Is the United States winning the war in Iraq? Essay

Category: Conflict,
Published: 07.11.2019 | Words: 1559 | Views: 689
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May be the United States winning the war in Korea? War is a word that brings a sad feeling in the minds of listener. This kind of word is definitely associated with combat, blood, loss of life, miseries, pain and trouble for many nevertheless war is also associated with winning, freedom, and authority.

Korea is a very little country as compare to United states, but using a tradition of affection for growth, power and control. However United States of America, the only existing super power after cold battle but seriously threatens by simply terrorist, expansionist and extremist forces on the planet after attacks on dual towers in 2001. ALL OF US has introduced war against terrorism as being a counter measure to suppress above mentioned forces and attacked Afghanistan which was favored by most of the countries just like Britain, Nato Countries etc . Attack on Iraq was also a extension of Conflict against terrorism due to expenses of human rights violation, coalition and support to extremist and terrorist organizations coupled with construction of weapons of mass destruction.

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War was facing sanctions after Iraq Kuwait war in 90’s; it is economic conditions were significantly awful. Like a country with plenty of natural resources Iraqi people were affected by economic recession, politics aggression, and poor foreign relations. Iraqi ruler was obviously a dictator having tradition of violating human rights. Problems were not only a danger for Usa but to almost all peace loving makes of the world.

All the above facts made ways for a new turn in War against terrorism. Director Bush stated it evidently in an interview with MSNBC that Americans did not start off war against terrorism yet we can win it (Bush, 2004) According to American reception they are victims rather than slaughterers. America bombarded Iraq to safe themselves and all the people of the world since if all those weapons of mass break down will playing Iraqi regime then zero individual in any part of the community will be secure.

It seems sensible to the world. Therefore it gained favor coming from majority of nation and their population. Thomas Donnelly, a citizen fellow in the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) said The American and coalition forces invasion was justified and paved ways to a new time of democracy and justice in Middle section East.

Iraq said that all statements made with regards to weapons of mass break down are fake and America attacked Iraq because of American strategy to assume control over Iraq’s oil reserves and enhance land. It will also give ways towards a great position in Asia and may helpful in minimizing down China and tiawan. The warfare started and is also still taking place and in accordance to representatives will not result in near future. Is definitely America earning war in Iraq need many other questions to address for having a clear, impartial and rational reasoning just like what warfare in Iraq has presented United States especially and to the earth generally? Warfare in Iraq brought peacefulness and a harmonious relationship in the world.

It gives strength towards the peace loving makes of the world and shows each of the dictators and extremist makes of the world that human lives are most important assets and United states will not permit any one play with innocent spirits of faithful civilians. Choosing Sadam Hussain’s into American custody gives end to the era of violation, passion, and victimization. It also present message to the world that justice continues to be prevailing inside the society.

On the other end conflict in Korea was battled to save lives of harmless civilians of the world from inappropriate weapons nevertheless the weapons used in Iraq simply by united causes and America were also terrible because we were holding also unable to differentiate between terrorist, and innocent people when they explode in markets and civilian places of Iraq. Innocent people were dead due to the episodes in Iraq in fact they may be still perishing. In these harmless people not only Iraqi civilians are included but it also included all those armed service officials and soldiers individuals were dead in Korea due to the counters attacks and gorilla battles between Iraqi people and United Causes.

These military were brought to Iraq over a war that was began to reduce miseries, trouble and pain in lives of 9/11 victim’s families nevertheless their families happen to be suffering with same pain, trouble and miseries of losing their loved ones. Smartly if one calculates what United States is spending in Iraq until today, will probably be equal to vast amounts and if that money will invest about welfare activities it will resulted in better effects. The war in Iraq asks an important question to all or any peace loving nations that Is war an answer of all complications? Can be life of American those lifeless in 9/11 and other terrorist attacks are more important than lives of Iraqi and Afghani civilians?

Even if America is still unable to prove that claims relating to presence of weapons to get mass devastation in War. Is a great attack in twin systems is more essential than many attacks on Iraq? Number Definitely not which is what general consensus is started to develop among fairly neutral actors inside and outside USA.

Vast majority in United States of America is feeling the fact that cause of war against terrorism was appropriate, genuine and need of that time period but the approach it was struggled should be distinct. Because if we critically examine the current situation we will feel that War in War gave all of us nothing apart from lesson that Any War that is battled with weapons give nothing except soreness to the two winners and losers. This concept is enforce by the decision of yankee nation to giving votes to the democrats in recent elections rather than republicans those election campaign revolves around the effects of battle in Korea and Afghanistan on American nation plus the future of battle with terror.

The war in Iraq was started a couple of years as well as no human body knows mainly because it will end. Apparently Sadam Hussain and his allies are in guardianship, Iraq provides American and Coalition pushes deputed to get peace keeping but there’s also a doubt that war is definitely leading on the same situation that has happened with USSR for America. No one can guarantee that any kind of course of action in Iraq at this time will stop sectarian warfare, developing violence, or possibly a slide toward chaos.

If current developments continue, the potential consequences are severe. (The Iraq analyze Group statement December 2006) because universe has viewed the what has occurred with USSR in Afghanistan, how Afghanis threw them out of their country after more than 8 years and as a result USSR itself was vanished in the map worldwide. The solution just for this situation is definitely address simply by Iraq research group in their recent record Our most significant recommendations call for new and enhanced diplomatic and political efforts in Iraq and the region, and a change in the primary quest of U. S. forces in War that will permit the United States to start to move the combat makes out of Iraq responsibly. (The Iraq examine Group report December 2006) The war in Iraq is a war between ideologies, it is a conflict between privileges and incorrect, it is a war between justice and cruelty but the American Nation as one unit ought to develop opinion towards the foreseeable future strategy against war in Iraq as it will not end unless will probably be fought on all likely grounds rather than military and force because weapons can only create pillage, they can simply win royaume but not hearts of people and United States of America contains a tradition of winning hearts with like, sympathy and understanding.

It is therefore essential to recognize that This struggle must be fought with suggestions and undertaken not just by the political leadership and the armed forces but likewise by most levels of federal government including diplomatic, informational, economical, social and cultural indicate. (Effect structured operations and counter terrorism, pg 27). The conclusion in the prolong war lies in self assessment and self realization. It includes reviewing our technique and reassessing our goals. The targets are many nevertheless the way to achieve them is still ambiguous. The elite management of Al Qaeda and Taliban continue to be out of reach of United States.

The strategy ought to device through cooperation and collaboration upon diplomatic and political fronts to support self satisfactory and democratic Iraq where freedom and respect will certainly prevail mainly because peace and harmony in America cannot be retained at sake of War. BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1 ) Effect centered operations and counter terrorism, Air & Space Power Journal fall 05, 2006, Diane Posting, pg 129 2 . Bush clarifies view on war against terrorism We will win, ‘ just not in standard way, NBC, MSNBC and news providers, national record. com, Aug. 31, 2005 retrieved on Nov twentieth 2006 by http://www. msnbc. msn. com/ID/5865710/ 3. Professional summary from the Iraq examine Group statement December 2006 4. Iraq transition to power recovered from http://www. cnn. com/2006/POLITICS/10/23/iraq. poll2/index. code on 15th Dec 06\.