Organisational Behaviour Essay

Category: Leadership,
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Query One. Through the case study, we can learn a lot. It ranges from management, management, operate ethics, behavior shaping and changing to the impact of positive and negative rearrangements in organisations.

Managing of creative employees, recognition of opportunities and problems, unethical strategies and tactics, team building and marketing among others happen to be aspects that can be learned in the case study (Robinsen 2000). We are able to also learn from the study that Godot applied an autocratic or respected style of management. He cannot listen to any kind of his workers, he could hardly open any avenue of communication and consultation along with his workers and could not entail the workers in decision making.

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Every he may do was to haul insults at them instead of positively involving these people in the daily running in the restaurant. It is vital to treat employees in a good way if any kind of positive results have to be realised (Simons 2003). The first genesis to doing this is to apply ways and methods that might boost the morale of staff. Good leadership and managing skills are essential to any company.

Good function ethics and behaviour needs to be instilled towards the workers in order to deliver good results with very minimal supervision (Haddock 2001). Violations and abuse are not supposed to be used in the work place because they even are likely to scare apart sensitive clients and other people. Leaders and managers should learn new ways and ways of improving workers’ efficiency and results. Organisations that deploy such techniques and strategies, have demonstrated to stand ahead of others (Wharton 1996). Question Two.

There are several bad and confident reinforcements, abuse and disparitions that were used by Godot as well as the customers in shaping of the employees’ behaviour. Positive rearrangements included the dedication and industriousness of Godot. This is certainly positive in this it helps the employees as they are capable of emulate what Godot stands for.

Through devotion and hard work, the restaurant was able to stand the test of time. It was an inspiration to the employees. Another confident reinforcement is that of the consumers. The customers might appreciate the work by Diane and supplement her efficient services.

This may give her morale to work possibly harder and efficiently knowing that her providers were very good. There are also unfavorable reinforcements. They might be seen mainly from Godot’s attitude and way of undertaking certain issues.

He was a guy prone to mental outbursts. This individual could shout and scream at his workers anytime something gone wrong or perhaps whenever he could not find what this individual expected of them. This is unfavorable in that this instilled a sense of fear towards the workers and always made them nervous (Bringsrud 2004). Can make someone not to perform for the expected standards, His deficiency of compliment to his personnel is also a poor reinforcement (Myers 1997).

This individual did not appreciate anything very good but was and so quick in condemning and demonising anything he believed was not proper. A good company needs to give credit wherever it is supposed to be. This is a way of encouraging and giving comfort to the workers (Simons 2003). Godot cannot see anything at all good in this.

All this individual could do was only grunt at Diane even if she said hello or goodbye. This kind of attributes do not befit an excellent employer. Treatment was in the proper execution of fining his staff whenever some thing went wrong.

When Diane dropped a plate of bouillabaisse appetiser, she was scorned in and fined a total of $24. 95. This consequence demoralised her to the prolong of impacting on her performance. Her profits from ideas dropped coming from a one period top of 23 percent to a meager 15 percent.

This was as a result of reducing the pace at which she worked well in order to stop any other prevalence from occurring. From this, one can easily notify that the punishment imposed onto her was an excessive amount of and the lady could not risk losing the total amount any more. This kind of a negative encouragement does not add any benefit to the organization but rather it demoralizes the workers as a result reducing the pace of working (Wharton 1996: 8). As a result, absolutely free themes end up waiting for long and a few might stop and keep.

This works out to affect the restaurant detrimentally. Godot since an employer offers various ways of improving or perhaps shaping the behaviour of his staff. One of the ways is by introducing deals that are employee friendly and putting in place selected measures that would improve the overall performance of his employees instead of using serious methods including imposing of big fines and punishment towards the workers. This kind of methods may include rising what the employees do and also ones in a while enhancing the efforts made. Diane would have been appreciated in numerous ways and by so undertaking, her spirits would have recently been boosted hence making her work extra hard and as a result winning more customers.

Employers need to realize that interpersonal responsibility and leadership in organisations and businesses for that matter are very vital aspects (Haddock 2001: 475). Workers depend on employers and employers be based upon workers as well. This is a mutual romantic relationship which should be upheld in all circumstances.

This should always be realised by both the get-togethers in order for the organization to perform for the expectations. Problem Three. The reinforcements and punishment stated in question two have the two positive and negative effect on Diane’ behaviour. Inasmuch because the consequence imposed upon Diane would appear to be for the extreme, it might be viewed as confident in some ways.

Being careful on the job place is extremely important. When ever Diane dropped the plate of appetiser, the girl was fined heavily by Godot. This made her promise to be more very careful than ever before so that she could not get herself in the same mistake once again.

This generates a sense of willpower and responsibility to the employees (McTagart 2003). The tight nature of Godot, his dedication and industriousness was a lesson pertaining to Diane. Her behaviour would be influenced by simply such rearrangements. She would figure out how to be committed and more independent in future. Her pace of doing things might also boost as the lady was used to doing responsibilities at a very fast level.

This clearly is a positive change to her behaviour. Alternatively, Godot’s lack of compliment and appreciation might affect her behaviour too. This will make her think left out, undesirable and also feel as if her solutions are not well worth. If Godot had socialized differently in this instance, Diane could have learned from the same and applied this elsewhere.

In a organisation, behavioural shaping and change is very important. Every employee will need to feel like portion of the team for there to be teamwork and tangible outcomes (Moir 1999). The lack of understanding and compliment changed Diane’s way and pace to do the job. That made her slow down as a result affecting the job she was doing. The emphasis of Godot within the importance of functioning as a team can be considered a positive touch of behavioural shaping.

If an employee was hired and he/she would not appreciate the need for working as a team, he/she will learn from Godot’s vision fantastic way of carrying out things, as a result shaping kinds behaviour (Stuart 2003). Issue Four. The potency of hourly salaries and suggestions as a way of reinforcing desired behaviours could go in either case, that is, it could either stay positive or bad depending on the outcome and the goal of the technique.

Hourly pay rates in most cases may be the method that a lot of employees favor (Hufman 2002: 49). This is due to one gets paid based on their initiatives. If a single inputs more effort inside the job he is paid more than that whom inputs fewer. The principle ideally can be more efforts more pay, less efforts less pay’.

This is not an advantage for the employees just but likewise to the business employers (Godwin 2001). If an worker does even more, the employer as well gets more in earnings. Hourly pay has proved to be the best way of coping with both the organisations and the employees. One could help a certain time period and acquire doing another thing including attending lectures and lessons.

This method does not tie someone to one thing. One turns into flexible enough to the prolong of possibly doing several job. Guidelines are also a great way of reinforcing desired results and behaviors (Borer ainsi que al 2000).

Tips produce a staff member work very quickly and with dedication. Simply how much one will take home all in all, week or perhaps month depends upon what person’s passion of work. The same as hourly spend, tips benefit both the worker and the employer. For instance, in the event that an employee makes 20 percent in the total sum of money, it definitely should go without saying the employer need to have bagged the 80 percent. Therefore, it is important that the mode and way of payment as per the agreement is obeyed by the two parties engaged.

Reinforcing of behaviour could be done in other ways, hourly salaries and ideas being one of the methods. Such a way makes the staff work beneath certain rules and circumstances as deemed fit by the employer. Help three several hours, do not break anything, get the pay and tips and keep. This is normally the slogan of this kind of methods.

A lot of employees are very careless and lazy for the extend that they can do not love what happens in case loses are incurred. The only method to check all of them and put them on foot in by introducing the hourly pay rates and guidelines. This is designed to give the employer the opportunity of maximising his/her time on the job place. In the extract, Godot chooses to present such a method in order to safety net himself resistant to the lazy personnel who may possibly think that they can just get for the hotel, work anyhow and get away with it. This is not Godot’s method of working.

He believes in personnel earning the actual worked pertaining to. If you continue to work hard you get more. If you only lazy around, you happen to be bound to receive very little. Diane had to knuckle down so that the girl could save something substantial for her make use of ones she went back to varsity.

To her, a table waiting job was what the girl could carry out instead of just staying at home during summer time. She thought that she could make some money and improve on her University life, actually change her diet plan. Her work would get her upto 23 percent on as well as $15.

0 per hour. The girl had established targets that she wished to meet. Her ability to work fast and efficiently received her the proportion she acquired targeted on tips.

This kind of plus her hourly pay was enough to take care of her University requires after summer time. This method of tips urged her to work hard. Had it been a flat price pay about tips, Diane would not have worked as hard as your woman did.

This meant that Godot also made a lot of money in the process. Furthermore, Godot spelt out clearly what he wished for his restaurant. He had a vision for his restaurant and insisted around the importance of working as a team to be able to deliver very good services to his customers. It is based on this as well that Diane decided that she would put in her best to prove how good she could be.

Conclusion. In the case study, it is extremely clear that something must be done in many organisations regarding work values and actions. Employers subject matter their employees to unfavourable working circumstances and all they will care about perhaps there is well being but not that of the employees (Huberman 1994).

Workers in such organisations end up dogged, tenacious such conditions with the purpose of just making ends meet in their lives. This could be plainly seen from Diane’s circumstance. She had to persevere pertaining to the functions of making money but would not enjoy working under this kind of conditions. Staff should delight in doing their particular work and this can only be made conducive by the input from the employers (Benstin 1995).

Organisational behaviour is known as a topic of discussion that leaves many companies and staff looking for ways and methods of working with the issue.