Writing an article in the TEXAS format is often used by various universities and colleges throughout the United States. In fact, writing this type of essay implies the implementation of unified rules for applying to a university or college. This type of essay is acceptable not only in state educational institutions but also in private colleges and universities. Remember that some of the educational institutions in the USA also use a Common Application system, and thus writing an essay in TEXAS format is inappropriate here.
In order to understand precisely in which educational institution this type of essay is required, find out about this in advance. Just visit the website of the chosen institution, and make sure that a college or university requires students to compose the paper in TEXAS format.
Annually, the admission committee faces a considerable number of fascinating and unique students who have an entirely different life and educational experiences as well as strengths and weaknesses. Besides, the commission will also take into account your educational goals and further career preferences. Thus, one of the most practical tools that the admissions committee can apply to students is to compose an essay in TEXAS format.
This type of essay allows a student to reveal the personality more deeply because even the most detailed analysis of the grades and educational statistics can never do this. In this type of essay, you can specify as diverse as possible:
Among other things, students have a unique opportunity to show their high writing skills and also to indicate the most critical parameters taken into account by the university. Such an approach to writing this type of essay is fundamental because colleges annually strive to find the most talented candidates who can achieve the best academic results and overcome all the difficulties of the educational process.
Do not forget that one of the most important rules when writing a perfect essay is to use a clear argument structure. As part of writing this type of paper in the exam, you’ll be given a blank sheet of paper.
After that, if a learner begins to draw up a clear arguments’ structure and plan to write a paper, this will be definitely noted by the examiner. Therefore, if anyone has specific considerations or ideas for creating a clear structure for the work, then this is the first thing somebody should start with.
Among other things, make sure to create a list of arguments that you plan to use and think about how to prove each of them. Once you prepare the structure of the work and decide on a list of arguments, start writing an essay.
This part of the article should contain brief information devoted to the topic of the work. In the very first line, make sure to indicate the critical problem that you’ll consider or dispute.
Also, try to indicate which of the opinions you’ve chosen to support arguments when writing the paper. Make sure to keep in mind that you do not need to describe in detail the personal thoughts or ideas on the chosen topic. Even a simple listing of these ideas is entirely appropriate.
Try not to make the introductory part of the work too voluminous or vice versa concise one. The best option is to use the five-component structure of the essay. Although sometimes many experts advise expanding the paper to 7 parts.
However, the most important thing to understand is that the work must be clearly structured and completed. Thus, the reader can quite easily understand what is discussed in this paper, and after reading one can make sure that the article fully revealed the topic.
The central part of the work will consist of 3 – 5 paragraphs depending on the chosen topic. In this section, you’ll need to indicate all the arguments that you consider necessary and prove them using appropriate examples.
If you’re not sure how to describe the arguments or how many paragraphs this part of the paper should contain, read on. Even if the topic’s very interesting or voluminous, remember that the time for writing is limited.
To correctly create the central part of your work, you need to understand what TEXAS stands for. In this case, we’re talking about:
If you can use all of the above in the paper, then you will get the perfect essay in TEXAS format.
You should clearly understand that writing an essay in TEXAS format does not mean that when using all the necessary components, the work will be 100% perfect. However, it’s the use of the above elements that will help you to bring this result closer.
In the final part of the work, one needs to avoid generalizations and make a competent conclusion on the written material. Writing the last part does not imply the use of any clear structure.