The Forgotten Group Member – Case Study Essay

Category: Expansion,
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The situation of the Forgotten Group Affiliate is an excellent example of the difficulties and social dynamics associated with working in an organization environment. The written text indicates there are five levels to the crew development procedure; adjourning, forming, storming, doing, and norming. (Schermerhorn 166) To summarize briefly, the case research involved several students in an Organization Tendencies class given to analyze a seven-page situation and provide a written evaluation of their studies and findings. There were five members chosen from the course for each group.

In this group, the case study focused on two primary heroes, Christine, who had been a dedicated and hard-working college student who strived to master her subjects and advance her educational recommendations. Because of her tenacity and determination, the girl was elected “team Coordinator”. The second primary character involved in this case analyze was Mike who’s informal attitude towards his education is completely opposing of Christine’s. As you can imagine, the group progressed through the five stages layed out in the group development procedure.

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As every single group affiliate was designated an area of responsibility, it has become apparent that Mike was not taking this kind of assignment seriously and without conscious thought alluded to his motives to weaken the assignment by making incorrect jokes but not committing to the meeting schedule Christine got suggested. During my judgment, the Case Study focused primarily on the Storming level of the group advancement process.

The written text indicates the Storming Stage involves “a period of high emotionality and tension among the list of group associates. “(Schermerhorn 166) As mentioned recently, it was obvious from the beginning in the assignment that Mike had been disruptive and counterproductive towards the process when he refused to commit to making the assignment a priority and adhere to the meeting moments established by the group selecting instead to look at his preferred TV shows. The next thing in the group development procedure is the Norming stage which will consists generally of where the “members really start to come together as a coordinated unit. ” (Schermerhorn 167) I realize each of the members of the group, with the exception of Robert, completed the assigned activity they were offered.

However , for the reason that of this “exception” that I i am not convinced the group depicted in the case study features progressed to the Norming level due to the insufficient commitment demonstrated by Mike and the failing to establish a “harmonious” equilibrium within the group. Furthermore, as the case analyze moved ahead in time to week a few of the project, Mike was consistent in his lazy habit demonstrated inside the Storming level of the group expansion process from the beginning of the task assignment. Group Development The guidelines outlined in the five periods of group development of each of our text can be applied to analyze the different areas that problems could have created in this case analyze.

Obviously, it will be possible for unexpected circumstances to occur that will stop members of the group form upholding all their weight much more crisis. However , some road blocks or circumstances are avoidable and with proper organizing, potential obstacles can be avoided. To resolve the organizational problems that existed in the group and specifically with Mike, I judge that Christine could have asked the members of the group some basic inquiries during the Forming stage that would have provided “red flags” and could have been completely addressed at that time.

Questions just like “Does anyone have expertise or foresee and potential barriers which will prevent you for concluding your individual jobs? ” or “How are we going to hold each other accountable to get our person assignments? ” My judgments are Christine projected her work ethic one the other side of the coin group associates completing the assignments based on her personal dedication and commitment to maintaining a higher standard of educational achievement. Incorrectly, she presumed that her classmates had those same beliefs and features as she did; therefore , as a result, the girl failed to assume any potential barriers that could have occurred and given her enough time to make corrections or eliminate them altogether.

Naturally , I are not determining all the blame of the failure of the task on Christine. Mike would possess some culpability in this lack of communication with all the group. My spouse and i judge having less communication could have been avoided in the event Mike experienced taken a proactive approach to inform the group ahead of time of any kind of conflicts he might have in attending timetabled meetings based on his before job obligations.

This simple initiative about Mike’s part would have presented Christine the chance she necessary to change the routine or make alternative strategies rather than be disappointed expecting Mike to attend the conferences. Problem Id The text presents and interesting concept that may explain the principal problem linked to the organization with this group. Depending on the information offered, the primary issue seems to be linked to Mike wonderful casual frame of mind towards doing the tasks and working together with the different group users.

The FIRO-B Theory recognizes differences in just how people correspond with one another in groups depending on their needs expressing and receive feelings of inclusion, control, and love. (Schermerhorn 171) Mike’s lack of ability to interact with the various other group users could be associated with his feelings and perceptions of being omitted, especially following him discovering the group eating together in the cafeteria. Nevertheless, despite his feelings of exclusion I evaluate that Mike contributed to the challenge with his continual “Social Loafing. ” The written text identifies Cultural Loafing as “the propensity of people to work much less hard in a group environment than they might work individually”. (Schermerhorn 164) It was clear that Mike was not attempting to his full potential as they made zero attempts to rectify or correct his behavior and resume his integrity with the group.

Furthermore, I also judge that Mike was guilty of what the text pinpoints as Social Facilitation or maybe the tendency intended for one’s tendencies to be influenced by the presence of others in the group” (John & Wiley pg164). It was evident through the first group meeting where Mike built joked sarcastically about the meeting instances. Mike cynical remarks are not intended to “lighten” the feeling of the other group participants, but instead divert primary from the job at hand and onto him. Conclusion My personal judgments exist is no 1 perfect way to solve this kind of group trouble. However , We would propose some simple adjustments that could help resolve the difficulties associated with the group and make a more favorable final result.

First, I would have Christine to ask every single person what they expected the final outcome to be if the project was completed. By soliciting every single person, she would develop accountability and once that part of the task is not completed then simply that individual will be responsible for the failure. Second, the text discusses emergent behaviours and what should be formally defined and expected by team.

Consequently , in the team process, the key is getting the specific parts or perhaps members to work together because effective and efficiently as is possible to produce the specified outcome. Certainly, Mike was lacking in many areas like punctuality obvious by his persistent tardiness and lack during timetabled meeting instances. As a result, I actually judge if perhaps Christine had displayed even more emergent behaviours and solicited Mike’s type to make him feel a lot more like a well known member of the group and therefore made him more involved.