Nevada Policy Scenarios Essay

Category: Expansion,
Published: 25.11.2019 | Words: 443 | Views: 620
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1 . Western Water Policy In light of population growth, Nevasca must still seek fresh resources for normal water consumption. Options include working with farmers and states such as California, Illinois, Idaho, and even the country of Mexico.

There are also various Lake Mead assignments that could give you the needed water, as well as preservation projects inside the state of Nevada. Create a 350- to 400-word response answering the next questions: a. Can you project the potential part the state federal government will need to fulfill in this circumstance? b. Is it possible to project the role the federal government might need to fulfill in this scenario? c. Simply how much of a role should the federal government play in western normal water policy? Describe your answers. 2 . Exploitation of Nevada Resources A radioactive waste disposal company has settled a contract agreeing to dispose of radioactive waste pertaining to various elemental power plant life located across the us.

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Company professionals, following several meetings, have decided to pursue waste disposal by Yucca Mountain, a short length from Las Vegas. Using Ch. 11 with the Sagebrush Express as a information, write a 350- to 400-word response addressing the following concerns: a. Because of courtroom decisions inside the 1990s concerning control of federal government lands in Nevada, how come would eastern politicians and nuclear power plant owners demonstrate little respect for Nevadans who oppose storage of nuclear waste materials in Nevasca? b. Can there be any facet of the The state of nevada Constitution that could influence land-use policies such as the one in this scenario?

Explain your answer. c. In what ways can the Nevasca state government play a role in important land-use decisions similar to this? 3. Past and Present Gaming Suppose you possessed the opportunity to create a new online casino in Nevasca. Write a 350- to 400-word response addressing the following questions: a. What historic politics, social, and economic trends could you reference to support good opportunity and benefits of creating a casino?

What current political, social, and economic issues might prevent you by embarking on such a project? w. Consider land-ownership issues. 5. Alternative Causes of Energy in Nevada The availability of terrain, sunlight, and other natural solutions make The state of nevada an ideal position for alternate energy sources. Speculate on how The state of nevada could get these solutions to create a competitive advantage in their area.

About what ways could this benefits be affected by personal, social, and land-ownership issues? Write a 350- to 400-word response that considers personal, social, and land-ownership problems relative to all the following option energy sources: