Improving Performance and Productivity in a Pharmaceutical Company through Total ...

Category: Managing,
Published: 25.11.2019 | Words: 286 | Views: 671
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The high technology pharmaceutical business needs company change to increase its quality of overall performance and boost productivity as the adoption of advanced manufacturing technology (AMT) is costlier than training and upgrading skilled personnel (Sargent, 1997), and it requires “large useful resource base, a good reputation and vast experience and contacts” that often lack a solid technical base (Bessant & Rush 95, p. 07).

Total quality management (TQM) approach highly recommended to make the firm improve and standardize the process through collaborative learning (Adler, 1993), enhance staff expertise and knowledge (Kirkman, Lowe, & Young, 1998), and help the company increase it is production quantity and top quality (Lawler, 1994). TQM “makes quality control an inherent part of the production job and checking out is attained either through programmed monitoring devices or by simply training the operator in quality monitoring” (Doyle, 2002, p. 174). It requires management techniques that encourage staff to be even more responsible in ensuring the quality of the products or perhaps services and the overall performance for the company’s competitive benefits (Dean & Bowen, 1994).

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Changes needs to be made to attain the aims of TQM such as: (1) implementation of cross-training and skill-based system to promote cross-functional teams, support employees develop skills and enhance understanding, and stimulate them with advantages like cash and flexible operate scheduling; (2) commitment to the values of quality and service to keep a long term buyer partnership; (3) innovation of product style in order to catch the attention of more clients and satisfy their requirements (4) guaranteeing effective data and records management software to secure and make data accessible and reliable; (5) improvement from the quality of business managing with suppliers and dealers; and (6) enhancing best management’s performance efficiency, commitment, and flexibility in decision-making and human resources management.