Have People Become Overly Dependent on Technology? Essay

Category: Computer,
Published: 23.11.2019 | Words: 2929 | Views: 773
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Because all of us, as a culture, are taking on technology without fully understanding the long-term ramifications of this decision. We’re constantly seeking out immediate gains and improvements without really with the whole picture for future generations. Computers are great, don’t get me wrong.

They can be wonderful tools that help many make simpler their your life, get more information, and in the end, with any luck , make better, even more informed decisions. These better informed decisions hopefully result in better lives (for people) or better revenues and increased earnings (for companies). But personal computers are not always the right choice, even if they appear to provide a solution to a current problem. Being a tool, a computer is a valuable aid. They have helped can be and technical engineers design and give more reliable, interesting structures and buildings.

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That allows us to divide atoms, and categorize human being genomes. It will take guesswork bankrupt intelligence and product demand curves. This even permits us to exchange profit the form of bits and bytes rather than actual paper money changing hands. But as a base for an essential enconomic expoliar in our nation, I believe we’re exceeding expectations of sane thinking.

You cannot find any such thing as an unhackable computer. There is no this sort of thing like a 24/7/365 computer (despite what some firms claim). And until there is certainly, putting all of your eggs into a computerized future seems a little short-sighted to my opinion.

Imagine a power outage. You know, the type we had just a couple of years ago upon our supposedly modern power company. The kind that isn’t supposed to happen.

The kind that helped bring an entire coast of our country grinding into a halt. That’s fine, you say, those things are nut occurrences, and happen from time to time. Like the California blackouts of some years ago. But as our thirst for electrical power increases, and our facilities fails to come up with it (and it really is no place near to keeping pace with it — it is uncertain the U. S. offers enough book electricity supplies without making use of our friends and neighbors from the north during optimum usage periods). Now, instead of just going a number of days with out power, imagine an entire society devoid of electricity.

Could that happen? For a couple of days, sure. But for a little while or even much longer? Who understands? The question to my way of thinking isn’t in the event such some thing is possible, yet simply once.

Now, forty five years ago, designers and technicians could keep on working, simply because they used their particular drafting planks and chart paper to create the structures that hold all of us up. The NYSE could go on operating using great old-fashioned conventional paper and pen, just like they were doing then. Individuals could use funds instead of fee or free e cards to pay for services and goods.

The point is, 60 years ago, I believe society could easily survive and get over a course in electrical energy even for a long period of time. It absolutely was inconvenient, however the basics of daily life (and the basics of your economy! didn’t depend on electrical power being dependable and considerable. All of that has evolved. I think some new designers wouldn’t learn how to design a 50-story building on paper (without aid of any CAD program), or a doctor who had to diagnose a patient without the dependence on buying 10 or 15 medical tests. Or a politician who couldn’t rely on instant polling techniques.

Or residents who had to resort to reading their news, instead of seeing in on TV. Or a significant stock exchange not being able to function since generators were never intended to be used full-time, indefinitely. As a tool, I do believe computers are definitely the cat’s meow. But as this kind of something even more they’ve become, this integrated component that so many people have grown to be dependent upon, I actually am sometimes a little worried or worried.

We believe all of us live in a largely stable world, with virtually countless supplies of natural resources. And yet that belief isn’t grounded actually — all of us live in a limited-resource community where, one day (perhaps in certain of our’s future), some of those resources may very well run out or dwindle substantially. So it’s a simple equation: limited long term natural assets means limited supplies of electricity, the stuff that powers our modern world. PS – Yes, I know, I realize, let’s pin our desires on sun or nuclear, because they’ve shown so much promise thus far!

Naturally, a whole lot can change within my lifetime, but we’ve every been looking forward to a breakthrough in strength production for many years and non-e has come. Elemental was the previous big a single with industrial realization, and this was developed half a century ago! •Mankind has had tools since the commencing of documented history and that may be all technology. We are a creature that may solve complications by creating physical solutions and that is in part what makes all of us different than many animals, although not all.

What is disconcerting is that we have so many dependencies on technology and enormous systems that people can not restore or re-create easily. •Yes, we are getting too influenced by technology. Many people can’t mean correctly. So why? Spell checking software. We have become laid back.

Why? Travel facilities. Technology is not bad in itself, although we, the people of 21st century, are misusing it. We have became non-active and as a result disorders which were not known 200 years ago have now started to be commonplace. •No, we are much less a types too based upon technology as it stands today.

As we have created the tools which will led to technology, we have likewise learned why it is they are going to and are required – our memories fail us, so we need a list to correct all of us or to learn from or reword; what is upon a computer is not written in rock, it may be changed. This is a fluid state of mind that was unknown to previous ages; a ever changing “evolution of thought”. It really is above all a neutral application to speak with those of our country within others, we require this in a world using a population in ever increasing enormous amounts. •People will almost always be needed and wanted for face to face conversation, but in which that is not possible; technology maintains those ties and allows us to reach out for further aide.

Punctuational and terminology are changing fields; it is not unknown pertaining to the people of 1 country of talking many languages and still end up being citizens given birth to of that world – yet not have one common tongue included in this. Accents, however, words and slang can easily and will modify within less then a technology. Technology is usually allowing us to “keep up” with those improvements, understand these people, and also creating new types; also we know of unfortunate occurances soon after they will happen, if perhaps not as they happen; saving lives of individuals just like us; who when they might not have our culture or perhaps language, are non-e the less human.

While there are new illnesses, ask yourself if they are really truly “new” or something which past ages struggled to survive against and communicate to rid ourselves and others of; and failed, because they did not have the technology were developing now to understand how a condition works as well as how to rid themselves. Definitely – another reason for it is that people are using it to talk about bad points so that they don’t have to say that to the person’s face, like cyber-bullying by way of example. •Yes generally, but still there are those who have very minor footprints of technology dependency.

Inspite of we can see of the persons in urban areas where technology is the “life blood” of very living entity, several corner of the country – the rural/remote areas, on the other hand, have no or perhaps very slight technology happened to run lives. They will still reside in a primitively where there will be no computers, mobile phones, etc . and where they will work with uncovered hands and bare feet. Technology is actually rising, producing our lives many more easy, but what about the “behind the world”? •Yes! The one day time our college power sought out we could scarcely do any work because our Smartboard went out with the power.

I mean also right now we are on the computer trying to find answers rather than figuring out themselves. So what occurs we go out of fossil fuel and olive oil and all these items: no more technology! We will need to do with no it. Some people will do obviously without that. Others will search until death to find another reference.

Sadly the individuals who search until fatality will have just wasted their very own whole life on something difficult. Possibly if perhaps someone can it won’t last for very long. It’s only one resource. If perhaps someone ideas that I hearby advise against it! At this point get off the pc and do something without technology! •First issue – could it be electrical technology you’re on about, or technology generally?

We employ general technology 24/7. All of us use products of that technology 24/7. We all also use electric powered tech 24/7. We have turn into dependant on that, yes. It includes made us dumb, laid back, it has altered us a lot.

But coming from a simple power cut, as with the thing over, that sort of thing must not happen. That may be over-dependance also by contemporary standards, almost certainly. We have bundled all kinds of technology into every single second of lives. Yet it’s so good. It’s only the way a few use it that’s bad.

Don’t know how to cause because of spell-checking? Too bad, mate, that’s the fault. Should certainly learn to mean without that. I can spell without it. I can mean really well devoid of it.

How come can’t you? (Not to express YOU can’t spell… but who is aware? ) The main problem by it, even though, is probably apathy. Why walk when you can jump in the car? How come play soccer, or game, or volant outside when you can actually play Red Dead Redemption, or enjoy the Undead Nightmare story on Youtube?

Yet I play outside. And get sufficient time to play PLAYSTATION 3 SLIM and watch products on Youtube. And type stuff up on Wikianswers while I needs to be doing my own maths (eek! ). Why set up that whole Location paper from the beginning when you can copy-paste from the net? I can.

My spouse and i get details from the net, but I do the paper myself. Why can’t you? It’s not the technology that’s negative, it’s how it’s applied. God is aware how many times I’ve said that now. •People nowadays will be fat and lazy. Males do not know to swing an axe or harness a team of horses.

Girls cannot take two also of water or clean clothes with no washer. Ladies do not know tips on how to spin thread or place cloth and in addition they can not affix a fine seam without a stitching machine. Individuals have forgotten how to cut wheat or grain with a sickle and corn-picking has become a dropped skill.

Books were a whole lot prettier before they started out printing all of them. Doctors can’t tell what is wrong with you without X-rays, CT verification or lab work. In the event men with shovels were used to build roads instead of heavy gear, there would be no shortage of careers. •I would say, certainly.

I mean, folks are always text messaging, on the computer, or perhaps watching TV to acquire real and private conversations with people. Some people can’t even make it through without their cell phones or their iPods/laptops, which is kind of sad in case you ask myself. However , technology has helped us understand life better, connect with persons you haven’t talked to in years, find remedies and vaccines for dangerous diseases, and ultimately replace the world. It’s how you employ technology… don’t overuse that and use it appropriately.

I think it is important that we have technology in our lives today or maybe there would be many more lives lost, and much information lost to us. For the answer just before mine… not all of us are in the country with horses and hay! •Not all people are this kind of dependent. Most people are fooled simply by thinking they require the newest as well as the best.

You may not think that you need a phone which could turn your lights of 100 mls away? Naturally you don’t! Do you need the one which lets you enjoy videos of individuals falling? NO!

I would say 70% of the human race IS too dependent, however the 30% people that isn’t is probably the wisest. I came across this kind of Seymour Papert quote this past weekend, the best part that is under. In circumstance, Papert is usually speaking about effecting real enhancements made on the content of faculty mathematics, and he focuses particularly within the teaching of fractions: One theory [among educators about how come we should instruct fractions in school] was that manipulating fractions was actually closer to what folks needed back again before there was calculators. So a lot of school math was useful once upon a time, but we have now calculators and thus we don’t need it.

But people declare surely we all don’t need to be dependent on the calculator. That I say, Understand this thing, these eyeglasses, that will make a dramatic difference to my life and the life of everybody whom reads or perhaps looks at virtually any tiny fine detail. Once upon a time we would have been crippled, severely disabled. Now we’ve got these and we don’t need to go through all that enduring. So our company is dependent on this kind of little point.

Well, what exactly? There is nothing wrong with getting dependent on just a little thing that everybody can have got lots of. This doesn’t even cost much. So , that is no argument.

People drift the “dependence on technology” counter-argument against the use of technology in the mathematics classroom very frequently. But since Papert notes, is it actually all that negative if learners became dependent on a technology that’s affordable and easy to come by? In fact , within the US by least, aren’t most of us dependent upon cheap and ubiquitous technologies — glasses, running water, automobiles, kitchen appliances? (And some of those aren’t cheap! ) We don’t make college students in cooking school figure out how to cook on the campfire away of fear they’d become dependent on stoves.

Why should all of us shy away from calculators? That threat of becoming based mostly on technology to accomplish mathematics is merely a real concern, for me for least, beneath one of two circumstances. One is in the event the technology we use is expensive or otherwise hard to access for some learners. This is often a real difficulty. But math teachers can easily combat that by looking for technologies which might be cheap or free and straightforward to access — think low-cost, functional, sturdy devices like the TI-30X instead of monstrosities like the TI NSpire. (That’s an order of magnitude difference in the selling price there, in case you missed this.

Or, as much as I loveMATLAB, it’s costly — and if accessing costly issue for young students, think instead about open-source alternatives just like Octave. The other state is the moment our meaning of “mathematics” becomes so constrained that it includes only these tasks that could be easily captive-raised out to technology. When you remove all the individual elements via mathematics — modeling, solving problems, pattern-finding, written expression, and so forth — and reduce the subject to nothing more than rote mechanics, obviously technology positions an existential threat for the discipline. And deservedly and so!

Any discipline that can be substituted by application probably must be. Far more associated with an threat to students’ long-term success is definitely the dependency they can develop after people, especially teachers. If the student offers trouble manipulating fractions with out a calculator but can read a problem thoughtfully, style a quantitative situation intelligently, and complete and validate her work on their own, I eel pretty good about this student’s possibilities in the future.

When a student can ace every one of the test queries about jeu but can’t do anything with a real-world issue without external prodding and validation by a instructor or different authority (“Is this proper? “, “Am I on the right track? “, therefore on), that’s when there’s real problems, and it’s got nothing to do with technology. Who’s talking about that kind of habbit in school math these days?