What Caused the Civil War? Essay

Category: Battle,
Published: 08.11.2019 | Words: 747 | Views: 733
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Proslavery and antislavery civilians clash. The “tea cup resting close to the advantage of the table” (Background Essay) begins to shake heavily many fall off.

The Civil Battle has begun. This kind of “war between the states” demonstrates extremity of differences in views can lead to violence and loss of life. There were more than 618, 000 casualties right at the end of the battle, which survived from 1861 to 1865. So , what lead to this wildness?

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The Civil Battle was due to three major causes: economic differences, interpretation in the Constitution, and moral values. The North and the To the south were different economically. The South got little market; it was centered off of an agrarian economy (Doc B).

Slaves selected cotton off the plantation as well as the farmers distributed these dancings to make cash (Doc A). The Southerners wouldn’t have the ability to keep their particular wealth without slaves working for free. In the event that slavery was abolished, then your farmers would have to pay all their slaves to achieve this back-breaking work, which will cause the farmers to visit broke. This is exactly why slavery was so essential in the Southern region.

Now, the North didn’t care much about slavery because it didn’t affect these people greatly. Our economy of the North was primarily based off of sector, unlike the South. Both the Northerners and the Southerners relied on each different economically.

The North depended on the To the south for silk cotton and tobacco (Doc D), and the To the south depended on the North pertaining to industrial materials, such as power, the making of railroads and canals, etc . (Doc C). Everyone interprets the Constitution in a different way; this problem came about between the North and the To the south. Many claims in the To the south wanted to secede and believed the Metabolism gave these people that proper (Doc E). But , the President, Lincoln, enforced the federal privileges, saying that that they could not do so. He presumed that “the Union of such States is perpetual. ” (Doc F).

The 5th Amendment of the Constitution claims that “no person shall be deprived of life, freedom, and real estate without due process of law…” During the Dred Scott Decision, it was stated that because of the Fifth Amendment, the Missouri Compromise (which prohibited a citizen from owning slaves in the North) is unjustified by the Metabolic rate and is consequently void. Slaves were considered a write-up of home (Doc L). Finally, a large number of thought that slavery was morally wrong. Abolitionists, such as Frederick Douglass, gave monumental speeches and toasts on the issue of captivity that moved many.

Douglass was a slave himself, and he gave his messages taking the look at of a servant. “What, to a American slave, is your 4th of July? My spouse and i answer, each day that uncovers to him…gross injustice and cruelty…To him, your special event is a sham; …your noises of celebrating are vacant and heartless…” (Doc G). Others placed proslavery sights, such as George Fitzhugh. Fitzhugh published a book called _Cannibals All! _. He said that “The Negro slaves of the To the south are the happiest…the freest people in the world. ” (Doc H).

John Darkish, a major abolitionist, “led a band of 18 males into Virginia to grab the federal government arsenal right now there, distribute the captured hands to slaves in the location, and make a general slave uprising. ” (Doc I). He was hanged, but this process caused a great stir between the North as well as the South. A long-time Union supporter possibly claimed, “I am happy to take chances of…disunion, sooner than post any longer to Northern insolence and Upper outrage. ” (Doc I). 618, 1000 people perished and about 70, 000 men lost braches in a matter of some years. Economical differences between the North and the South, interpretations of the Cosmetic, and the thought that all slavery was morally wrong/right is what triggered the Municipal War to happen.

These states that were meant to work together as a Union to talk about a common aim backfired and fought against the other person instead. The “tea glass sitting close to the table” was fortunately saved by Emancipation Aveu from completely crashing apart. In a way, the Civil Battle was necessary; slavery nearly completely ended after this disaster and the African-Americans were separated.