Nursing Leadership and management Essay

Category: Managing,
Published: 06.01.2020 | Words: 477 | Views: 745
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Continuous quality improvement (CQI) is the responsibility of all nurses and is vital when addressing the challenges of the health care industry. Provide an example of how you would apply CQI in your current or past position. The purpose of QI is to use a systematic, data-guided approach to improve processes or outcomes (Conner, 2014). Principles and strategies involved in QI have evolved from organizational philosophies of total quality management and continuous quality improvement.

Connor (2014) emphasizes that while the concept of quality can be subjective, QI in healthcare typically focuses on improving patient outcomes. So the key is to clearly define the outcome that needs to be improved, identify how the outcome will be measured, and develop a plan for implementing an intervention and collecting data before and after the intervention. Connor (2014) points out QI methods as follows: Unlike research and EBP, QI typically doesn’t require extensive literature reviews and rigorous critical appraisal. Therefore, nurses may be much more involved in QI projects than EBP or research. Also, QI projects normally are site specific and results aren’t intended to provide generalizable knowledge or best evidence states Conner (2014).

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Examples of QI projects include implementing a process to remove urinary catheters within a certain time frame, developing a process to improve wound-care documentation, and improving the process for patient education for a specific chronic disease. The institution I have been at has been working on decreasing central line associated bloodstream infection and peripheral line blood stream infections. Numerous risk factors for CLABSI associated with needleless connectors have been proposed.

Some are attributed to poor hand washing before manipulation, inability to properly disinfect the connection site due to poor design, aseptic device management, and frequency of the connector exchange. In addition, several studies looking at intraluminal contamination from the needleless connector have demonstrated that high levels of contamination can be seen colonizing the connector and subsequently moving into the CVC (Ramirez, Lee, & Welch, 2014). Even with varying levels of disinfection, colonization can still occur. Studies of current I.V. practices demonstrated that 56% of Registered Nurses typically do not believe it is necessary to disinfect catheter hubs and >90% of nursing staff do not cover an sporadic infusion (Ramirez, Lee, & Welch, 2014).

The 70% isopropyl alcoholic beverages cap known as Curos is used as an attempt to reduce intraluminal contamination. The cap requires ongoing schooling and encouragement to change practice. Studies suggest that regular use of the caps does influence CLABSI rates significantly in terms of morbidity and the money that are spent because of CLABSI’s. References Conner, B. T. (2014). Differentiating research, evidence-based practice, and quality improvement.

American Health professional Today, 9(6), 26-31. Ramirez, C., Shelter, A. M., & Welch, K. (2012). Central Venous Catheter Protective Connector Shelves Reduce Intraluminal Catheter-Related Illness. Journal With the Association To get Vascular Get, 17(4), 210-213. doi: twelve. 1016/j. java.

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