E-Business Model Essay

Category: Organization,
Published: 09.12.2019 | Words: 116 | Views: 527
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An e-Business Unit can is said to be an incorporation of business and trading models combined with associated protocols e. g. HTML, OR NET, EBXML, EDI, etc to a business system which uses the Internet being a medium of transaction (McGann 2002). Next are examples of the 5 primary elektronische geschaftsabwicklung models: Winkle W. Sixth is v, “How Online business models work”, http://www.smartcomputing.com/articles/archive/R0502/20R02/20R02.pdf?guid= Trygstad R, “IT as a organization model”, 2003, http://www.itm.iit.edu/574/week3/Week3.ppt#19 McGann S. Big t, “Capturing the dynamics of e-business models”, 2002, http://domino.fov.uni-mb.si/proceedings.nsf/Proceedings/28006F6E9D7E2959C1256E9F00368211/$File/mcgann.pdf