“I am not that woman” by Kishwar Naheed Essay

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Kishwar Naheed, a contemporary Urdu Pakistaner poet came to be in 1940 in a Syed family of Uttar Pradesh, India.

She relocated to Pakistan during the partition of sub-continent in 1947. Moving down inside the conservative environment of Pakistan, she was required to struggle to obtain education. The girl studied at home and received a high college diploma and went on to obtain a Experts degree in Economics coming from Punjab University.

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She earned many prizes which are an evidence of her high fictional status. The lady achieved this kind of high browsing the fictional world because of the uncensored giving voice of her fight against her society. Being a portion of the partition of subcontinent, Naheed witnessed harassment against women and its impact is considerably reflected as we see women subjugation the main objective of Naheed’s poetry.

Naheed’s poems “I Am Not That Woman” and “The Grass Is actually Like Me” voice the possible lack of dignity and respect experienced the females and how offered to conditions with this. Feminism staying Naheed’s strength is the main concept of the the two poems. Naheed illustrates how females are lowered to pure objects of use with their emotions put aside, bring physical satiation, thus puts forward the theme of Commodification.

Though conned off the correct of thoughts and opinions by guys she continue to hopes for a better life with equal rights to guys introducing the theme of Positive outlook in her poems. Fathers, brothers and husbands becoming responsible for the suppressed existence a female usually spends as they are her disloyal adults and criminals of her freedom as well, gives method to the concept of the Male Chauvinism. Though making an effort of trying to rise and throwing away the shackles that confine their very own movement a lot of weak ladies surrender themselves in the hands of the contemporary society thus allowing it to control their life, showing the theme of Reification in one of the two poems.

Naheed incredibly skillfully has made use of poetic devices just like Connotation, Emblems, Metaphors and Personification to heighten the impact of her message in the two poems. Elegance on the part of females was the concentrate of the her attention but aside from being the witness towards the violence done to women inside the partition of subcontinent, the unjustness for women inside the Zia plan was also a reason of her women subjugation staying her primary focus. Basic Zia ul Haq’s armed forces dictatorship, Martial Law which will lasted by 1977 to 1988 profoundly shaped Naheed’s protest against the undue subjugation that was contrived on the facets of State-regulation of women’s bodies and sexualities below Zia’s putting on the Hudud Ordinances beginning in 1979.

Ladies were miserable of their because of rights and even though the ordinance appeared to protect women coming from harassment, the passing from the Law of Evidence in 1983 decreased a woman’s testimony within a court of law to half the cost of a man plus the implications of such laws on girls are worth exploring in short , because in matters of rape and sexual assault (zina) ladies were in a big way affected. Whether or not, as Anita Weiss (1985) notes in her study of the women’s movement in Pakistan, the punishment meted out to offenders of zina regardless of sex was constitutionally the same (p. 8), seeing that women’s power of testimony in zina instances was inadmissible in the courtroom, the legal guidelines of zina in fact acquired serious male or female biases built into it.

Anita Weiss in her document “Women in Pakistan: Implications of the Current Program of Islamization” tells that when females were found guilty for zina offences there is little area for charm; men, equally, were essentially acquitted. While the Hudud Ordinances would have extreme repercussions for women’s social standing in Pakistan, this moment in Pakistani political history between the many years of 1977-1988 will mark, the first time, women’s direct participation and protest up against the state’s dangerous the hadd (singular of hudud) punishments especially mainly because it concerned women’s bodies and sexualities. Zia ul Haq came up with these kinds of laws to cause a step-by-step reduction of women’s electricity in concerns of economical, legal, and educational representation.

Limiting women to their houses would not stop women like Naheed. She in her own ways through her poems protested against the authorities plus the baseless laws passed out under the Zia regime. Though back then wide open protest against the authorities was considered unlawful, Naheed was unstoppable in voicing her point.

Reckless Naheed reached out to all ladies and not to a certain class and her poems jolted the complacency in her persons as the girl showed looking glass to the males and shook them inside their seats as their injustice towards women was captured by Naheed in poetry intended for public observing. Poetry created for a trigger reached out towards the hearts of several. “I are not that woman” and “The grass is really just like me” happen to be such cases. “I am not that woman” is about women dealing with the guys of the society. She is attracting a collection between herself and the degraded women who can be found in advertisements and the beauty can be used as a instrument of providing the products.

States I are a respectable woman who won’t allow her to acquire insulted by men. States that although the men cause them to become stay imprisoned within the four walls of their house, whilst they enjoy life roaming free of charge as breeze, even then a woman may not be silenced and she would speak for her rights. She also says that her husband features suppressed her under the restrictions of baseless traditions and used her for sex and to bear children who have grow up to disrespect their very own mothers similarly but still it won’t stop her coming from shining and that this oppression cannot scar her hopes of a life that your woman deserves.

Mom and dad are also falsely accused of getting married to off all their daughters only to feel clear of a burden and fulfill their duty yet she says the actual require is not only gratifying duties but to change to traditional mindset with the society which usually presently do not seem to transform. The very first stanza implies the theme of ‘Feminism’ being pointed out as the opening with the poem contains a very declarative tone to it and a develop which tells men to hold her separate from the insulted girls in advertisements “selling you sneakers and socks”.

Further that forms the picture of a girl who is confined within the 4 walls of her home while her husband can be allowed to have the ability to the freedom on the planet as it explains to that this individual roamed “free as the breeze”. As Kishwar Naheed is known to give voice for the voiceless ladies so the subject of the very first section seems incredibly familiar to the Asian visitor. The reason is that it includes described the dilemma that girls of the Oriental societies have to face that is certainly they are trained and anticipated the whole with their lives to remain within the boundaries of her house as a result of culture that prevails which does not allow women any kind of progress and freewill.

The message submit in the extremely start of the composition has a feminist approach while feminism reveals of the abject males and females in a society nevertheless mainly it advocates the concept of inferior position of females. Though the girl is suppressed still the lady gives out a note that nothing can keep her from obtaining her privileges.

Here the theme of ‘Optimism’ is seen as Kishwar Naheed features put forward the style of a under control woman has become stated previously but the oppression has not been capable of beat throughout the hope that sooner or later she’d be able to take advantage of the life of free will that she should get as she says in the 1st stanza that “…my tone of voice cannot be smothered by stones” and she says in the second stanza also that “I i am the one in whose lap you selected flowers…planted thorns and embers…cannot smother my personal fragrance”. This tells that even though her husband stole away all of the happiness in her life and all she got in exchange of the struggling were disrespectful children although even they will won’t be able to stop her from growing.

It’s the males which in turn prevent females from rising further inside the poem the theme of ‘Male Chauvinism’ as well surfaces. This is certainly a very prevalent feature in the Asian communities that no matter how uncultured and disloyal you head of family is it can be still his orders which can be carried out and all the rules and regulations based on the social conventions are to be then the women and none of those apply to a male since it says “I am the main one you crushed with the pounds if customized and tradition”. Women entirely crushed are only reduced to objects of usage thus giving space to the theme of ‘Commodification’ inside the poem.

The theme of Commodification is also specific in the poem. Commodification refers to the concept in which an individual’s value is usually reduced merely to that of the object of usage plus it is feeling are not taken care of as it says “I am the lady whom you purchased and bought from the name of my chastity”. The girl considers their particular marriage being a deal where his hubby got hold of her in the form of a loyal thing pure from the inside without even convinced that she suffered loss with this deal while she did not get a spouse she deserved.

At another point she says that “I are the asset you exchanged in, my chastity, my personal motherhood, my own loyalty. ” She says that her hubby had been making unjust make use of her benefits and that she still kept on being a good wife and a mother disregarding the truth that his husband hardly ever made an attempt to please her. Naheed has extremely skillfully employed certain graceful devices in her poem which boost the impact of her meaning. Poetic equipment in the poem the main characteristic is that this poem is written in cost-free verse. Free verse is a form of beautifully constructed wording that does not use consistent m patterns, vocally mimic eachother, or any additional musical pattern it hence tends to follow the rhythm of natural talk.

It does not involve any established meter however it consists of a cautiously crafted expression picture. The first graceful device this wounderful woman has made use of is connotation. Significance involves the emotional, psychological or sociable overtones of a word; their implications and associations besides its textual meaning.

The word ‘smothered’ has been used as being a connotation since smothered quite simply means to cover an object tightly or thickly and it also ways to stifle or suffocate. This word is used here in connection with smothering the voice from the girl. If perhaps taken the dictionary meaning of the word is not usually used in reference to a voice nonetheless it being used through this context reinforces the theme of suffocating ladies within the 4 walls hence suppressing her right to have got her individual say inside the society.

The phrase ‘crushed’ is likewise used a connotation since the book meaning of crushed is always to squeeze and deform a subject but crushed used with reference to traditions and customs helps you to enhance the unhappiness that a feminine suffers through the baseless persuits and customs. Another poetic device used is the utilization of symbols. The symbols thorns and stores in the second stanza state the communication of the difficulties that his husband have been treating her with. These symbols notify describe their very own severity.

It’s a short poem with a hardly any poetic devices. She has utilized a simile in the initial stanza. A simile is actually a direct a comparison of two contrary to things employing “like” or “as. She says “free because the breeze”.

It tells that her husband was allowed to enjoy the freedom of going out together nobody to quit him. Inside the third stanza she utilizes a metaphor. A metaphor is A immediate comparison between two unlike things, stating that one is the other or does the action of the other. She says in the third stanza “walk on water”. Simply no human probably walk upon water but the meaning that this metaphor is trying to convey is that this woman is known as a strong willed person.

The lady never seems to lose hope regardless of the adverse conditions of her life and it explains to that one day she will overcome all hurdles that come in the form of her independence. “The turf is really like me” is yet another poem by Kiswar Naheed. This poem is also about the suppression of women. The writer can be comparing the grass with women and says that the just way that the straw of grass can survive is by distributing itself beneath people’s toes and that implies the fact that the simply way a lady can survive nowadays is also through spreading himself in front of all, meaning that this wounderful woman has no person standing of her personal.

The composition also puts forward the idea that the ones who absence courage are in fact the ones who are never able to rise from the ground. The poet noises the turf and women by saying that they may not let any individual step above them and the idea of making a footpath instead of stepping above them is way better but the composition ends using a sad take note saying “the grass is really like me”. Here we come across that the poet person is being a realist and accepting the stereotypical image of a woman while an underfoot. This composition has a related tone to that particular of “I Am Not That Woman”.

Feminism right here again is an prominent theme as it talks of the low status given to the women as it gives a degrading image of the grass that has to “unfurl underfoot to fulfill; itself”. The poet is giving the idea that women have to lay themselves in compliance in front of men and the culture in order to survive. This picture clearly gives the idea of the unequal status given to the males and females of any society and that how insultingly the females are remedied.

Although the women are cured unjustly nevertheless the poet simply by saying “Take my guidance: the idea of producing a footpath was appropriate” gives out the message the females perform feel bad and they do not need men to step more than them to be able to walk rather they should change their intense ways rather than crushing the females straight down thus getting forward the theme of Style. The composition in its stream gives out a total message referred to as Reification. Reification is a muted acceptance from the treatment offered by the superstructure that is the tyrants to the types forming the bottom that is the subjects.

The composition starts by giving out the general situation of a under control woman within a society then again as the lady moves forward she provides the idea of using a footpath rather than crushing the grass she’s giving the idea of having a great individuality saying that women need to try to go up but then as the composition ends with a sad strengthen saying that “The grass is very like me” tells that though asking the other women to become brave the poet will be a realist and she has surrendered inside the hands from the society and accepting the ill treatment given to her by the men. A similar idea is found in the novel “Surfacing” by Margaret Atwood where the unnamed leading part of the story tried to produce her tag in the world nevertheless tired of accomplishing this she gives up to the puppeteers namely the authorities of religion, politics plus the patriarchs from the society as a result making them control her life.

This composition does not possess any set meter since it is written in free verse and does not follow any set meter. Personification is used being a technique by poet. Representation is attributing man characteristics to the inanimate thing, animal, or abstract idea.

The poet person has compared women to the straws of grass. It defines the reduced status which the women include in this guy dominated culture and are reduced to things to be stored at ground level. This composition has very less graceful devices.

The symbol of “lawn owner” is a dominant one. That symbolizes the males of our society and just how they are enthusiastic about leveling females back to the floor level in the event they make an effort to rise. Kishwar Naheed in both her poems has made women her main target and how the girl fights to achieve individuality and males making a constant make an attempt to make her fall towards the ground.