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1 . Advantages

1 . 1 Back Ground: My spouse and i am producing an ecommerce online shop call up ruhionline. co. uk web page the suggest of this internet site define features visitor are able to see the widely available features such a browse items (Clothing for guys & girl and accessories), view details of product (Size, colour and price) and able to look other content material of web page. Registered customer also capable of view almost all publicly offered features as well as to do this they able to purchase the products with the addition of them into shopping cart.

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Admin also take care of the website from admin site (Back side).

Types of Users in the website are:


Clients (Registered Member)


1 . a couple of Objective:

1 . Perspective Home Banners or Glide Show Photo gallery

2 . Browse Products

several. View Item Details with (HD Images gallery, zoom lens in and zoom out). 4. View FAQs

5. Are a member through Sign up process.

6. Enhance cart

7. Repayment.

almost eight. Security.

9. Delivery the product.

2 . Feasibility

It is very significant to do feasibility study before beginning a project. Today

twenty-one century persons would love online shopping.

Specifically clouts items are very buck in online and customer needed make sure the products colour, size and items are accurate on their behalf. When I creating this e-commerce internet site I have to make sure that visitor or perhaps buyer can easily see everything perfectly before buy the products. Purpose of this website:

The main purpose of this e-commerce internet site to creating simple to use website intended for customer and simple to buy products like they can be buy type own shop. To total this project successfully I would really like to talk some factors. A feasibility research help task manager identify positive and negatives reaction to the job before trading time and money. 2 . 1 Timetable feasibility:

* I have began this job middle of April. We am the only one person who can give individual effort in this task, so following careful calculation I would like claim this task will finished successfully first days of Nov 2013. installment payments on your 2 Financial Feasibility:

To complete this project I have need PHP, MYSQL, Photoshop, CSS3 and Dreamweaver. Already I have downloaded all of toots which I required for in order finishing this task. Only I need pay for to buy ZEN WAGON to add to my site to able to put their buying items to basket and hosting etc . Really small amount of will cost just for this project.

installment payments on your 3 Industry feasibility:

If customer would like acquire any product from this only they have purchase these items. There is absolutely no transaction demand and this web page will not shop customer financial institution details. This kind of web site will very likely be highly easy to use and will able to buy product straightforward couple of just click. I am expecting most of customers would love this site get their products. 2 . 4 Technology and system feasibility:

This can be e-commerce primarily based online shop website to advertising cloths item and equipment. I have to use various kind of technology in order to successfully concluding the job. I have want PHP, MY SQL, PHOTOSHOP, DREAMWEAVER AND SO FORTH

* PHP: PHP (Hypertext Pre-processor) probably popular server scripting language on the internet and also used as a general purpose programming language. With PHP I i am able to produce like get access pages (username and password), picture galleries, and specifics from, a complete tot even more. PHP is known as a server side terminology. On the computer you request the page via but PHP does not carried out on the computer.

5. MY SQL: MySQL can be described as relational database software management system. MySQL database management system used on the internet, Essentially, MySQL database permits to create a relational database to be able to store info. MySQL keep all of the desk, PHP acts acts stand enquiry and form happen to be essentially website with areas with these people. With PHP and MySQL I are able to generate truly remarkable project online.

* Photoshop: Photoshop is usually an application to get manipulating photo, shape, vector, effects and shape. Not many days era they utilized bitmap pictures. As I growing c-commerce offering website Personally i have tried many photographs and design. So that nearly all page I have used photos store. Photoshop is very useable toots in order produce my toots. In this internet site I am going to employ Photoshop CS3 for Making HIGH DEFINITION photos, design etc .

2. Dreamweaver: Dreamweaver is a build and creation web site which can be most popular application web design since 1988. Dreamweaver is a lot easier to use.

* Open Cart: Open will certainly using my own website in order buy even more products in a single shopping. Customer will select items choose to buy and item will certainly add to the holder and customer will make repayment in total.

* CSS3: CSS using this web page in order to structure the record and background images, margin, line advanced positions, height, width, baptistère, colour with the website.

* AJAX: AJAX will apply this website for the purpose of Smaller respond the pages. Ajax is

very powerful and functioning combine with PHP, JavaScript yet others.

* JavaScript: JavaScript is going to using pertaining to the site in order making same external function such Zoom-in or focus out, or perhaps view alternative photo in same place of the pages. JavaScript is very powerful and popular toots.

2 . a few Risk features:

Starting any project it’s very great to do risk analysis. There are some issue that could have about effect on the site. User friendly web page is always recently been very challenging. Also databases are very challenging on back end. Customer will probably be login and buy their products. Consumer may forget their password and customer name inside the website there is full customer satisfaction these kinds of trouble is face is incredibly challenging. several. Resource

a few. 1 Technology:

1 . HTML/ CODE 5

2 . CSS/CSS 3


4. PHP

your five. MY SQL


several. AJAX

three or more. 2 Tools:

1 . Notepad ++

installment payments on your PHP SURPRISE





7. EMAIL: Smart email configuration

8. Hosting upload /FTP salutation: FileZilla

three or more. 3 Repayment Getaway:

* PayPal

* Debit/ Credit card

* European Union

2 . several Design deign:


* Goods name and catalogue amount (Unique )

2. Item particulars or requirements

2. Size picker (Drop down).

* Quantity picker (Drop down).

5. Colour Trader (Drop down)

* Availability

* Photo gallery

2. Zoom Look at

5. Customer review

5. Delivery Alternatives.

Once customer decided to acquire item they can add to Cart (Zen Cart). When client goes for checkout registration necessary. (PHP & MSQL).

Registered Member

* Login to web page

5. My Account

2. Manage Accounts

5. My Instructions

* Buy Product (Checkout)

* Logout


* Logon

2. Administrator Consumer Management

* Product Attribute Managing

5. Product Administration

* Price Graph and or chart Management

* Banner Manager

* Purchase Manager

* Delivery Management

2 . 4 Data


Views Website Logo, Ads or Video summary which are integrated with Webpage. View list of Latest Goods available with details like.

Product Subject & Image.

Look at links pertaining to Login and Sign Up.

Clicking on virtually any link, End user will get around that particular Page.

Product Screen page

* Displays products

* Merchandise Name & Unique merchandise number

* Select image will display information of product and choice of sizes if obtainable * View the details of the items, with Picture on Merchandise. * Product size, Photo also client able to focus in and zoom out your product. 2. Add to basket.

* View Cart: Following added to the shopping cart with small product image, subtotal and purchasing amount. Because carts url to Update and checkout, url to see complete shopping cart, remove product from cart boost quantity and recalculate subtotal.

* Sign up: This section permits New Users to create fresh registration account on the Site Complete the subscription form using required fields Enter Profile details like name, email id, security password Enter address details just like Country, Express and Squat Code Send Form.

5. User Login

This section allows User to enter the web page by adding logon details made during registration. Enter authenticated Email Address and Password to login. Forgot Password Link. Recover pass word through mail

New Consumer? Sign up hyperlink available

* After creating login, the consumer enters the account with authenticated username and password and can execute the following tasks: * My personal Account

Personal Information

Change Term, Login, E-mail Address, or perhaps Password

Manage Talk about Information

* My Orders

View all Orders

View buy no/ buy date/ amount/ quantity

View Position (In Process, Shipped, Available, Rejected)

* History/Receipts

Look at Details of all of the orders manufactured

View order identity, status, particular date ordered

Link to re-Order.

* Last Order

Displays the very last order produced

Connect to reorder and reset quantity

* View Purchase Tracking

Enter Order Number

View E-commerce software

Erase Account

Sign out

* Checkout

Proceed to Shipping Information

View/ Edit Shipping Details

Select Shipping Method

Proceed to Billing Details

View/ Modify Billing Details

Assessment Order

View Total Buy Summary, with Shipping and Billing Information Proceed to Payment Details

PayPal Payment Gateway Integration

Purchase Confirmation

Show affirmation of order with purchase details on the screen 5. FAQ

Displays a directory of frequently asked Questions

5. Shipping Details

Specifics regarding Delivery information and collaboration with any lovers which will be verified with customer for more details

2 . 5 Powerful Pages

Let us know

About Us

Privacy Policy


Terms & Circumstances

installment payments on your 6 Back-End

* Get access

5. Administrator End user Management

* Product Attribute Administration

5. Product Supervision

2. Price Graph and or chart Management

* Banner Manager

* Purchase Manager

* Delivery Management

some. Process Version

I have picked in iterative and increase process style. This project will develop then this model.

Iterative cycle

The process has three steps.

1 . The initialization

2 . The iteration

3. The Project Control List

Iterative and incremental method basically a single process unit and the target and stage are different. Iterative and pregressive development version (IIDM) creation is a method of project creation pattern gradual increase in characteristic additions and a cyclical release and improve unit. The IID development begins with planning and proceeds via iterative development cycles relating proceeds user responses. Iterative and incremental creation model (IIDM) is one of the methodologies of “Agile development version.

Iterative and incremental creation is a way for developing system based on making deliverables. In incremental creation various period been intended for different parts of the machine. The prices and are broken up based on their very own achievement. End user feedback can be discuses with to modify are objectives to get successive deliverable. The iterative and pregressive development style (IIDM) came about in response to flaws inside the waterfall style and a sequential style process in which development runs calmly downwards. The waterfall model different then IIDM because it is cyclical rather than unidirectional.



The iterative and gradual development style (IIDM) could be grouped into the following phases. * Inception phase: Requirements, risks at higher level and deals with the of the project. * Elaboration Phase: fulfills non useful requirement and deliver functional architecture that reasonable risk indentified inside the inception. 2. Transition Stage: The production working environment provides with system. * Development phase: production ready code fills which has a architecture pieces incrementally which can be produced the testing of useful requirement design and style, implementation, and analysis.

a few. Prototype:

Home-page and resource code


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Jewellery site and source


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Category Table


 class=button> class=button>

 method=post enctype=multipart/form-data id=form>

 checked=checked />

 />



Customer table:



 class=button>

 method=post enctype=multipart/form-data id=form>

 id=address->‘).remove(); $(‘#tab-address- ‘).remove(); return false; />

*  />

2.  />

*  />

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 />
 />

 />

id=button-transaction class=button onclick=addTransaction();>

 target=_blank>  target=_blank>

[ onclick=removeBanIP(‘‘);>]

[ onclick=addBanIP(‘‘);>]

6. Implementation

Before commence the serious commitments that require my time and effort I will have a plan and my own e-commerce website should be simply no different. The actual sis basically fail to strategy, my task will are unsuccessful. By having an e-commerce plan I will able to observe what doing work more than pondering and wishing for the best. I want mention a few of the point I ought to consider after i taking my e-commerce internet site.

6. 1 Research and Strategy.

The core focus of any e-commerce web site design should have clear understanding the product in the industry as whole. Really should have discuss the goal audience and brainstorm possible keywords that possible consumer might value to find my own company or my item. Very carefully currently taking all- significant first step will my job going to satisfy the goal. Using right

strategy almost guarantee that my efforts to concentrate in within the saving money and time and will have got expected buyer. 6. a couple of Plan

Prepare in consists of setting throughout the entire necessity like precisely what are the requirements pertaining to the user (content, search and product page). Need to asked question to myself with regards to how know-how someone need to have about my product and service to help to make purchase. I must aware of it searching particular item number and brand. Plan can be discussed in details as follows. Development project is supposed to begin by 8th august 2013 and completed by the 28th November 2013. Nevertheless I have currently started seeing that 26 April 2013. Each week consists of exploration and organizing, solution design (Site map, write shape, data base design etc), requirement requirements, Layout design (Home webpage, content, product pages etcs), Front development (Home section, item banners, merchandise listing section), Back End Expansion. Activities Journal:

6. 3 Analysis

Requirement of the project happen to be:

a. To display in home page banners and glide show photo gallery. So the visitor or buyer able interest going item page from the site. b. To display merchandise details with high quality photos, zoom in and focus out. c. To display Regularity ask issue so that visitor or client able to obtain easy question answer. d. To display total registration from so that buyer put all their details and create logon passport electronic. To Do screen in goods page increase cart. When customer chosen their merchandise they are able to add to basket. f. To display payment option and make sure fell comfy pay by their bank card with security. g. To display the delivery choice so individuals shoppers select delivery.

6. 4 Design: A tale board has been done to design and style take since whole composition of internet site. Here is feature has been given

1 ) Customer joint site by simply creating a merchant account

2 . Product information

3. Login

4. Take care of account

5. Sign out

Stream Diagram:

Make use of Case Diagram

Customer Method Diagram

6. 5 Creation and applying toots or technology:

Features and objective | Toots and technology |

Name+ List number (Unique num)| HTML+ CSS|

Items specifics | Desk HTML+CSS|

Size Pcker (Drop Down)| CSS|

Colour Trader | Java Script|

Supply | CSS|

Zoom View| Java Script|

Delivery option| HTML+CSS|

Add to cart| Open Cart|

Every page dynamic | PHP|

Back end data base| MY SQL|

Web page pages| Desire weaver|

Others| As well I am going to used Photoshop, Illustrator |

Payment Method| PayPal, Debit card/credit card/western union| Email| Smtp email setup. |

6. six Testing:

* Before go to live that site I will do a couple of testing. Evaluation could be inside ( efficient and security). I will produce a functional screening report in addition also I will have security testing too. User acceptance test very important in the testing level. Be head to live this website there is a lot more thinks to check on. Following I use mention a number of essential step before go real time site: 1 ) TITLES AND META INFO



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