Detecting starch and sugars in food Essay

Category: Foodstuff,
Topics: Food,
Published: 05.02.2020 | Words: 914 | Views: 716
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Goal: To identify the presence of starch and sugars (glucose and fructose) in various food resources. Background: We certainly have many different food in daily life and lots of of them include nutrients just like carbonhydrates that are essential to man life. Starch is a polysaccharide, a group of nutrients known as carbonhydrates.

Glucose and fructose will be monosaccharides, less difficult carbonhydrates which are generally refered to as all kinds of sugar. In order to identify the different carbonhydrates content in ranges of food, we all used two theories inside our experiment. First of all, starch can react with iodine to create a blue merchandise. Secondly, blood sugar and fructose are reducing sugars that can be tested by simply Benedict’s reagent, because the minimizing sugars which contain aldehydes group produce reddish copper(Гў ) oxide medications when respond with Benedict’s reagent.

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Supplies and gadgets: 2cm3 of 1% starch solution, 2cm3 of 1% glucose answer, 10 cm3 of 1% iodine remedy, 30 cm3 of 1% Benedict’s reagent, small amounts of different type of foodstuff (mushrooms, potatoes, bread piece, sweet potatoes, lemon, onion, biscuit, cucumber, tomatoes, peanuts, lettus, tomato sauce, green vegetables, milk, cereal), light tile Eight test pontoons, test-tube holder, test-tube stand, Nusen burner, Heat-proof pad, safety eyeglasses Procedures: 1 ) Three drops of 2cm3 of 1% starch solution was put onto a white ceramic tile and 3 drops of iodine option was added and noticed the solor change. installment payments on your 2cm3 of glucose solution was include in a test out tube and added about five frops of Benedict’s reagent and boiled carefully. Observed the color change. three or more.

Placed small piece of eight foods in ten evaluation tubes and added one drop of water, three drops of 2cm3 of 1% starch to them respectively and orderly. (mushrooms, potatoes, loaf of bread piece, sweet potatoes, lemon, onion, biscuit, cucumber, tomato vegetables, peanuts) Oserved the color transform and made information. 4. Put small bits of ten foods into eight different evaluation tubes and added a single drops of water, five drops of Benedict’s reagent to these people in order and respectively. (lemon, lettus, tomato sauce, cucumber, tomato, green vegetables, dairy, biscuit, food, sweet potatoes) And boiled each check tube carefully and observed the color change. 5. Manufactured a conclusion based on benefits.

Result 1 . In treatment 1, area of remedy changed to blue-black when starch solution reacted with iodine solution. In procedure two, the color of solution converted to orange-red when the glucose answer reacted together with the Benedict’s reagent and was heated. installment payments on your The diagram(fig. 1) beneath shows what I observed immediately after the procedure 3: Food source Color change Mushroom Potatoes Blue-black Bread piece Blue-black Sweet potatoes Purple-blue Lemon Red onion Biscuit Blue-black Cucumber Tomato plants Peanuts a few. Then, the diagram(fig.

2) below reveals what I seen directly after the procedure some: Food source Color change Lemon Red-orange Lettus Darker purple-red Tomaot sauce Orange Cucumber Red-orange Tomato Orange colored Dark green vegetable Milk Lumination orange Cookie Orange Cereal Orange Lovely potato Red-orange Analysis: 1 ) In my entire experiment, the method 1 and 2 were used while testing thoeries to give all of us a standard to testify if certain food source contained selected kinds of carbonhydrates. If in procedure 3 the food flipped color close to blue or purple, the meals must include starch inside. What’s more, if in procedure 5 the solution in the test conduit turned color near red or fruit, the food msust contain lowering sugars blood sugar or fructose.

1 . From the information and results We gathered via fig. two, I was able to figure out if each foodstuff contains sugar glucose and fructose or not. Checklist was shown below(fig. 4): From the plan above we can clearly see that except dark green vegetables all the foods continued to be contain all kinds of sugar glucose or fructose.

Evaluation: During the research, our group made many mistakes and i also listed them below to judge them respectively. 1 . At the beginning of the research, during the process of adding water to the cleaning powder strategy to 500cm3. We first ingnored the bubbles above and filled this particular till the 500cm3 level but afterwards we found the water was much more than 500cm3, thus we repeated the try things out from the kick off point once again. This time around, I controled the water thoroughly by flowing it softly along side the walls of the beaker and measuring cylinder to ensure there’s zero bubble manufactured during the types of procedures.

My improvement was good and at the 2nd time we added drinking water accurately to 500cm3. 2 . The color of ultimate solution in test conduit 2. 5mgdm-3 was as dark since that of the answer with 10mgdm-3and it’s not consistent with the general trend of other alternatives. I considered the whole procedure of our try things out thoroughly and thought of two possible mistakes.

Firstly we could have made that firstly we might add much more than 5 cm3 standard detergent solution to the test tube. Subsequently, because before using the 1000cm3 beaker to heat quality tube we used 500 cm3 beaker at first then simply we found it as well small to keep six evaluation tubes so we taken off two check tubes out of your water then put them into the bigger box. Maybe one of the two previously heated evaluation tube was your 2. 5mgdm-3 one and it’s darker because it has become heated intended for seconds just before others.