American Popular Culture In Australia Essay

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Published: 07.10.2019 | Words: 1755 | Views: 621
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The 1950s and 1960s were times of unparalleled change, and Australian society was inspired greatly by American popular culture, through various means, such as: music, film, television and trend. This specifically affected teens.

It will be explained how Australian society was impacted by American popular lifestyle, and also why American well-known culture acquired such an impact. Australian developed its own reactions to these impacts, and the extent of this may also be explored. The 1950s designed the breakthrough of the teen; it also helped bring peace and prosperity to a lot of. And during the fifties there were far more American films released in Australia, plus they became widely used than many Australian films.

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Films had been of great affect to the children of the 1960s, films including the Wild One particular and Rebel Without A Cause showed a fresh type of teenager, one who has not been only distinct, but was edgy. This new perspective of what a teenager could be gave delivery to the thought of bodgies and widgies which is what various teenagers started to be known as during the fifties. These bodgies and widgies were greatly motivated by the traditions of rock-n’-roll music.

The definition of Rock-n’-Roll was invented inside the mid 1950s for a new and thrilling music. This kind of music was going to become popular beyond belief, it does not only began to dominate the tastes of America’s youth, and it soon started to be the popular music of choice pertaining to youths through Australia, also. Popular designers such as Elvis (umgangssprachlich) and Invoice Haley as well as the comets were among the top artists influencing Australia’s impressionistic children. The lifestyle trends of Down under were also, largely, impacted by the trends of America. Through the 1950s the life-style of a typical American was different to that of the person throughout the forties.

The life-style was even more laidback, mainly due to the end of the conflict; people believed that they were entering a brand new age, in which anything was possible. Sydney followed Unites states lead, and a lot of of their life-style changed with the Americans. By late 1950s, television was the most crucial form of mass entertainment and culture; completely become a significant part of a large number of people’s lives. Through tv set Australia observed the American life, then modelled (to a certain extent), parts of their very own lives on the actual saw of the American life-style. During the 60s, Australian culture remained hugely affected by American popular lifestyle.

And although the culture in the youth was not a where close to as good or highly effective as it was in the united states, Australia was, to a great extent motivated by what was happening in America at the time. So what happened in America was almost always shown by Australian teens (although to a smaller extent). Fashion-wise, the sixties saw the flowering with the Hippie Motion.

All of a sudden the tight black pants, bright socks and hair grease of the fifties were eliminated, and in came up the mini-skirt, velvet jeans and paisley shirts. As American teenagers began to expand their hair for a longer time, it looked Australian teenagers opted to follow along with this new craze. Films took on a new genre; the films of the sixties began to portray the storyline much more realistically. Blockbusters just like Easy Rider were on the scene. Inside the film sector in the 60s Britain maintained to lead, nevertheless America altered, and Aussie society continuing to follow.

Naturally , there is one aspect of the sixties, which will stay in everybody’s brain forever: Psychedelia. A style like no additional. It was a period of time like no other, a new of hallucinogenic drugs, whirling shaped and luminous shades.

It was LSD, which provided the mental and visual stimulus behind psychedelia. Psychedelic patterns and colours quickly found their very own way in to mass-produced fabrics and garments. Psychedelia also influenced the background music industry considerably, with wonderful bands such as the Beatles creating songs such as Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds with very finely disguised references to medications.

The Beatles were hugely popular nationwide as well, and it was the Beatles tour of Sydney in 1964, which proven just how much this kind of American pop group motivated these Aussie citizens. Through the tour father and mother and police were dismissed, and Aussie teenagers were lapping it up, the offshore excitement was finally right now there for then simply to fully take part in. But the psychedelic styles of the sixties had been so strong and unsympathetic to other designs that it was inescapable that Psychedelia departed as quickly as it appeared.

The 50s and 60s were different in so many ways; the times had transformed a lot in the transition of decades. The kinds of music, for just one, were in great contrast. By the 60s the rock-n’-roll and pelvic thrusting with the fifties got transformed into the pop, ordinary and folk music of the likes from the Beatles, the Rolling Stones and Bob Dylan. Teenagers improved a lot in the two decades a whole lot, too. The tight shorts, leather jacket bodgies, with the greased hair, and the widgies, with their rope petticoats and flared dresses, were substituted by the teens of the Psychedelic era.

These types of teenagers desired the swirled shapes and bright shades, with their newly found mini-skirts, and for the people it was paisley shirts. Even though the two decades were different in themselves, there is still a parallel running involving the two. The two were times during the change, with popular traditions culminated to get the recently recognised youngsters, each decade had their own brand of put music, and their own model of teenagers. However , the teens of the 60s, despite the overuse of drugs, remained a lot more critical minded, by simply holding a large number of war protests, for example.

The fifties performed home into a time where brand teenager was first accepted, and the 60s were a carry on from this, an development where teenagers gained a growing number of out of life and the world. We have seen just how Australian culture was affected by American popular culture in the fifties, now fit why. There have been many factors that contributed to this unexpected change in ideals.

One of the main factors involved was your end of WWII, WORLD WAR II had brought America to Australia, it probably is one of Australia’s major trading partners, and our major investor. Monetarily and widely we discovered with America. Also, following the war communications around the world have been significantly superior, thus giving Australia greater for you to be connected with America, and so see and copy (in a way), just what these people were doing. Another factor of significant importance is the impact that television got on culture overall. With the intervention of television Australian’s had a obvious and self-evident view of America, as much of the programs shown about Australian television were in reality American.

With an increase of and more persons seeing these programs the excitement grew and the popular culture of yankee society grew in Australia. Throughout the passage of your time Australian culture absorbs these kinds of aspects of American culture and they become linked with our personality. The reasons to get why Australia was affected so considerably in the 60s can be tracked back throughout the fifties. Because the 50s went on America seemed to continue to dominate a lot more.

And by the time it reached the sixties there was an abundance of America encoding on Australian television and radio, which will influenced various young, impressionably minds. One more main factor was that Australia’s economy acquired substantially increased by the sixties, due drastically to this kind of Government courses as the Assisted Migrants Scheme. With increased money to pay, many Australian youths put their money to items, which then enforced appear culture, such as CDs and popular trends of the time.

But it all came down to the very fact that America sells their culture and products to the world and teenagers under western culture are prone to advertising. And perhaps the most important aspect in all this was your Vietnam Battle. Many troops spent their very own R&R amount of time in Australia. This kind of impacted tremendously upon the youth of Australia because many servicemen brought with them their own music and style which influenced the society that they helped bring it to.

Of course , Sydney didn’t merely sit back watching the exhilaration unfold, Aussie society experienced their own answers to the most current trends. The culture, naturally , in Australia was not a where around as good as that in America at the moment. But still, in several ways Australia chosen to copy the popular trends of that time period, but in a great many other ways they’d their own.

Youthful Australians formed their own bande, made up of bodgies who wore tight dark pants and greased their hair and their girl counterparts widgies who dressed in rope petticoats and flare leg dresses, through the entire fifties these types of groups became increasingly violent. These groupings were in answer to such American hits while Rebel With no Cause and The Wild One. The way that media targeted teenagers and advertising gave them a bigger opportunity to have a go at the latest popular trends.

Mainly because teenagers got more money they had the means to respond to this kind of advertising in the sixties. That were there the ways to be a part of Psychedelia (to a tiny extent). We can see from all this that the fifties were a major turning point for Australian culture.

This was time were American had initially been taken to Australia, until the 1950s Sydney had not experienced as much exposure to America. But through method of television and improved marketing and sales communications American popular culture motivated Australian world a great amount, in music, film, lifestyle and fashion. A similar thing worked well through the 60s, Australian world remaining substantially impacted after by American popular tradition, and we is able to see that continue to today our company is affected to some extent, by American Popular tradition.