Psychology in the year 2005 united states essay

Category: Science,
Published: 09.03.2020 | Words: 713 | Views: 612
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Flooding, Aussehen Therapy, Positive Psychology, Counseling Psychology

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In the year 2005, United States knowledge one of the biggest, deadliest and high priced hurricanes of the period. The hurricane was named Storm Katrina; this cost loss in lives, home and water damage across distinct states. The emergency scenario had to be handled immediately and strategies to do this had to be every rounded. This is due to those damaged were possibly directly engaged or witnessed the incident. This discussion is targeted and inspecting the subjects of the crisis following two approaches that is certainly humanistic and behavioral whilst comparing and contrasting all their effectiveness.

How do therapists using each of these points of views view the customer and patient’s problem?

Behavioral approach is concerned with assumptive and considerable aspects of man behavior. Human being behavior can be discovered or unlearnt depending on whether or not they are appropriate on a interpersonal and ethnical basis. Humanistic approach inside the other hand is involved with individual responses to stimulants given by therapists which have been limited by psychodynamic theories that interfere with outcomes that could provide answers towards the real meaning of healthier growth and behavior. Behavioral responses of victims of Hurricane Katrina include égo?ste behaviors, reluctance to get away from property, non-communication, withdrawal, erratic movements, and startled replies, changes in conversation patterns, impulsivity and pacing. Humanistic replies of the patients include stated feelings of unreality, denial that the condition has taken place, pessimism, hostility, anger and emotions of remorse Sue File suit, 2008.

Making use of the two methods as identified above, experienced therapist have different viewpoints about your customer and the problem they are going through. Hurricane Katrina presented wide problems wherever victims and witnesses were greatly traumatized and experienced therapist had to get ways to help them deal with all their problems. Both the approaches are aimed at alleviating psychological struggling depending on the understanding of the specialist using created after symptoms of the patient have already been analyzed. This triggers the therapist to choose which way of focus on numerous two or maybe employ both.

How are the goals of treatment similar or distinct in these methods?

The focus of therapist in both approaches is to make sure the problem of traumatic stress is effectively curbed, throughout the provision of problem solving and coping skills. It is important to say the consequences of traumatic anxiety which include initiating disease, paves way for mental disorders, and destroys associations between family members and friends and results to substance abuse. Using the two ways to mitigate the psychological tension brought about by the intense hurricane will have a positive influence on the victims, beyond this; media can also be used to offer more timely and practical information to mitigate ongoing emotional suffering. The in the two approaches may be the manner in which the therapists manage the individuals. While using the behavioral approach, methods employed can focus on habit change without background information of how the problem came into being and any more indulgence trying to find the source of the complexity. In other words, the therapist concentrates on the consumer and his current surrounding to be able to identify factors responsible for his/her behavior followed by manipulation with the troubling environment to alleviate the problem Sue Drag into court, 2008.

Therapist attempt to enhance desirable tendencies and ensure they are promptly compensated while the undesirable ones will be punished so as to avoid them. Humanistic approach requires the therapist’s investigation of individual belief of your self during the disturbing stress and the willingness to simply accept and understand growth, obligations and self-direction. The method offers an understanding and non-judgmental knowledge for the victims to be optimistic, understand their strong points and ways to overcome their weaknesses.

How would the therapy differ?

What is your total comment about how these techniques compare in your chosen celebration?

In the event of the emergency condition that hurricane Katrina offered, humanistic approach was to become intensely used compared to behavioral