Marketing Paper Heineken Essay

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Heineken is a Dutch beer brewery company, which has been founded in 1863, once Gerard Adriaan Heineken purchased a small brewery in Amsterdam called “The Haystack”. In 1900 the company came up with that nowadays well-known five-point celebrity. In 1914 the company started out expanding, beginning with the production that belongs to them bottled drinks.

By 1914 the company was one of the most liked import drinks in the United States. Via around 1948 Heineken started out promoting their beer on the large scale. With slogans because “Heerlijk helder Heineken” (meaning: Delicious very clear Heineken) and “Good persons bring home Heineken”. In late 1960s Heineken comes up with an innovation that will be utilized for over 30 years, the barrel with an attached draft pipe. This way an innkeeper just has to hook up the barrel or clip from the outside.

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In the same season Heineken also takes over their very own rival organization Amstel. However , Amstel will keep its own id and they will both follow diverse strategies. Inside the early 1980’s Heineken is available in 145 countries around the world. Following your fall with the Wall in 1989, Heineken will even increase further into Eastern The european countries. For instance, Heineken acquires Brau Beteiligungs A. G. (BRAG), in 2003.

Until now, that is certainly still the greatest acquisition in Heineken’s background. In 2005 Heineken effects an innovative system that would take control the markets once again: The portable Heineken Poem keg. This season Heineken can be active in 170 countries and still planning to expand. They have 120 breweries globally, and employ 54. 000 persons.

In the one hundred twenty breweries Heineken owns, Heineken brews much more than 200 different kinds of beers and ciders, Heineken Premium beverage being essentially the most well known one. In Heineken’s Gross annual Report of 2009 Heineken has explained that 18 percent net growth in net revenue. They reported revenue of €14. 701 million; their particular net profit was €1.

055 million. Their revenue of €14. 701 , 000, 000 came from a consolidated beer volume of about 125 mil hectoliters.[1] Heineken N. Sixth is v. and Heineken Holding N. V. Stock exchange and supervision scheme L’arche Green And.

V., is usually owned by the Heineken relatives for 88. 75% through Greenfee B. V., which in turn owns the rest of the 11. 25%. L’arche Green N. Versus. holds a 50. 075% interest in Heineken Holding N. V. FEMSA holds a 14.

94% interest in Heineken Holding And. V. Free of charge float affinity for Heineken Possessing N. Versus. represents 34. 94%.[2] We now have put a stock exchange and management scheme in Appendix A. Products, Geographical Market segments and Market Positions Since Heineken brews around 2 hundred different kinds of sodas and ciders, we will certainly first express a couple of well-known brand names.

Nevertheless after that, we all will concentrate on the Heineken Premium Pilsner, or Heineken Premium section. We will certainly differentiate for the premium segment because normally our paper will become to elaborate. Products Heineken most famous brand can be Heineken Premium Beer. Below I will refer to other brand names that Heineken brews in their breweries. I chose to name the items they brew in Western Europe; the main reason for this is the fact that Heineken is Europe’s largest and leading ale brewer.

To get a total introduction to all the drinks that Heineken brews in the worlds, you can visit For the relevance of this paper, it is not necessary to name these brands. Physical Markets Beneath you will find a table with the geographical division of consolidated beer quantity, this is away al in the beers and ciders Heineken brews in the world. |In a large number of hectolitres[3] |2010 |% | |Western European countries |45, 394 |31. one particular | |Central and Asian Europe |42, 237 |29. 0 | |Africa plus the MIddle East |19, 070 |13.

1 | |The Americas |37, 843 |25. 9 | |Asia Pacific |1, 328 |0. being unfaithful | |Consolidated beer amount |145, 872 |100 | The premium segment is listed below. |Segment |Volume |Percentage | |Western Europe |7, 600 |29, 3% | |Central and Eastern The european countries |2, 800 |10, 8% | |Africa and the Central East |2, 100 |8, 2% | |North and South America |9, 000 |34, 7% | |Asia Pacific |4, four hundred |17, 0% | |Total |25, 900 |100% | Market positions Western European countries In Western Europe Heineken is industry leader in countries including The U. E., The Netherlands, Portugal and Italia. Heineken is the number two while beer brewer in countries such as Belgium, Finland, Ireland in europe, Spain, England and Swiss.

Western The european countries is a very important segment pertaining to Heineken being a company, The european union as a whole features about 850 million residents, and with each other they are eating 40, 1% of the total premium segment, on average the particular America’s enjoy more high grade beer. Central and Eastern Europe In Central and Europe Heineken is also the greatest beer brewer. Being the marketplace leader in numerous countries Heineken brews 40.

237 , 000, 000 liters of consolidated sodas and ciders. The volume of Premium beer however is usually slightly low, only 12, 8 percent. Africa plus the Middle East Heineken has become more and more good in countries in Africa, after beginning the Heineken Africa Groundwork the brand is now highly popular in sub-Sahara countries. Because of the high human population of expatriates, Heineken has the capacity to sell high quality beers in African and Middle East countries.

North and South usa This is the just segment Heineken does not use a market leading position. Heineken does get pleasure from number two positions in Mexico, Brazil, Republic of chile and Spain. In 2010 their position was strengthened following buying FEMSA.

Asia Pacific cycles The Hard anodized cookware market continues to be growing intended for multiple progressive, gradual years. Heineken holds good positions in Thailand, Vietnam, Australia, Fresh Zeeland, Singapore and Taiwan. The fact that Heineken is actually a strong brand in Singapore is because of the sooner mentioned cause, the reason being expatriates. Cultural problems affecting Heineken When researching ethnic issues, all of us thought of a case we had to manage in the Intercontinental Management 2 course. This case dealt with expatriates in Saudi Arabia.

The common opinion in Arab saudi is the Islam; their ay book is the Koran. The Koran claims: Regarding Alcoholic beverages – The Holy Quraan states: “They ask The concerning Wine beverages and Betting, Say: In them is great sin, and some profit, for men; but the trouble is greater than the profit. ” (Surah Al-Baqarah: 219) This means that all Islamic people ought to refrain from liquor. The fact that Islamic people should stay away from alcohol causes it to be hard to get Heineken to discover a market in Saudi Arabia intended for Heineken beers or additional ciders that contain alcohol. However , Saudi Arabia can be described as country where a lot of expatriates live and work.

Expatriates are (mostly) western persons, who perform live in line with the Koran. Because of this these expatriates are able to drink a beer after work. The fact this is able to get expatriates makes it easier for Heineken to sell their brews in countries just like Saudi Arabia. Yet , this is the kind of problem Heineken mostly needs to deal with.

These kinds of problems are not hard to solve. I was not able to discover more challenges, only the ones that are similar to the challenge we described above. We are able to conclude that Heineken is a very large MNE, Multi Nationwide Enterprise, however , we have not jet reviewed Heineken’s current performance.

Inside the following part of our report we will certainly analyse the performance of Heineken In. V. during the last five years. Therefore , can balance their financial functionality against one more large brewer’s performance, particularly SABMiller. |Revenue (Change in % from the year before) |Heineken |SABMiller | |2010 |9.

7% |4% | |2009 |2. 7% |6% | |2008 |27. 3% |15% | |2007 |6. 2% |22% | |2006 |9. 6% |19% | In this stand the growth in the revenue is definitely reviewed as SABMiller’s total revenue is far more than Heineken’s.

Although Heineken kept growing their revenue in the last five years, their particular competitor’s earnings kept developing as well. SABMiller generated a bigger growth of their income compared to Heineken. Therefore we are able to state that although Heineken has increased their revenue in times of financial crisis, this does not imply that the performed extraordinary very well compared to all their competitors. In accordance to David Hagel 3, John Seely Brown and Lang Daviso in their blog page article upon ‘The Best Way to Assess Company Performance’ (2010), the return to equity ratio is not the easiest method to measure firm performance.

A different sort of view is a one in the shareholders; seeing that ROE targets the net income per discuss, it is a very commonly used method to measure company’s performance by simply shareholders. Consequently , this method is employed in this daily news and if we would use different methods the paper can become to complex. Concluding out of this table we are able to state that Heineken performed better over the last five years then one of its main competition in terms of Return on Fairness.

ROE’s between 15% and 20% are believed desirable; Heineken met this kind of standard perfectly. Although SABMiller is certainly not coping with a low Return upon Equity, they are nevertheless not able to meet that standard. |ROE (Return upon equity) |Heineken |SABMiller | |2010 |14, 1% |12, 6% | |2009 |19, 7% |13, 4% | |2008 |22, 7% |12, 2% | |2007 |20, 7% |12, 5% | |2006 |18, 6% |11, 5% | To summarize, both equally Heineken and SABMiller taken care of a high level of growth during the last five years; their income kept developing. Despite both companies held growing all their revenue, a look at the Come back on Fairness ratio demonstrates Heineken much more profitable then SABMiller. It really is save to state that Heineken has financially performed well over the last five years.

Intercontinental market segmentation International industry segmentation can be described as the process of separating the entire marketplace into smaller sized market segments. According to Hollensen’s Necessities of global advertising (2008) you will find 4 methods a company has to take while segmenting the right market, actions can be found in appendix B. From this section, Heineken’s international segmentation strategies are discussed pursuing these 4 steps. Hollensen’s first step is definitely “the number of the relevant segmentation criteria, ” every industry has it’s characteristics, Heineken had to find the criteria that have been relevant for them.

Heineken had to take in accounts measurable factors such as the geographic location, dialect, industrial framework and personal factors. In addition , they had to take account elements that have a minimal degree of measurability, such as ethnical characteristics and attitudes and tastes. Only some these factors are relevant for Heineken; the language isn’t that relevant to a brewing business, however , the taste of the consumer is. Heineken also segmented their foreign trade market applying other characteristics.

Important features for Heineken are era, e. g. minimal drinking age; alcohol consumption, e. g. heavy or perhaps casual drinker; tastes, at the. g. some may prefer satisfying beer to Heineken and geographic position, e. g. the distance for the brewery. The second step is the development of ideal segments. In this step Heineken had to discover markets and market portions that meet their relevant selection criteria. The third stage is the verification of segments to focus the list of markets/countries to choose from and decide.

This testing process could be divided into two steps, initial the first screening, countries/markets both external criteria and internal solutions have to be taken into consideration. Secondly the fine-grained testing where the firm’s competitive power in different market segments should be taken into consideration. Heineken selects in this step the market sections where they want to participate in.

The forth stage is “to develop subsegments in each qualified nation and across countries. ” In this step Heineken turns it’s macro segments via step three to micro segments; they further define all their market sectors. Market targeting Targeting is definitely the process of evaluating potential discovered segments to decide on the one together with the highest potential (Hollensen, 2008). Heinekens target markets incorporate younger to middle old people. Heineken’s marketing activities are focused on this kind of segment; they want their marketplace segment to relate Heineken beer to sport events, festivals and nightclubs.

Heineken is successful in addressing this kind of consumer section; they are the preferred premium dark beer for a large market share. This target market will not differ a lot among countries, although they modify their advertising to each market, these adjustments are minor ones. Marketplace positioning Market positioning can be explained as the process of making a preferable manufacturer image for the target sets of a company. Not necessarily only more effective for corporations to establish an optimistic brand graphic, but a positive identity for their products and firm as well.

Market positioning is important to Heineken; Heineken puts many resources in advertising and positioning projects. Each time a company considers market placing, they are very likely to use the four P’s, Product, Price, Place and Promotion. We is going to briefly present these concepts and we will take a look at them further in a several section of this information.

The 4 P’s are definitely the marketing blend; all these factors should be taken in consideration once constructing an advertising program that delivers excellent value (Kotler & Armstrong, 2005). Heineken is definitely using its marketing mix to position themselves being a positive brand for their marketplace. Heineken is involved in many market placement activities, for example , Heineken is among the main sponsors of the EUROPAISCHER FU?BALLVERBAND Champions Little league, one of the greatest soccer leagues in The european countries. Their objective with selling this group is for their particular target market to relate Heineken with this kind of sport celebration, therefore building a positive brand image.

One other example of a market positioning activity that Heineken is associated with will be the support of a live show hall inside the Netherlands, particularly the ‘Heineken Music Hall. ” Again, their goal is that all their targeted clients are attaining affection with all the positive connection with the live performance and the manufacturer Heineken. Additionally , Heineken is definitely opening and sponsoring fully branded bars around the world. Heineken sponsors they and you can find their brand logo all over the place.

Heineken allocates many resources to their advertising department to do this around the world; this ends in brand acknowledgement everywhere. This really is again a promotional activity conducted simply by Heineken to ascertain a better marketplace position. Item strategies The product strategy can be described as marketing plan of a specific product let in to as an example the target marketplace, desired product positioning in the market, and profit aims.

Almost always item strategies are based on the several P’s, financial targets, and budgets with the producing company. Now, a deeper try looking in the product strategies of Heineken will be made. First of all, Hollensen(2008)[4] states that there are 3 levels of a product or service.

These three levels consist of: the key product rewards, the key attributes and the support providers (figure below). As the figure reveals there is a high possibility of standardizing elements of products at the amount of “core product benefits, method possibilities to standardize in the “product attributes” level, and a low prospect of support companies being standard. [pic]The most eye-catching core item benefits of Heineken include the technology, most important: patented technology used to brew the beer and giving it the distinguishable style Heineken is well know for. Heineken does not replace the brewing method in any overseas market it explores (Anthony Ruys, 2005)[5] so no matter where Heineken is used the taste will probably be exactly the same.

As well the perceived value is a major primary benefit to get Heineken, Heineken is such a huge brewery with so many (geographically dispersed) marketplace that it is known all over the world, persons in foreign markets discover Heineken as a luxury ale and this is exactly what Heineken intended the moment entering the market, for example Heineken promotion technique in when ever entering the USA market: Heineken hired a huge amount of actors to attend luxury pubs and hotels and keep requesting a “Heineken” beer, the moment this continued over a lengthy period those bars and hotels were almost forced to use Heineken. Salient fine detail: a check with blindfolds regarding several breweries, Heineken finished almost at the bottom with the list, if the same try things out was executed with the brands of the breweries in sight Heineken was the undisputed number one. (Peters, 2001) [6] Looking at the item attributes it can be remarkable that Heineken retains almost the exact same size, appears, and formulate in every overseas market to obtain a high acknowledgement rate.

Therefore the design, the labels, and top quality are pretty much the same in every foreign industry, this way their brand name and status is definitely strengthened. For this reason Heineken as well tries to maintain the product attributes standardized. Therefore two slogans of Heineken: “Serving the planet”; and “meet you there”, that means wherever you can go the familiar Heineken beer will probably be around.

Finally there is the support services level, this is the level with the least expensive standardization in the company. Heineken has many promoting involvements in bars and hotels and host several events. The largest example of Heineken’s support service in their home country the Netherlands is a “Holland Heineken house”, It is just a portable pub which is working on the picture at major sporting events (world cup sports etc . ). these events and promoting opportunities are not as easy to standardize like for example the production method. For the easy reason that it can be an capricious aspect of the business.

Market access and syndication strategies Heineken started conveying in 1876 with frequent shipments to France, twelve years after taking over “de Hooiberg” (another dutch brewery established in 1592), although Heineken held a low profile concerning the export. Only after the son of Gerard Adriaan Heineken took over, the foreign trade of Heineken experienced a huge growth with market items in for model the United States. The us were an enormous growing industry but it arrived at a sudden keep in the 1920’s when the forbidance act or perhaps “Volstead act” was initialized. By 70 however Heineken was accessible in 70 percent of retail outlets in america mostly as a result of Heinekens distribution process.

Following this success Heineken began conveying to almost every part in the world. In accordance to Hollensen (2008) access strategies for overseas market will be divided in two groupings. When a firm goes in another country and has to pick a entry setting a differentiation should be made in internalizing and externalizing foreign investment strategies. As can be observed in Appendix C[7]. hierarchical modes offer to most internalization wherever export modes require the most externalization. Among these two vulnerable parts are the intermediate modes.

These types of modes will be discussed over the following paragraphs and will show which usually mode Heineken adapted. Firstly, the hierarchical modes which will cover the internal elements. This includes the international experience of a company and what the size of the company is usually. When Heineken went to the usa it had limited international knowledge. Also, back then, Heineken was the largest brewery in the Netherlands, but in comparison to the world Holland is a very small market therefore Heineken a new restricted size.

It also includes product complexity and difference. The product intricacy when Heineken expanded to the United States was very low, after all at that time this only created Heineken beer, only down the road the made products modified to several overseas markets and product differentiation was created. Subsequently, the foreign trade modes which cover the external factors. There are a large number of exterior factors together with the most important one particular: the interpersonal an ethnic distance between home as well as the host region. Cultural and social length between countries like The Netherlands and Belgium or Philippines are not that big, however there were a lot of rivals present in precisely the same branch in this period and so Heineken made a decision to expand elsewhere.

For instance in america there were handful of competitor due to prohibition. When a “western” company wants to expand in Asia or perhaps in Arabic countries we have a huge cultural and ethnic distance. Inside the 1970’s Heineken started to pay much more attention to the foreign markets and built up all their social recognition which decreased the “sociocultural distance”. The mode together with the most externalization is the export mode. Through this mode the organization has the choice between direct-, indirect-, and cooperative export entry method.

With the indirect export admittance mode the company is mildly interacting with the other market due to the fact that an independent organization will spread the company’s product. There exists low risk and low commitment nevertheless there is also low control of the area distributer etc. Furthermore you will find the direct marketplace entry function, in this setting the company is directly selling to a retailer in the desired foreign market.

The vendre will be responsible for the ins and outs and the up- and downstream functions and look after well recognized ties together with the foreign industry. When the two indirect- and the direct method are not relevant the supportive mode also comes in the picture where there is a regional importer working with the downstream functions (marketing, sales, services) and the exporter is in charge of the upstream capabilities within the neighborhood company (for example: the R&D department). Heineken began in the export mode not simply because there was limited knowledge in foreign markets up till then simply.

The company had to keep increasing because the marketplace for breweries became more competitive, Heineken founded a fresh brewery inside the Netherlands although also founded the Malayan breweries and breweries in Venezuela, Zaire and Italia. Furthermore Heineken took over a number of foreign breweries. Nowadays Heineken adopted a Hierarchical mode for the market admittance this means that it really is fully possessed and controlled by the company, nevertheless also the corporation bears the risk of its actions. Every industry Heineken are operating in.

Heineken’s headquarters are stationed in the Holland but there are lots of subsidiaries in foreign market segments because the general assumption is that geographically distributed markets fluctuate a lot and lots of will require a different approach that happen to be than addressed by the subsidiaries. Promotion Approaches According to Hollensen (2008) “… important are the advertising or the efficiency promises the fact that organization produces its product or service in the goal market”. Concerning to item decisions, promo of products could be adapted or standardized to foreign markets. Figure one particular (see appendix D), provides an overview of how products can end up being promoted in foreign marketplaces.

With regard to physique 1, Heineken seems to fit into the box of ‘Straight Extension’, since both the product and the promotion strategy of the business are standardised (one product, one meaning worldwide (Hollensen, 2008)). Also this is stressed by simply Heineken’s general promotion strategy across the globe, which effectively creates a connection involving the brand and the customers. In addition , Herwin truck den Berg, Marketing Overseer of Heineken in the Netherlands states that: “Marketing is approximately attracting, inspiring and binding consumers and ensuring timely wake-up cell phone calls to your own organization”. Firstly, the Heineken business includes apart from the well known Heineken brand, above 170 different, often local, brands as well.

This multi-brand strategy proves to be simple, but successful. The main notion of acquiring various other suitable, neighborhood brands, is usually to serve Heineken as a superior beer together with the obtained local manufacturer. If several local brand proves to experience a significant expansion potential, the manufacturer is of interest of the Heineken company.

This kind of policy truly creates a global position for, because the Heineken brand turns into recognized as becoming a premium ale. Secondly, based on the Heineken website (, the organization has developed a plan of ‘Selling beer safely’, this coverage holds that professional Ale Promoters (BPs) sell and promote Heineken beer right to the (potential) consumers This kind of policy proves to be a successful promotion strategy in most countries, because this plan manages to fulfill all different constituencies of the organization. Despite the use of BPs, Heineken strives to further improve the overall security and well being of the Beer Promoters, as promoting beverage can be quite hazardous.

Therefore , Heineken developed policies in their breweries that cover most aspects which might be influencing the significant conditions in the BPs. In order to instruct and train the BPs for his or her job being a effective Dark beer Promoter around the globe, Heineken developed all kinds of teaching tools, different from instruction DVDs and manuals, to leaflets and booklets. These types of training equipment are regularly being improved and re-designed to maintain a proper basis pertaining to implementing the best strategy.

In addition , these schooling tools will be translated in many languages, to be able to maintain a general promotion strategy all over the world. Additionally, when comparing the Heineken websites in different countries, it is apparent that Heineken uses the same promotion promotions all over the world (examples: Draught keg, Extra frosty, Beertender). What stands out will be Heinekens green (premium) dark beer bottle on the homepage on each website, the use of bright green colors, a direct link to Heineken’s Facebook page, and depending on country, campaign campaigns just like Heineken Music or the EUROPAISCHER FU?BALLVERBAND Champions Group.

Besides the utilization of global marketing plans, some websites display local, country specific content too (such because the new Heineken Ellipse glass). Additionally , most websites will be fully converted, and some simply partially inside the foreign country’s language. Fourthly, when comparing the TV-commercials ( of Heineken in different countries, it is obvious that the organization promotes the premium ale and new releases in quite the same way worldwide. The company actively promotes what seems to be the ‘Heineken experience’ which contains that Heineken premium beverage is being drunk in the same way by simply people around the globe.

However , the company does create country/region certain ads, with slight modifications, mostly intended for the major market segments. In Asia for example , the commercials apparently reflect which a Heineken high quality beer can be gained after having a hard day at work. In Hispanic countries, a Heineken premium ale stands for intimacy and nearness, and in the of Heineken in Western countries is the fact nothing stands between a person and a Heineken premium beer.

To summarize with, “Heineken portrays alone as a global brand which makes the world that little bit more fun through the mentality and innovative products” (Heineken Circumstance, Sister. ) Pricing Tactics “Pricing policy is an important proper and tactical competitive system that, unlike the additional elements of a global marketing blend, is highly manageable and inexpensive to improve and implement” (Hollensen, 2008). The Heineken company sells premium beer, which retains that the beverage is priced in uppr segment in the beer market. By premium pricing, customers become recognized that Heineken beer is unique from other brands, in the sense of being of your higher quality.

And thus, the comparable high price could be established simply because customers are willing to pay the larger price for the real and perceived top quality. Moreover, by pricing the merchandise relatively large, the product placement in sobre minds of customers becomes within the desired (high) level. As Heineken high quality beer is known as a standardized product, there are tiny additional costs concerning modification of the item to international markets. Consequently , Heineken can adjust its rates easily to the purchasing electricity in a overseas market and so maintain its brand image of becoming a premium beer, by setting the price towards the relative upper segment of any country’s neighborhood beer market.

By performing this plan, Heineken maintains a global picture of being a premium beer. Furthermore, in some overseas markets Heineken even has got the advantage of the so called country-of-origin effect. Which holds that customers see a product produced in a certain country of being of your desired top quality.

Apparently, holland have an increased reputation in the global beverage market, since, for example , the purchasers in the United States are prepared to pay significantly more for Heineken premium dark beer. On average, for each and every 100 l of Heineken beer delivered to the US, Heineken’s earnings is believed on about 21 euro’s. In on the contrary, the average profit per 95 liters of Heineken dark beer in other countries is estimated on about 14. 70 euro’s (Elsevier website).

In short, Heineken is able to maintain steadily its image of like a premium beverage through the general belief of being of the high/premium top quality, and the matching price that should be covered Heineken’s high quality beer. Resource: Based on Keegan, 1995, pp. 489-94 and p498, Table 13. you [3]