Collaborative practice in health care essay

Category: Health and fitness,
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Collaborative practice in healthcare occurs each time a member of the health care group consults with another affiliate to provide patient care. Effort most often arises between doctors and nursing staff. “Collaboration is defined as a marriage of interdependence; the ability to interact involves trust and esteem not only of each other nevertheless of the job and perspectives each leads to the care of the patient (Phipps and Schaag, 1995, p. 19). Effective collaborative practice among all medical care team members brings about continuity of care, specialist interdependence, quality care and patient pleasure and reduced costs.

Constant collaboration between health care members results in common respect, trust and a great appreciation of what every person brings to the complete goal in rendering care to the customer. The following vignette will provide the building blocks for the topic of collaborative care, distinguishing between nursing diagnosis and collaborative problems, and potential barriers to successful cooperation.

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JG is known as a 74 yr old married Mexican male diagnosed with colon malignancy.

He previously a history of prosthesis placement of his left lower leg; he is ambulatory. He could be a diabetic on oral medications. He performed as a farm building laborer. This individual lives with his wife the lady does not speak English she’s a homemaker. He has a son who lives local and a nephew who have periodically appointments him. JG can figure out some British. He has some problems expressing his health concerns towards the staff due to his limited vocabulary. His son or perhaps nephew delivers JG to his medical center appointments. This individual receives every week chemotherapy in the outpatient oncology clinic. The morning I looked after JG he arrived at the clinic accompanied by his nephew. This was week seven of his treatment. His clothing was filthy, he smelled of chair, his fingernails were grubby, hair uncombed, he appeared to be dehydrated. He reported intestinal movements of eight bar stools per day with complaints of occasional belly cramping. This individual denied nausea or lack of appetite. This individual stated that he was very tired and was not capable to do much at home.

His main concern was the frequency of his intestinal movements. He reports going the bathroom 2-3 times during the night and features episodes of soiling the bed. He reports that occasionally he would not feel theurge to go. JG was putting on adult pampers. He stated concern it turned out getting expensive for him to purchase. The nephew affirmed that JG toileting has created a problem in your own home. His nephew verbalized that JG got medication for diarrhea nevertheless ran out from it and this individual did not have the money to purchase the medication. When ever questioned so why he was utilizing a wheelchair he stated that his feet hurt to walk the length from the main receiving area to the treatment room. He mentioned it turned out probably due to an ingrown toe nail. He also asked how he could have a wheel chair for his personal use at your home. Physical assessment revealed that he previously a necrotic area on the ball of his left foot with around redness, misplaced 12 pounds in six weeks, poor epidermis turgor, hyperactive bowel noises, and his blood pressure was somewhat lower than primary.

In the portable chemotherapy setting, the clients do not often see all their physician each and every time they receive treatment. The nurse need to ascertain if you should collaborate with the physician upon issues regarding the patients position, response to treatment, or toxicities that may be deadly. It is essential which the nurse is capable to talk effectively her-(Be careful with gender bias, nurses are available in both genders. ) findings to the medical doctor.

Collaborative trouble is detected through the nurse’s examination of the patient. The nurse’s monitoring with the patient position is to assess physiological difficulties that may threaten the patient’s integrity. Managing of collaborative problems will incorporate implementing medical doctor prescribed and nurse prescribed actions to curtail escalation of the problem and protecting against patient injury. From the nurse’s assessment, in addition, she formulates a nursing diagnosis. The breastfeeding diagnoses happen to be stated in the proper execution of the issue, the etiology and the symptoms that the health professional observes. Nursing jobs diagnosis can include a current or potential issue, an in danger problem, or a wellness analysis. Nursing prognosis provides the framework from which the nurse begins to devise a strategy of treatment and medical interventions.

In the case of JG, there have been two collaborative problems discovered. Twoproblems I collaborated with physician, just read was:

1 . JG is experiencing toxicity from your chemotherapy. There may be potential for electrolyte imbalance, circulatory collapse.

2 . The necrotic area in the foot was a new development in his state. There is potential complication intended for infection

The collaborative challenges discussed with JG medical doctor and registered nurse quickly resolved. JG would not receive his chemotherapy. He was given an injection of sandostatin LR to help minimize his diarrhea; a stat simple metabolic panel was obtained; and having been given intravenous hydration with potassium. The doctor made a referral to JG podiatrist for the next time to assess the integrity of his remaining foot.

Listed are four, but not most, possible medical diagnosis extracted from my analysis.

1 . Diarrhea related to radiation treatment manifested by hyperactive intestinal sounds and eight loose stools.

2 . Bowel incontinence related to loss of rectal muscle control and chemotherapy described by fecal odor, fecal staining of clothing, urgency.

3. Improved Nutrition related to colon cancers manifested by diarrhea, abs cramping.

four. Ineffective supervision of therapeutic regimen relevant to JG insufficient knowledge of his disease demonstrated by his inability and unwillingness to handle his symptoms.

Considering JG comments regarding his budget, his general physical appearance and the comments coming from his nephew, I decided to consult with the sociable worker. I actually felt that a home visit or a thorough investigation of JG residence situation was warranted.

The social member of staff was able to request in house support, and helping the individual with insurance issues and so he may obtain the necessary supplies. Some think to recruit the participation of the nutritionist. In retrospect, the nutritionist would have been a valuable resource to evaluate JG caloric intake and tips for optimal diet.

I believed that the over incident demonstrated collaboration between health care providers. The physician in this case was open to the nurse’s observations with respect to her functions of correct assessment in the patient’s state and potential complications. This is simply not always the case, barriers to collaboration are also inherent in the health care industry. Barriers occur in patient conditions where the doctor is not sympathetic or does not trust the nurse’s evaluation of patient state. The nurse may have feelings of inferiority, insufficient confidence and does not appropriately collaborate with the doctor correct details.

Conflicts inside the goals wanted for the patient is often offered as a hurdle to cooperation. I recall an event of a men patient clinically determined to have metastatic breast cancer. His appearance was that associated with an individual who was in a Nazi concentration camp. The health professional wondered how come the medical doctor was dealing with this man aggressively. In her head, this sufferer was not an appropriate candidate to obtain the particular treatment that was ordered. Your woman feared the sufferer would not tolerate such an intense schedule which it was useless to put this poor person through treatment. The patient was diagnosed 2 yrs ago. He’s still getting treatments, he has gained weight in addition to October of last year this individual hiked towards the summit of Mt. Whitney.

Role issue is another main barrier to collaboration. To offer cost effective proper care, many establishments utilize nurse practitioners and pas. Role turmoil arises once practitioners have opposing landscapes or objectives (Blais, Hayes, Kozier, & Erb, 2002). Role issue and can bring about litigation. In accordance to Resnick, physicians be reluctant to work together informally with Nurse Practitioners pertaining to fear of getting held liable for the actions of the Nurse Practitioner (Resnick, 2004). Clear definition of rolesfor experts is essential in order to avoid misunderstanding.

In summary, collaborative practice is the platinum standard that health care professionals should endeavor towards. The nurse can be central in determining the person issues that cause collaboration and she has to be able to properly communicate her observations. Collaborative practice reduces complications that may lead to tragic outcomes. The greatest goal of collaborative practice is to provide the quality service that each individual under the care justifies.


Blais, K. E., Hayes, M. S., Kozier, B. & Erb, G. (2002). Specialist nursing practice:

Concepts and perspectives (4th ed. ). New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Phillps, W. M., & Schaag, H. A. (1995). Persepctives for health insurance and illness. In Phipps, W. J, Cassmeyer, V. L., Sands, T. E., Lehman, M. K(Eds. ), Medical surgical medical concepts and clinical practice, p. 19. St . Luis, MO: Mosby.

Resnick, M. (2004). Restricting litigation risk through collaborative practice. Geriatric Times

5(4), 33. Retrieved March 21 years old, 2004 by EBSCOhost database.

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