadcasted by the media and today they feel themselves to be the part of the applications. Traditional mass media has offered as a companion as well as an essential source of info for the audience. The glowing age of advertising started in early 90’s together with the invention of sites. In the early days the internet utilized only to contact one another. While using time Net starts to advise, educate and entertain. This really is a mass media that needs the participation in the user as well.

This is the just medium which usually needs 100% participation of the user. This is called fresh media as it has the combination of other mediums such as print, TV and Radio in the past. Now-a-days this is actually the golden grow older for new press. We have the technology. We have the professionals to provide high quality services. We have a fantastic hunger among people for reliable, timely and useful details. Now, fast developing technology is fuelling an information trend. The new multimedia, digital transmissions and the internet are sweeping away the limitations with the analogue universe and weakening the grip of government-owned platforms. The nature of the relationship between the broadcaster and its target audience is changing. New mass media in this details age offers an immediate, informative, intelligent, active platform pertaining to discussion and debate.

Fresh media is essentially a cyber culture with modern computer technology, digital data controlled by software plus the latest quickly developing interaction technology. Most technologies identified as “new media are digital, and often possess characteristics penalized networkable, thick, compressible, online and unprejudiced. Examples are the internet, websites, computer media, games, CD-ROMs and Dvd videos. Young people will be attracted to the simple means of obtaining information with internet based terminals or palm phones which will provide them information with their choice anytime, anywhere. They need not have to hold back for any transmitting schedule to be connected to get the information. Net blogs, reports portals and online media, Facebook, You Tube, podcast and webcast, and even the short messages system (SMS), are all fresh media. The ultra-modern revolution enables everybody becoming a journalist at little price and with global reach.

Nothing like this has ever been conceivable before. The effect of new press was observed by the American indian government every time a local head Anna Hazare follows the foot-steps of Father from the nation Mahatma Gandhi. There have been crores of followers of Anna Hazare against problem on internet (social networking sites). The government must present the bill in the Loksabha. And there was clearly a great issue on the traditional media regarding the corruption and the innovator Anna Hazare. This reveals the result in the recent point out elections through which it shed its key seats in UP i. e. Reflet Bareilly and Amethi. The federal government then depended on the popular media which in turn it handled to give data to the electorate while the opposition used new media that has been faster, less expensive and reached a bigger viewers. Ironically it had been the government which in turn spent huge amounts of ringgit to foster the expansion of new technology. “It is not a secret i believe the newest media takes on an important role in our political and social future. 

What we will be witnessing today is the emergence of a global culture through which information and access to details will be the element that can determine which approach power and prosperity will go. It is a global system that transcends countrywide borders and institutions and allows individuals to gain understanding at the press of a few switches (on their very own computers of course). The emergence of blog avenues is a representation on society’s awareness of the value of information diffusion. Unfortunately this ‘leeway’ has provided space for manipulation by irresponsible users. This sort of a situation brings about a poser. The studies and tribulations created by simply new multimedia have afflicted on society and region. Repercussions are reflected in people’s thinking. Prof Madhya Dr Abu Hassan Hasbullah of Multimedia Studies inside the University of Malaysia says that fresh media is much like a ‘new trust’ that traverses almost all boundaries of politics, economic climate and faith.

“It can be embraced by simply almost all of the persons in the world,  New media wields superb influence in the younger technology as they are IT/Tech-savvy and have a great ‘urge to know’. You will find concerns among the list of authorities that parties with vested passions would adjust this new mass media to further all their purportedly “subversive objectives. In India, in which the population is definitely multi-ethnic and multi-religious, the challenges posed by new multimedia seem to be getting more critical. A responsibility in the media should be to ensure good, accurate and impartial confirming. A set of unique codes of values is essential to maintaining criteria for press professionals and organizations. Everyone in the firm should maintain the standard having a sense of responsibility, equal rights and responsibility. Information integrity is not just a matter of crafted values to get the broadcasters; it must be practiced in their day by day operation.

The emergence of the new media is carefully linked to the more youthful generation. A newly released study says a young group spent 18 hours every week to surf the internet, at times noticed and other unnoticed by their parents. An additional survey confirmed that only 23 percent of readers supported comments in blogs. It would be wise for the younger generation to get selective with what is being presented on the net. Government press should broaden collaboration with new multimedia. The relationship should be based on shared respect, equal rights, trust and a win win approach. Text messages need to be constant and cohesive. Working on-line also requires keen connection skills.. For a multi-lingual contemporary society, the language selectivo should be plainly displayed. Leading news should be front and center, and any crisis information (e. g. H1N1, food questions of safety, etc) ought to be prominent with simple steps intended for citizens to follow along with.

Ideally there ought to be “widgets to get bloggers to use and Facebook feeds for critical problems. Online a radio station and television set, grabbing the ears and eyes of netizens, potentially have to become practical alternatives to on-air transmissions. The reach of transmitting stations is restricted by sign range, while online transmitting is available anywhere internet coverage is available. You will discover no limitations. Traditional transmission media has become free. After that pay tv came along to change the version by launching narrowcasting to paying buyers. The internet has taken narrowcasting a step even more by targeting small teams and individuals. Television networks are now enthusiastic to establish websites to help offset audience damage. Online multimedia are having a hard time differentiating themselves off their competitors. Given this, media sites are turning to brand understanding to motivate audiences to select one web page over another.

Yahoo and Google will work together (earlier) and independently (now) with established reports agencies to provide news and information to their users. Marketing with respected agencies allows promote a picture of trustworthiness and trust. On the downside, local content for the local audience is often consigned to take a back chair. Every govt agency should certainly show value for on-line communication. All major communication needs to be shared on-line even though it replicates what is in the press. The concept is to speak consistently, talk about information across ministries and provide cohesive replies. To provide online content upon portals, it must be considered whether the content could possibly be used in online video, shared in photos, or adapted in a widget. The next step is to develop a list of interested functions and send out material to them.

Interpersonal features just like news must have RSS feeds. Each and every ministry needs to have Facebook pages, Facebook feeds and You Tube stations for effective interaction. Considerable indicators just like website appointments could be utilized to gauge efficiency. Other indications are weblog coverage ” increasing or decreasing volume level, and the strengthen of comments. Then you will find Twitter and Facebook fans, numbers registered to receive constant communication, RSS OR ATOM subscribers, etc . East is usually east and west is definitely west. However , the two perform meet. Broadcasters from different media and cultural experience can work and grow with each other. RTM Broadcasting will have even more success in achieving it is goals if this offers even more opportunities for brand spanking new media to expand. Effort in plan and program-making, capacity building, and harnessing technology advances will most benefit the broadcasting sector.

Old is definitely gold. Yet that does not imply that new adjustments should be forgotten or even restarted. It will be beneficial for RTM to tap ways to respond to the global financial crisis and changes in require, so as to improve its position in culture. It needs to expand broadcast coverage, increase its services to the open public, increase outcome in new media, decrease reliance on advertisement, and offer funding with favorable procedures to small and medium sized program suppliers. The potential for elevating reach to users globally must be explored and used. At the same time, support must be given to local content producers. Researching the market should also always be diversified. Finally, best practices should be adopted inside the evaluation of current internet standards and web development.


1 . Wikipedia.

2 . Media reports via BERNAMA.

3. Workshop guidelines in Media and Good Governance

4. Laurie Quellette and James Hay: Better Living through Reality TV (2008). your five. AIBD: Ethical Principles intended for Broadcasters (2009).

six. Commission in Communication and Multimedia Take action 1998.