Pelts computerized sales and inventory system Essay

Category: Computer,
Published: 31.01.2020 | Words: 530 | Views: 631
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Pelts Corporation a well-known company, that offers clothes for guys, women, and children. They also have a wide variety of fashion accessories; they also have shoes, bags and eyewear.

The organization has two branches within Bacolod, is located in Lacson St . Spot B. T. Aquino travel and the different is inside Robinson’s Shopping mall Bacolod. The Pelts Organization is still using the old software that is just like the FoxPro MS Dos with barcode characteristic. That is why we came to an area to recommend a new program that can help help to make their operate easier and efficient.

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We would like to change their Physical Count number Inventory Program to a Digital Sales & Inventory Program for less difficult and fast workflow, and will help improve their work like their expansion as a firm. Purpose & Description Pelts Computerized Sales & Inventory System has the following features: The Product sales System this kind of where the primary transactions such as the sales through cash, charge cards, Pelts Credit cards & examine payments are being noted. This system also helps them know the dimensions of the real-time ventures and helps these people monitor their income if you have growth in the industry.

The Inventory System is the one tracking the incoming and outgoing shares and the noted and current stocks with the Company. Our team decided to incorporate the two separate systems as one for them to monitor real-time deficiency on the sales plus the inventory of their stocks. Standard Objective The General Objective of the proposal is usually to improve the existing system of Pelts Corporation by using a computerized Revenue & Products on hand System. Specifically this pitch is to address the following: To build up a repository that concentrates on recording every units & items brought to the company which can be part of the Products on hand System. To further improve their Fox Pro MS 2 software to a Visual Standard Software.

To enhance their archival system seeing that both revenue and inventory system will be combined and is also computerized you will have less paper works and hard copy of the data can be minimized in the storage place facility. Range & Limitation The suggested system allows access that just authorized personnel can use thus it will have a Login feature for reliability. The system can easily generate a written report to the documents and records on the certain data and categories they require.

The Computerized Sales and Inventory system can get the current costs, the cash and debit cards revenue, credit cards and check impose, gift check conditional, repayments, returns and memo. Additionally, it may access the gross sales total of the outdated and new brands. The Pelts Electronic Sales and Inventory program will bring up to date every year. The update will separate the and the fresh records to avoid the files to overlap with one another.

The second reason is the system may inventory the credit line deals but we all cannot retail outlet it inside the records seeing that there is a several system that handles it in the condition of the setting of payment.