Building protection external building security

Category: Essay,
Published: 23.12.2019 | Words: 444 | Views: 313
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Protection Principles, Interior Design, Computer Protection, Security

Research from Case Study:

Building Security

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Exterior building reliability seems to have taken on added significance considering that the 2001 strike against the Wtc in New York city by terrorists that flew airplanes in the two properties that led to their finish decimation. Together recent research determined, nevertheless , there are modern day remedies that help against future attacks of related nature. New research in particular established that “Ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) is particularly suited to application in aircraft-impact-resistant high-rise buildings pertaining to combined load-bearing and defensive structures” (Noldgen, Fehling, Riedel, Thoma, 2012, pp. 358). There are more concerns in developing and maintaining secureness than just worrying about an airplane (or various other missile) being used against a building intended for terrorism and mayham.

One of the concerns can include the gain access to points to the building that may be vulnerable to entry simply by those who strive to control or damage house. As the book gives out a sensation that beefing up a main entryway to deter terrorists is all well and dandy, but is not if we permit easy entry way by using a cafeteria or similar entryway. Therefore , having an effective entrance control system “allows the movement of authorized personnel and material into and out of facilities whilst detecting and possibly delaying activity of illegal personnel and contraband” (book – Phase 10-page 187).

Additionally , you will discover principles that can be applied once determining the external building security. The principle of balanced design “ensures that each aspect of a barrier settings affords the same delay” (book – Phase 11-page 221). What the well-balanced design method to security is seeking to give is a way with “no weak links. ” A good example of no fragile links would be a door or entryway that may be totally safeguarded.

Again the book is cited in Chapter eleven by saying “an enemy is not very likely to lose a pit in a door to get through if the door hair or hinges are evidently easier to defeat” (p. 221).

As an example of your balanced design and style strategy, if the White Residence was remanufactured during the 1949 – 1952 period of time it was rebuilt to feature a blast shelter pertaining to the safeguard of the inhabitants, and “part of the house was rebuilt on a steel-supporting frame” (White House, 2013, p. 1). Rebuilding on the steel-supporting frame was an attempt to ensure that the external security of the building was improved and strengthened.

Another theory to consider would